Chapter 1072: Powerless

It was like a massacre.
The hideous and terrifying alien beast became a butcher with its teeth and claws, and the warship of the Kei tribe who fled in a hurry became prey.
The strange and mysterious bubbles cut off the hope of the Kei warships to flee.
When more warships collided with the seemingly invisible but real bubble wall, and then exploded violently, this time without the desperate Captain Gibb’s order, more warships began to withdraw from the light, whether it was towards the huge The alien beast alien, or the bubble wall opened fire violently.
Blood began to gush from Yunhai's nostrils and corners of lips.
If it is said to maintain a bubble barrier formed by psionic energy with a diameter exceeding the length of "one light hour", which has caused his psychic overdraft to reach the limit, then it stems from the fierce attack of the Kye warship against the bubble wall. It made him a little unbearable.
"Ling Neng Hai" began to violently shake.
The wave of psychic energy that was originally enough to set off a stormy sea, at this time, was surging weakly and impenetrably like a light breeze.
The star at the center of the "Psionic Sea" is much brighter than stars of any age.
Yunhai even had an illusion that if the Kei warships attacked the bubble barrier more violently, or if their own extreme overdraft spirit could maintain the bubble for a long time, then this unusually bright star might explode at any time.
If you think about it with your ass, you know what it means. Yunhai doesn't think that he can be as lucky as in the Kye mothership, but he can break through again by overdrawing his psychic energy to the limit.
Fortunately, the Alien Beast Alien is very powerful, whether it is aware of Yunhai's plight and danger, its slaughter has become faster, faster and more efficient.
It was completely a twisted light and shadow, especially under the light of artificial stars cast by the Kei warship to better lock its existence.
The twisted light and shadow are like the afterimage of death's sickle.
In the space it passed, the Kei warships one after another either exploded or disintegrated into fragments instantly.
For the complete First Fleet, up to now, there are only less than 30,000 warships left.
And this number is still dropping sharply every second.
There is no longer any possibility to escape.
On the "Flagship" main ship, Gibb laughed sadly.
But in the next second, it put on a decisive look and gave its final order.
The battleship escaping quickly gave up the needless attack on the alien beast and alien.
At the same time, they gave up the equally useless attack on the bubble wall.
A large number of warships began to gather towards different coordinate positions.
Every battleship that exited the light turned on the energy shield, and at the same time turned on the "dark field life instrument."
In the process, they even stopped the conventional antimatter guns.
The silent march, the tragic assembly.
Although every Kye tribe firmly believes that as long as they can successfully launch the "dark field life" attack at a predetermined coordinate point, no matter the silent but terrifying sea of ​​clouds, or they are still killing their battleships. Alien beasts and aliens will be annihilated by the extremely intense fluctuations of dark energy.
At the same time, every Kye tribe does not doubt that the tens of millions of alien troops that are approaching quickly will tear all the warships they ride on to shreds before or after their darkfield attack.
Tens of millions compared to tens of thousands, the gap in strength will be infinitely narrowed.
"All other warships cover the gold-class warships. Such a large-scale dark field attack can only be completed by the gold-class warships."
"My dear warriors, my dear people, let us use the final roar to tell these ugly and cruel aliens that the great Kye people will never give in anytime and anywhere."
"Let us use fierce darkfield attacks to shred these two monsters, and let the alien civilization see. The Kye people have survived in the universe for so many years. We rely on not only powerful technology, but also our fearless courage."
In the public communication channel, Gib’s roar cheered up almost all Kye people.
"Kill them, kill them."
"Kye people never fear death."
"Qixing gold-class battleship, you can just fly to the established spatial coordinate position, don't worry, the ten wooden warships of our second squadron will stand behind you."
"Offense, offense!"
In the public communication channel, a lot of excited shouts rang.
It's just that those Kye people who are excited, excited, impulsive and even a little dizzy, few people have noticed some changed voices in public channels.
Of course, even if someone noticed, its inquiries and doubts were overwhelmed by more excited shouts.
"Chenguang Wooden-class battleship, I am Chenguang Wooden-class battleship, and my battleship has lost control."
"This is the Twilight Earth-class battleship. My battleship's engine control system is faulty and cannot change its direction."
"I am the Mingguang Gold-class battleship. My battleship's brain system suffered a serious failure and the battleship lost control."
In a few seconds, when similar calls for help or hurried reports increased, the tens of thousands of scattered warships had basically reached the established spatial coordinates.
After hearing the ears, it was too late to consider these abnormalities.
Taking a deep breath, Gibb gave the order to start the dark field life form attack.
However, its order was only halfway through, and it didn't even finish a sentence, not to mention that the synchronized ten-second countdown that the brain had already started hadn't started yet, and the anomaly appeared again.
At a coordinate point, because of the rapid accumulation of energy on the hull, a large amount of energy arcs began to climb up on the surface of the gold-class battleship that accompanies the center of the battleship.
Suddenly, at the location of this gold-class warship, on the outermost periphery of this assembly point, three warships were out of control in the control room. Those Kye tribes looked at the brain light screen, and the dark-field attack instrument had been prompted. After the signal of attack, they trembled their lips in fear, and even warned other ships that they could not do it.
The energy arc that blasted and extended, spread out from the surface of the three warships located in different positions.
The violent energy arc was handed over in an instant.
When the energy output reached its peak in the shortest time possible, at this assembly point, when the souls of other warships were too late to react, the dark field attack had already formed.
The invisible dark energy tide surged violently, and the warships at this assembly point began to undergo strange and terrifying changes.
A huge wooden battleship, like a three-dimensional paper model, was instantly squeezed into a mass by the weak tide of gravity.
A miniature "feather-class battleship", with the surging tide of the undercurrent, first folds and twists from the middle, and then silently shatters until it disappears.
Most battleships, even without the impact of the explosion, have completely disappeared in the violent dark energy tide.
A rallying point, tens of thousands of warships, was completely shattered by the dark field attack formed by one's warships in just an instant.
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