Chapter 1187: Sincere Daoqian and satisfied surprise

The "giant tree aliens" born by the "tree gods" parasitized, including the mutant aliens parasitized by different species.
This part of the alien can be like the "Zerg" female insects or even other insects, and can absorb the energy they need in almost any environment and any substance.
Yunhai's "genetic modification" of the alien queen perfectly solved this problem.
Fortunately, the alien queens successfully transformed by him, including the first generation alien queens, can already give birth to alien worms that can fly in space.
And in further experiments, the aliens born from the parasitic hosts of these face worms not only have the ability to fly, but also can be like "giant tree aliens" and mutant aliens, whether they are fiery volcanic lava or icy ore. They can extract and absorb the energy they need to survive.
This is already a huge evolutionary leap. It was only after seeing the reproduction of the "Zerg" with his own eyes that Yunhai knew that if the war between the "Zerg" and the alien civilization was developed under the same conditions and in the same time, The former is more likely to eventually win.
The host is the fatal wound of the alien.
If there is no overlord, and if the enemy cannot be parasitized, the aliens will only fight less and less, and ultimately fail miserably.
It needs a host to be born, but it is the advantage of the alien.
Just like "Tree God", if the "Zerg" defeats the "Tree God", they can only get a lot of food, even if the food contains more energy, it is only food after all.
The aliens are different. They defeated the "tree gods", and they got half a million "giant tree aliens" with the ability of the "tree gods".
The same goes for "Void Beasts". Even if the "Zerg" is displayed, it can eventually be killed by the tactics of the "Zerg". What the "Zerg" obtains is just a corpse with a strange shape.
As for the aliens, as long as the "Void Alien Beasts" can be defeated, Yun Hai has the confidence to get more "Void Alien Forms".
Only the parasitic host can be born, which restricts the alien, and also allows the alien to have more special abilities that the race cannot match.
"Many things have two sides. If the alien and the worm are reversed, if you are the ruler of the zerg, you may again envy the alien parasitic host to absorb genes."
"Besides, Alien Civilization is only in the early stages of exhibition."
"So people who know the existence of alien civilizations or other civilizations affirm the potential of aliens."
"In the future, who can determine what the evolved alien will look like?"
When Zhi Han floating by the sea of ​​clouds watched Yunyue approaching hundreds of insects with nearly a hundred mutant aliens, she spoke to him in a spiritual exchange.
Yun Hai, who was quite emotional, was immediately relieved when she said this.
At this time, the dust has settled.
Hundreds of "battle bugs" that showed a brutal appearance and could spray bone spurs were quickly torn into pieces by Yunyue with hundreds of mutant aliens.
Seeing more engineer bugs on the ground speeding up the "mining" like crazy, and after the huge female worm's body began to tremble slightly, Yunhai asked Zhihan and Yunyue to guard it during the spiritual exchange, and pay close attention to the others. The insect of this kind was born, and then turned around.
I don't worry about what tricks this female worm can play. The billions of aliens are in the gas giant planets, as are the alien beasts.
If this female worm can play any tricks in front of the alien base camp, the alien civilization should not think about the big universe, this small universe will be enough to end them.
Zhan body flew to the "half-star" area where the "space light bridge" was located, and the sea of ​​clouds turned a few times.
It is estimated that in the short term, the "Sky Star Clan" will not open this "spatial light bridge" again.
He was also not sure whether the millions of alien face-holding bugs were lost in the interlayer between the big universe and the small universe due to the sudden closure of the "space light bridge", or they successfully sneaked into the big universe.
If it is the latter, can those alien face-holding bugs solve the "Star Fleet"? Or bring them some trouble.
With these questions, it was determined that the "Giant Tree Alien" staying here would not give the enemy a chance, Yunhai stretched out and left here, and flew to the distant "Aite Nebula".
Under the premise of having a better choice, the attitude of the "Void Alien Beast" is deviated, which is normal.
So Yunhai wanted to find out as much as possible what happened to it.
Because the "Void Beast" is powerful, there is no need to doubt.
The power of light makes the distance in a star system short.
Soon he reached the sea of ​​clouds at the edge of the "Aite Nebula", and almost the moment he approached the "Wooden Man" Totomi, the voice of "Void Beast" rang in his mind.
"In this small universe, too many things have happened recently."
"A civilization stronger than the Star Clan has appeared."
"It is not here to observe, but to invade and occupy."
"I don't know how they did it. Alien dominates. They have been in close contact with me and used a strange radiation wave to affect my consciousness."
"I even suspect that they did something to me, but I can't be sure."
"Aliens dominate, we must speed up the pace."
"Compared with them, the civilization of the Star Clan is on the same level as the humans of the Silver Dragon Empire and the alien civilization."
"If we drag on, we will become Mogo crocodile people, and a lot will become the history of this small universe."
The voice of "Void Beast" was solemn and serious.
With a sneer in his heart, Yun Hai began his response.
"First, I want to know where this civilization is? For example, their bases and base areas, because I believe they are not too far away from here, and should be within your ability."
"Secondly, I will not fulfill our previous agreement."
"Your requirement is that you need tens of billions of life forms to enter the nebula at the same time to contain the pests and reduce your stress."
"In my small universe, in addition to aliens, there is a new race that can meet your requirements."
"So, I don't plan to sacrifice Alien."
Yun Hai's resolute response caused the "Void Beast" to fall into silence.
The alien master who has never been so tough before it, and his sudden change of attitude is enough to explain some problems.
"The civilization I just mentioned has the ability to kill me and also the ability to help me out of trouble."
"Alien Master, I sincerely apologize to you."
"Some of the things it said made me confused for a while and almost changed my original intention."
"I don't know if it has been in contact with you, and what it said."
"Alien Master, let us be honest with each other now, because only in this way can we get through the difficulties together."
"I will help you find the base of this civilization, because it is really not difficult, even if it will make me, who is already weak, more unbearable."
"But I hope you can defeat them and help me find their instruments to contain the pests."
"At that time, I will give you a surprise, a surprise that you will absolutely be satisfied with."
After being silent for a long time, "Void Beast" spoke again.
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