Chapter 1161: Which is better

The fireball burning all the time, as the distance gets closer and closer, the violent stars seem to be provoked, frantically setting off a storm of flames that spray into the universe. Tian Lai Novels
In the cognition of people on earth, this is the solar wind.
With the aurora at this moment, Yunyue clearly saw the scene that made her blood boil.
Three hundred thousand insects have arrived at their destination.
Obviously, they were called by the mother worm.
On a rocky planet that is very close to the star, the bugs that had fled in the past have probably gathered together, a total of two to three million bugs, firmly kept outside the planet's orbit.
The estimation error once again did not make Yunyue decadent.
What she just calculated was just the number of bugs that rushed over.
The female worm that was obviously staying on that earth-like rocky planet, the worm it originally had, was ignored by Yunyue.
But it didn't matter, because Yunyue saw the alien beast and alien.
As of now, the alien race is second only to the gold medalist in the alien race to dominate combat power-alien monster alien.
Obviously, there has been a fierce battle, and there are corpses of insects everywhere in the vast void outside the planet's orbit.
Not only insects, but also some alien corpses are also wandering.
The number of aliens is not much.
When Alien Beast and Alien came to the Demon Ge clan star field, they brought hundreds of millions of Alien.
It's just that among these aliens, there are only more than 100,000 evolutionary aliens and around 50,000 "giant tree aliens" with light abilities.
In other words, hundreds of millions of aliens are still far from here.
When Yunyue rushed over, the 150,000 or so aliens were not as dead or injured as she had imagined, at least about 120,000 aliens were still alive.
On the battlefield, the atmosphere stagnated.
The alien beast and alien was floating quietly in the void not far from the planet. Behind it, almost all of the around 120,000 aliens were injured.
In front of them, there is a battlefield full of corpses and debris.
Further forward, there is a dense army of bugs.
Behind them is the planet.
Under the intense radiation bombardment of the star, the planetary atmosphere is compressed and stretched backwards, forming a "tail" at the back of the sun, like a huge comet.
At first I thought that the "Zerg" mother worm was hiding on that planet.
But when Yunyue gradually approached the alien beast and alien, she realized that she was wrong.
In the huge Huitail, a pair of eyes "looked" over.
Cannot feel the existence of life breath, Yunyue estimated that the mother worm must have a way to hide her life breath.
But she can be sure that she has a feeling of being spied on.
"Why did you stop?"
The 300,000 insects may know that the alien beasts are not easy to provoke, or they are eager to rush back to guard the mother insects, and the insects that have not been in direct contact with the alien beasts and aliens, go around and fall into the army of insects, and fly to the alien. Yunyue beside the beast alien could not help asking curiously.
While communicating mentally, she was also observing alien animals and alien forms.
No serious injuries can be seen, at least on the surface.
After all, Alien Beast Alien is different from other Alien Forms. It not only has a harder bone armor that almost all Alien Forms cannot match, but after evolution, it has the same energy shield as the sea of ​​clouds.
"The mother worm has an ability. When I approach, its attack ability will cause confusion in my consciousness. To be precise, I don't know what to do or what I am doing."
"On the battlefield in front of you, at least thousands of aliens were killed by me."
The alien beast and alien remained motionless, responding to Yunyue in a spiritual exchange.
"Mental attack ability?"
Yunyue was a little dumbfounded when she heard it.
A female worm with only mental attack ability, a female worm protected by two or three million worms, the alien ruler's order must catch it, and Yunyue now does not see any hope of catching the female worm.
"I had at least two chances just now. I broke through the blockade of the worm army and approached it, but it was all destroyed by its attack."
"The attack of the mother worm does not last long, and it cannot continuously release such an attack."
"Just before you came, it just did this."
Alien Beast Alien continued in the spiritual exchange.
"Then why don't you rush forward? It can't continuously release this kind of attack, seize the opportunity it just cast once, and rush forward."
Yunyue didn't understand it.
"Wait, we are all waiting for a fact."
Alien Beast Alien said, pointing out the direction for Yunyue in the spiritual exchange.
Right in the middle of the "Zerg" and the Alien, on that chaotic and miserable battlefield, Yunyue suddenly became anomalous.
Not all are corpses, there are at least hundreds of aliens and bugs alive.
It's just that they seem to have lost their consciousness and ability to act.
If they didn't clearly feel their breath of life, if they didn't see them occasionally convulsing and convulsing, Yunyue might have thought that they had kept relatively complete bodies.
"Those aliens have been infected by bugs, or parasitic."
"And those worms are also parasitized by face-holding worms."
"The mother worm didn't continue to run away, and chose to defend here. I didn't continue to attack. It was the same plan."
"He and I both want to know whether the worm can successfully parasite the worm, and whether the worm can infect the alien."
In the mental communication, Alien Beast Alien said in a habitually calm or indifferent voice.
"So that's it!"
Yunyue suddenly realized.
This matter is extremely important to Alien.
Obviously, it is no small matter for the Zerg.
Because whether it is bugs that can infect aliens, or aliens can parasite, this will affect the entire battle.
The mother worm cared about this, so it temporarily gave up escaping, quietly waiting for the result, and waiting for more reinforcements by the way.
Alien Beast Alien or Alien Master cares about this, so Alien did not rush to attack.
"This is really important."
Yunyue nodded solemnly, and then asked again: "How long has this been born?"
"Just now, when you just arrived."
Alien Beast Alien said, suddenly stretched out and flew forward slowly.
There was a commotion on the insect swarm.
Perhaps it had had enough of the suffering of this behemoth, or it was because it only slowly flew over and was not fast, and the obvious turmoil of the insect swarm did not separate a part of the insect to greet it, nor did it cast a bone spur attack.
With a move in her heart, looking at the alien beast's body as a shield that couldn't be better, Yunyue hesitated for a moment or flew behind it.
The other aliens obviously received orders from alien beasts and aliens, but they still stayed in place and did not follow.
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