Chapter 1117: Nether

He hit the wall hard and slid down softly.
Among the pupils of the mercenaries that flickered alternately with confusion and panic, another mercenary who had drawn out a micro particle gun flew up.
Standing slightly bent over, he suddenly flew up to a distance of more than one meter, then fell down with a "plop", and there was no more sound.
He pulled out the sight glass on the helmet, and after switching several modes in a row, the mercenary captain holding the particle gun, finally saw a scene that almost suffocated him.
A distorted light and shadow, almost ignoring gravity, was flying in the low altitude of the secret room.
Dragging a long phantom, it swooped down from low altitude and pounced on another mercenary.
The next weird scene made the mercenary captain almost unbelievable.
The twisted light and shadow passed through the mercenary's body directly.
It was as if a mercenary hit by a heavy hammer was knocked into flight, and then fell heavily.
At the same time, in the eyes of the mercenary captain, a red light and shadow representing heat flowed through his body, disappearing from the mercenary.
It just disappears instantly, not even the process of changing from high to low.
Seeing this scene, the mercenary captain, who was so terrified that there were a lot of cold rashes on the skin of his body, completely understood.
No matter what this distorted light and shadow is, how strange or how strange its attacking method is, the damage it does to the living body is the ultimate freezing.
The mercenary captain fully believed that the organs of the three mercenaries he had killed had definitely been frozen.
Of course, knowing this will not help.
Especially when the light and shadow that pounced on another mercenary was locked in an instant, when the mercenary captain accurately hit it, but the particle light just passed through the body in vain and did not cause any damage to that light and shadow, he completely Lost the idea of ​​resistance.
No matter what it is, the legendary ghost or the mysterious spirit body, the mercenary captain knows that this light and shadow is definitely not something they can kill.
He rushed to the door decisively, and the three mercenaries who panicked behind him turned into a shield of the mercenary captain.
The mercenary captain who had understood everything could not expect to be able to open the door.
Before the person rushed past, the tiny particle gun in his hand had violently fired at the control panel of the locked metal door.
There were four arc sparks. For safety reasons, when the control system failed, the metal door slid open according to the set degree.
Only one step away, only one step away.
No matter whether he could survive or not, he could at least escape the sealed dark room. It was just this hope that the mercenary captain could not achieve.
There were two "plops" in succession behind him. When he felt an extreme chill coming from the soul, the mercenary captain sighed in his heart, then slammed his left hand. The high-explosive grenade that had already been taken off and opened the insurance Touch the button.
The next second, his forward body flew up suddenly and hit the door heavily.
Before his dead body slipped down, the high-explosive grenade exploded suddenly.
The blazing fire and flying fragments under the impact of the shock wave sent the test papers in all directions.
The virtual grip of the right hand was held tightly. Li Tianxing, who was a little nervous, saw the distorted shadow in the light screen without any influence, and flew out of the secret room directly through the violent shock wave, his face bursting open. Smile.
"Xiaoxing, when I was doing the project in this base, you know how many people laughed at me behind."
"They even said later that if I were not the prince, such an approach would be worse than any prodigal son."
"For fifty years, I have endured fifty years of criticism."
"Have you seen it? Xiaoxing, the strength of the condensate is even beyond my estimation."
"They will definitely become the most powerful weapons of our empire."
"The infrastructure has already been completed."
"Now that the core technology is penetrated, it only takes a very short time, I can have a strong condensed state corps."
"Stupid crocodile, no longer worthy of being my enemy."
"How can the fierce aliens deal with my powerful condensed regiment."
"Alien Master, tremble, fear, you will pay the price for your arrogance."
Staring at the "condensed matter" that flew out of the "room in the room", but was trapped by the specific radio wave radiation wall of the outer room, Li Tianxing, who looked like crazy, kept talking.
"But can we make sure to control them?"
The female assistant "Xiaoxing" standing behind him asked in a trembling voice.
"This question, you will see the answer immediately."
Li Tianxing smiled mysteriously.
Reaching out, he opened a box on the desktop that was almost inseparable from him.
Inside the metal box, there is a piece of silver-white metal.
When Li Tianxing took it out, Xiaoxing realized that it was a flat cube structure.
Before she could even see the details clearly, she saw Li Tianxing pushing something on the three-dimensional cube, and then the cube became a silver-white helmet in the rapid expansion.
Putting on the helmet carefully, Li Tianxing once again looked at the "condensed matter" in the light screen and began to violently hit the outer wall.
The next second, a strange scene in the light screen made Xiaoxing's eyes widened.
The "condensed matter" that kept crashing against the outer wall, or the alien body that Xiaoxing had identified as a "ghost", suddenly stagnated in the air like freezing.
Regardless of its human-shaped twisted form, or the misty light and shadow dragging behind it, it was all frozen in an instant.
Soon, its body began to dissipate.
It was like the mist completely disappeared into the void in an instant under the shining sun.
"How did you do it?"
The only worry was resolved, Xiaoxing suddenly showed an expression of admiration, and there was only a small star in her beautiful eyes.
"It's hard to tell you clearly. All you need to know is that this smart helmet stores all the information about the condensed matter and the subject, and it emits a kind of electric wave that makes the condensed matter fearful."
"So even if I am surrounded by billions of condensed matter, I don't have to worry about my safety."
"And if I want to kill one of them, I only need to lock them with mental power, and the helmet will shoot out radio waves that are lethal to them, thereby instantly disintegrating or killing them."
Li Tianxing smiled and explained a few words.
"You are amazing. But I still have a question. Are they conscious? How do you control them? Also, with so many aliens, how many condensed matter do we need to defeat them?"
Xiaoxing asked again because of the special relationship of being an assistant after get off work and a "close roommate" after work.
"The artificial intelligence brain will help me control them together."
"And every time the condensed matter kills a living body, it can absorb the energy of those living bodies and become stronger."
"What we see now is only the initial form of condensed matter."
"According to the calculation of artificial intelligence brains, after they have absorbed enough energy, not only many condensed matter can freely merge and split, but their lethality will be stronger."
"Think about it, the results of artificial intelligence brain calculations, even the warships of our Silver Dragon Empire with the energy shield on, can't stop the condensed attack attack, how can aliens be an exception."
Li Tianxing became happier as he said, and couldn't help laughing.
"The name condensed matter seems a bit confusing, haven't you thought of giving them a better name?"
Xiaoxing walked over and took Li Tianxing's arm, tilted his head and asked.
"Nether...I had already figured out how to name them at the earliest."
"Xiaoxing, although I know exactly what condensed matter is from a scientific point of view, I still stubbornly believe that they are human souls."
"In the ancient legend of our home planet, the Nether from Yuanze is second only to the gods."
"Don't you think that the condensed matter we created is the Nether Clan cast from the deepest part of Yuanze?"
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