Chapter 1167: suddenly

The crazy obsession, or the magic barrier, quickly disappeared.
When the fighting between the people of the day was the most intense, a slight change caused Yun Hai to wake up from the magic barrier.
That tiny "light snake", as if feeling the thought of the sea of ​​clouds, once again circled half a circle in the dark space of the distant universe.
It is almost 100% certain that it is a "Zerg", although I don't understand why it will fly over and circle the area of ​​"Half Star", but it has no intention of approaching it, and its mind is not on its body at this time. I also chose to ignore it.
In fact, it's useless to pay attention. The "light snake" composed of more life breath is extremely sensitive to dangerous breath.
Before it approached, the few "giant tree aliens" closest to it returned without warning and attacked with energy rays.
As if there was a foresight, the "light snake" had already fled away quickly when the "giant tree alien" turned around.
And it didn't run straight away, but it was agile and flexible, and it dragged a completely irregular trajectory.
Even Yunhai made the shot, and it was confirmed to be locked when it was shot. As a result, the "psionic cannonball" eventually exploded in the void far away from them.
Pursuing is of no use.
This little thing possesses light power equivalent to the sea of ​​clouds and the "giant tree alien".
Flying in the universe without resistance will not consume much energy unless it needs to change direction or resist sudden lethal radiation.
This means that even if Yunhai wanted to catch this "light snake", he would have to be prepared to pursue it for a long time.
There is always a clear distinction between priority and priority. Compared to this spying "light snake", the fleet of the "Sky Stars" is more important right now, so Yun Hai ignored its existence.
At the most critical moment, when the soft light radiated from the "Space Light Bridge" made Yunhai almost want to stretch out and fly up, the "light snake" swimming made him wake up instantly.
There are no pores, but the sea of ​​clouds that wakes up feels like a cold sweat.
Take it for granted.
After he woke up, he felt that he had thought of everything too well.
The strength of the "intelligent civilization" is still uncertain.
Just being a "Zerg" can already equal the alien civilization.
If he left at this time, it would have ended the test of "smart civilization" on him.
He even wondered whether he was hiding in a dark corner and watching the "intelligent civilization" here. When he entered the "space light bridge", he suddenly closed the "space light bridge" by unknown means.
There is no doubt that "intelligent civilization" has this ability, and Yunhai has no doubt about their determination.
After all, it doesn't seem to make much sense for the alien civilization to have his dominance.
What's more, there is also a "Zerg" watching closely.
I felt a trace of shame from the bottom of my heart for my impulse and recklessness.
The sea of ​​clouds soon calmed down, and a good way was devised in an instant.
Upon receiving his order, from the "half-star" wreckage area, something that the naked eye could not see, quickly flew over.
When they reached the sea of ​​clouds, the invisible spider worms gathered together to form a small shadow.
"On the way to evolution, Alien still has a long way to go!"
"The Zerg in the initial stage has the ability to fly with light."
"And what I can do now is to give the alien in the initial stage the ability to fly with light."
Looking at these spiders, Yun Hai felt a little emotional.
Obviously felt the "light snake" wandering in the distance, at this moment it was getting closer.
Yun Hai turned a blind eye, and then looked at the misty "Light Bridge".
This shadow is a "spider worm" that has passed ten million.
After receiving the command from the master, they spread out and flew on the "space light bridge" quickly.
A stern roar suddenly rang in Yunhai's mind.
At the same time, the "light snake" that had been floating outside suddenly flew over here like crazy.
Not afraid of them coming, just afraid of them running away.
After Yun Hai gave the spiritual order, the "Psionic Cannon" on his shoulders silently fired as his body turned.
With complete control, the "psionic cannonball" fired this time was very small.
The "Psionic Cannonball" about the size of a human head blasted in front of them when the "Light Snake" flew crazy.
The violent explosion exploded a seemingly complete "light snake" into pieces.
After being exploded, they became hundreds of individuals, like "spider worms" scattered around, unable to be seen.
In Yunhai's spiritual perception, most of the life individuals that cannot be seen extinguished the light spot representing their existence.
But this is not all, there is still a small part, about a dozen or so, but they still flew toward the "space light bridge".
"Want to go, haha, in front of me, you have to ask me if I can answer."
With a grin in his heart, he was sure that no matter how tightly his paws were pinched, the gap would be enough for them to fly away freely, so he simply used "psychic energy."
More than a dozen bubbles, when the dozens of tiny living bodies approached the "space light bridge", they completely enveloped them.
The invisible bubbles, the seemingly soft bubble walls, in the crazy impact of those living bodies, there was not even a hint of ripples.
"Playing stupid? Or really stupid?"
"This little universe is a public toilet? Come in if you want, or leave if you want?"
"Also, I just put some face-holding bugs out, so you don't want to?"
"Tell me, what are you nervous about?"
Controlling more than a dozen bubbles to merge into one, it is obvious that the life breath of these little bugs gathered together is stronger. While Yunhai tries to communicate with them, it also applies more "spiritual energy" to the bubbles. on.
There was no response. These worms, which were obviously equivalent to the alien face-carrying bugs, just released a strong anger and violent aura, but just like the lower creatures with simple consciousness, they did not respond to Yunhai's spiritual communication.
Communication without response is destined to be unable to continue.
Yunhai spirit controlled the "bubbles" to float to his side, and then his attention turned to the "space light bridge".
Tens of millions of "spider worms" scattered and flew up in batches.
However, when a part of it flew out suddenly, without warning, the "spatial light bridge" suddenly twisted.
"Fortunately, I didn't risk flying up just now."
There is no doubt that the "Space Light Bridge" is about to be closed, and Yunhai is not even sure whether the millions of face-carrying bugs that have disappeared at the end of the "Space Light Bridge" have flown into the big universe or lost in the big and small universes. He felt fortunate first in the void area in between.
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