Chapter 1037: Lucky Harry (Part 2)

The entrance to the huge flight channel was in a mess.
Under the alternating red and white lights, there were mecha wrecks everywhere on the ground.
There are more shocking expanses of blood everywhere.
Not in the mood to watch these, Harry accelerated the aircraft again.
A shuttle flying from another direction was about to collide with Harry's aircraft.
The pilot was obviously not as crazy as Harry, and he did not dare to grab the zero and one second of time, but he drove the shuttle to flew upwards obliquely, preparing to make a roundabout and reenter the flight channel.
Obviously, it was not as lucky as Harry.
An aircraft that was inserted obliquely from a low altitude did not expect that the shuttle would have such an action, and then violently crashed together.
There was a loud "boom", and the strong shock wave was mixed with a large number of metal fragments, from the energy fireball to all directions.
Several shuttles and aircraft that flew over saw this terrifying picture and evaded in an emergency.
Harry heard the explosion clearly.
Although it didn't see it, it knew what happened.
As an excellent pilot, as early as the moment he entered the flight channel, he had already grasped everything around him.
The moment the shuttle changed its direction, Harry had predicted its end.
If the shattered shuttle did not choose to avoid upwards, but maintained its original angle and speed, it would safely wipe its aircraft and enter the flight channel together.
It's a pity that the driver was too courageous.
Without thinking about that, Harry, who was driving the aircraft, quickly entered the "battleship zone" through the unobstructed flight channel.
At this moment, it took a long breath.
Lucky Harry made the right choice.
In the "battleship zone", battleships large and small are taking off almost every second.
In the passage leading to more than three hundred take-off and landing platforms, one warship after another got in a little chaotically.
Through the take-off and landing platform, those warships or tribesmen will soon enter the universe and leave the mothership that is full of danger at this time.
The "Warship Zone" is lively and weird.
The lively thing is that a large number of Kye people who arrived in the "battleship zone" either drove in groups or rushed to different warships individually, and then quickly left after starting the warship.
The strange thing is that the seemingly chaotic and busy "battleship zone", at least in the area Harry has reached, is almost completely silent except for occasional cries of young children.
All the Kye people tried their best to maintain absolute silence, for fear that their voices would cause aliens.
No one would naively think that there is no alien invasion in the "battleship zone".
On the podium one by one, glass stained with blood plasma.
In the passage, large swaths of blood.
These sights clearly tell the Kye people that the aliens have already invaded here and killed and swallowed all the Kye people who remained here.
Fearing that the alien would suddenly come out, Harry speeded up and reached the area where his warship was.
When it just ran out of the aircraft with the family, another shuttle also happened to open the hatch.
"Harry! You are still alive, great!"
A particularly tall Keyi said in surprise.
Behind it, about twenty or thirty Kye people dragged their families out.
Seeing it, Harry's face also showed joy.
Harry didn't talk nonsense. After the two groups came together, he looked at his tall companion "Danny".
Danny frowned.
"Saini" is a soil-class battleship. Compared with the "feather-class battleship", its start-up is slower and its operation is more complicated.
"Tor, the pilot of the Saini, told me yesterday that the Saini may have to perform a mission. Think about it, if the mission is to be performed, the warship will definitely be filled with various supplies."
"If we just leave with our own feather-class battleship, we will not find a safe place for a while. What should we eat and drink then?"
Harry quickly explained in a low tone.
"it is good."
When he heard it say that, Danny naturally had no more words, and he responded happily.
A group of people quickly reached the "Saini" through the elevator platform.
Seeing that the hatch was still closed, Harry breathed a sigh of relief.
I ran over and input general instructions to open the hatch. Forty Kye people didn't use them at all to remind them. One ran faster than one.
"Wait for us."
"Please, wait a minute."
At the moment when the door was closed, he saw that on the lifting platform that rose rapidly in the distance, more than a dozen tribesmen could not care about the possibility of attracting aliens. They shouted anxiously, and Harry closed the door completely without hesitation.
"It's not that I don't want to save them, but their shouts may attract those terrible monsters."
Turning around, he explained to the children who were looking at him.
Regardless of what they might think, Harry turned and ran towards the cockpit.
As for the other more Kyi people, they just followed Harry's back.
They fully approve of Harry's decision, but they don't know if they are calling for help just now, they don't know if they will do so.
Ten seconds later, the engine of the "Sene" was ignited.
Because there was no one on the podium to cooperate, the thick mechanical arm still locked the warship firmly.
The high-energy ray cannons on both sides of the battleship turned flexibly and locked all the robotic arms at the same time.
The silent shelling broke several mechanical arms instantly.
The suddenly sinking battleship quickly climbed up under the powerful flame jet from the engine.
Then, the huge battleship began to accelerate.
Those more "feather-class warships" watched the "Saini" completely dashing and chased up. Each pilot jumped into a thunder, but they could only choose to avoid as much as possible to both sides and give up the passage.
The overbearing "Saini" squeezed dozens of small warships and quickly reached the "36" lifting platform.
The huge door of the lifting platform is closed under the control of the automatic system.
After completely isolating the lifting platform space, the hatch to the universe opened slowly.
Without waiting for the hatch to be fully opened, after confirming that it was enough to pass, the "Syini" suspended on the lifting platform accelerated and flew out.
The Kei people who wept with joy, the excited Harry and Danmin did not notice, but in the gap in the pipe on the cabin door that was still slowly opened, a slender messenger alien quietly protruded its skull.
The moment the battleship "Sini" completely left the mothership, its skull quietly retracted.
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