Chapter 1144: Trouble before the war

"Detected abnormal spatial fluctuations."
"It is certain that the anomaly comes from the transformation of the entropy value of the small universe attached to space."
"Confirm the existence of the small universe, start positioning the space bridge."
In the dark space, a fleet is suspended quietly.
The shapes of these warships are shuttle-shaped, and only a few transport ships are standard ellipses.
The Star Fleet, a fleet that belongs to the "Star Alliance United Nations" fully controlled by the "Star Clan".
On the largest main ship, the main control room was busy.
Busy but not chaotic, different crew members are responsible for different tasks. Except for the "master control brain" sound from different instruments, the sound is a bit chaotic, everything else is in order.
Captain Mark sat on the bridge command chair and turned a deaf ear to the chaotic noise.
The originally tall "Sky Star Clan", a military uniform set off his strong body, looking like a of war.
The faint blue eyes looked at the dark universe quietly, but Mark was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.
During the long journey, he finally got almost all the memories of Alice, the "primitive spirit race".
Dozens of top information intelligence experts, coupled with the "master control brain" screening, Mark got a lot of useful intelligence information as he wished.
The unknown is the most terrifying.
Only now, this idea of ​​Mark has changed again.
Sometimes, the deeper you understand, the more you fear.
Alien occupied a lot of useful information in Alice's memory.
As Mark learns more about aliens, the more he recognizes the terrifying aspects of this alien civilization.
In Mark's view, this kind of creature shouldn't appear in the universe. Only a powerful civilization with the most cutting-edge biotechnology can create this kind of biological arms specifically for war and killing.
Weird, impermanent, invisible parasitic, greedy and terrifying growth, birth.
As long as he thinks of the alien parasitizing in the organism, and finally biting and swallowing the host's organs cruelly, finally breaking open the host's chest brutally, and even turning around and swallowing the host completely, Mark has some creeps.
Mark has never been afraid of war.
In fact, as an excellent captain, watching a large number of warships decay quietly in the space dock, he actually prefers to see warships ruined heroically on the battlefield.
All kinds of enemies, Mark has encountered a lot in his life.
But this is the first time for an existence like alien civilization.
Don't worry about adult aliens, the "Star Clan" has never feared enemies on the battlefield, nor has they worried about the number of enemies.
Powerful warships and individual sturdy "original power" capabilities are their greatest reliance.
What Mark worries about is the enemies that he can't see.
For example, Alice's memory is almost impossible to capture the alien face worm.
As soon as he thinks of how many alien worms lurking in the dark space, or after climbing on the surface of the 6 planets, always beware of them everywhere, Mark feels like a fight.
I haven't considered the protection of individual armor, because Alice's memory clearly tells him that the corrosiveness in the blood of the face bug is not inferior to the adult alien.
Alien blood can easily corrode metals.
The individual armor of the "Star Clan" is the best in terms of communication, survival, and defense, but Mark feels that it is not strong enough to resist the corrosion of alien blood.
Of course, this is not to say that the "Stars" are not capable of producing materials or armors that can withstand the corrosion of alien blood.
It's just that they don't have specimens of alien blood, so they are naturally unable to conduct targeted research, manufacture, and even upgrade individual armor.
The invisible enemy is the most deadly.
The target universe has been found, and there will be no problems with the construction of the space bridge.
Seeing that the Star Fleet was about to enter the small universe, he was not worried about how to deal with the alien army Mark, but he could not think of a way to deal with the alien worm.
With his unconscious gaze retracted from a distance, Mark turned to look at the corner of the main control cabin.
There was a huge light-screen desktop there. At this time, six or seven excellent military intelligence officers were all around, frowning in silence, talking in low voices, or arguing fiercely.
The sky above the desktop light screen is the stereoscopic projection image of the star map in the small universe.
This star map was created by the staff through the intelligence of the inspector and Alice's memory.
Originally, the "Star Clan" had star maps and data of this small universe.
It’s just that the attacks of the
spirit race
have destroyed too many things in the
sky star race
, and the environment in the small universe is not static, so this
real-time star map
seems to these people to be reliable and credible. very high.
Frowning slightly, Mark reached out and pressed the green button on the armrest of the ship's chair.
The military intelligence officers who were thinking hard and discussing the battle plan and plan, seeing the red light and low beeping on the desktop, looked at the captain one by one.
The gloomy Mark made them even more uneasy.
Others can bow their heads and put on an expression of guilt, but the military intelligence officer cannot.
Biting the bullet, the slightly fat military intelligence officer ran to the captain in a few steps.
"How? Are there any plans?"
Mark stared at him closely and asked in a deep voice.
"The overall battle plan remains unchanged. After the space bridge is opened, a small group of miniature warships will be sent in to take a look. After one of the warships has returned without problems, our entire fleet will enter in turn."
"Now there are some details, because there is no precise information, it is still impossible to determine."
The intelligence officer whispered.
"Details? Are you talking about the problem of the alien face-holding bug?"
Mark's face was like the sky where a rainstorm was coming, and it became more gloomy.
Sweat oozes from his forehead, the military intelligence officer wiped the sweat, and said after a long while: "Preliminary studies have shown that Alien is extremely resistant to high temperatures, but it is a bit worse at relatively low temperatures."
"Aliens are like this, and we believe that their nascent body hugs are no exception."
"So we suggest that during the battle, if you suspect that there are alien worms in the battle space or somewhere on the surface of the planet, then use ice blast bombs to cover the attack. We believe this method should be able to suppress alien worms."
The intelligence officer said carefully.
"Coverage attack?"
"Ice blast bombs are just unconventional weapons. The total number of warships in the entire Star Fleet is no more than the reserve of two units."
"Relying on the reserves of these two units, will you talk to me about coverage attacks?"
The hidden tendons on Mark's forehead jumped, and with a lot of restraint, he controlled his urge to fire.
"The space bridge is successfully positioned, and the measurement is stable enough to be sure that it can be opened at any time."
Without waiting for the trembling military intelligence officer to respond with a horror, the sweet voice of "Master Control Brain" rang clearly.
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