Chapter 1168: Silent impact and invisible enemies

"Who can tell me why the spatial light bridge suddenly closes?"
Outside the small universe, the Star Fleet, which also surrounds the "Space Light Bridge", and the main control cabin of the flagship-class battleship are full of the angry voice of Captain Mark.
Anger actually stems more from fear.
If more people still don’t know what happened, Mark knows very well that something must have happened.
"Void Beast" not only possesses magical spatial abilities, but more importantly, it also possesses the ability to influence the consciousness and judgment of intelligent creatures.
It is for this reason that the ancestors of the "Sky Stars" who are determined to make breakthroughs in space science and technology through the research of its capabilities, use their means to trap it with "plagues."
"Plague insects" are unsolvable disasters for more civilizations and creatures.
They could hardly be killed, at least at the time, the "Stars" did not find an effective way to contain them.
Of course, this is just before.
This time, the "Xinghui Fleet" came prepared, and naturally there are ways to deal with the "Pest".
Knowing the ability of the "Void Beast", Mark made a secret agreement with Deputy Captain Sponer, who was the first to enter the small universe.
Everyone thought that after the fifty miniature warships entered and returned to confirm that there was no problem, the fleet would enter the small universe one by one in succession.
But Mark knew that during the specific period of time when the fleet began to enter the small universe, Sponer, who was in the small universe, would send different miniature warships to the large universe and report the latest updates to Captain Mark, regardless of whether the small universe was safe or not. Case.
Considering that the "Void Beast" may also affect Sponer's consciousness, making him forget this important agreement, the two also thought of a way, which is to add Sponer and the personal brain system. Timing prompt information.
In this case, even if Sponer's consciousness is affected by the "Void Beast", the specially modified "watch" will pierce his skin with a small spike to remind him directly.
The agreed time has passed for a while.
The agreement that only Mark and Spanier knew about did not come.
Mark, who was initially disturbed, stopped the fleet's passing without hesitation, but before he could make a decision, the "Space Light Bridge" suddenly closed.
The black "space light bridge" closes silently, invisible to the naked eye.
In fact, the "spatial light bridge" is not visible to the naked eye.
Looking at the Zhinao light screen, the moment the black "spatial light bridge" was closed, the flickering of the rainbow bridge disappeared like a giant kiss from a strange animal, and Mark's scalp was numb.
"The interference of the unknown signal affected the instrument that maintains the stable existence of the spatial optical bridge, so it caused it to shut down."
The result came out immediately, but this conclusion made Mark feel even more chilling.
The Silver Dragon Empire does not have such a level of technology. In fact, in the intelligence of the "Inspector" and Alice's memory, the Silver Dragon Empire is still at an imaginary stage of space technology.
It is that their only battleship jump technology related to space technology is derived from the battleships of the "Sky Stars" that were left in this small universe.
Looking away from the light screen in front of him, Mark looked in the direction where the "spatial light bridge" disappeared.
He only felt that he was in that dark universe, and he was looking at himself with a pair of eyes.
He couldn't help but was a cold war, and he recovered his calm on the surface, when he was about to open his mouth to say something.
Suddenly, a low alarm sounded.
"High movement of unknown objects."
"There are so many, it is impossible to be sure what it is."
"They are so close to us, they are about to hit."
The voice of a crew member who changed his tune sounded.
"Open the energy shield!"
"What are you still trying to do!"
"Immediately! Quickly!"
Mark's roar rang.
But at this moment, the countdown to the impact that originated from the brain system had returned to zero.
Subconsciously grasping the armrest of the ship's chair, Mark imagined that the violent shaking of the battleship did not appear.
A "high movement" means that the opponent is at least close to the light.
Crashing at such a degree, even if it is just a shuttle, will cause serious damage to the flagship warship without the energy shield.
However, the situation is so strange.
The high impact of a large number of targets, let alone the huge flagship battleship without any abnormal appearance, even some of the miniature battleships that have also endured the impact in the brain light screen prompt, they did not even shake.
As an excellent captain, Mark never doubted the judgment of his men.
Even if the people make mistakes, the brain will not make mistakes at the same time.
"problem occurs."
Sweat oozes from his forehead and his head is turning desperately. It only takes a short time for Mark to understand what is happening.
He already had a pale face, but his blood disappeared instantly.
"No, it's those alien worms!"
"They sneaked into the universe through the space light bridge, and it was their enclave that hit us just now."
"Idiot, in the memory of that idiot, the Alien Hugger has no way to fly in space. Her memory deceived us."
He whispered at first, and soon Mark's voice turned into an angry roar.
"All mobile team members are dispatched."
"Examine every area of ​​the battleship thoroughly."
The chief of military intelligence next to Mark reacted the fastest. After he understood certain facts, he changed his voice to order.
"I'm Captain Mark."
"Because of a mistake in intelligence, we may have been attacked by the alien worm."
"I order everyone to dispatch immediately and thoroughly inspect all areas of the warship."
"Remember, bring ice slurry weapons, as long as you find suspicious targets, or find damaged holes that may have appeared on the battleship, even if it is small, you must immediately cover the attack with ice slurry weapons, but then consider repairing."
"In addition, the clean cabin is prepared, all personnel gather, and after a thorough inspection and scan through the medical cabin, they can enter the clean cabin and wait until they are confirmed that they are not parasitic."
"Our enemy has obviously successfully escaped the detection of biological scanning equipment."
"So, from now on, the enemy we will face is almost invisible."
"Food, water, they may sneak into any material, place."
"Perhaps when you talk, they will bounce into your mouth, even through your nostrils."
"We can defeat Alien, but we cannot deal with Alien Hug."
"Let's pray, pray that the mother of the Star Clan will protect us."
"Finally, if the situation reaches the point where we don't want to see it, I will order all warships to explode."
"Because we can't bring these invisible demons back to our world."
Among all the battleships of the Star Fleet, as Mark's voice on the public channel continued, all the "Sky Stars" people showed a desperate look.
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