Chapter 1236: Shadow Chuo Chuo

The seventh sector.
The 32nd star.
This star system is at the edge of the star field controlled by the "microscopic intelligent civilization".
In fact, compared to the amount of stellar coefficients that are absolutely controlled by the "territory", the "microscopic intelligent civilization" is a lot more than the "Zerg Clan.
Of course, this is not to say that the "micro-intelligent civilization" is stronger than the "Zerg Clan".
After all, it is still an "energy" issue.
The "Natural Miners" of the "Zerg Spines" can only collect the most basic energy, such as a fierce beast, a tree or a piece of ore.
More often, they are only active on the planet where the brood is located, and will not enter the universe.
But the "evolutionary mine worms" catalyzed by the mother emperor are different. In the words of the alien beast "Ying Sui", that is these disgusting and harmless insects, and there is almost nothing they can eat.
And more importantly, no matter what they eat, they will eventually excrete energy crystals that the "blood pool" can melt and the "Zergs" can absorb.
The high-efficiency energy collection of the "evolutionary miner" is not comparable to the "micro-intelligent civilization".
They will only send a large number of mining robots and transport ships to collect the energy they need from different planets.
"Micro-Intelligent Civilization" cannot be like "Evolutionary Miner". Even a barren planet that they can't stand for, "Evolutionary Miner" can obtain massive energy spar in a short time.
There is no such high efficiency as the "evolutionary miner", so the "micro-intelligent civilization" wants to obtain more materials and energy, but it can only expand its "territory" as much as possible.
Fortunately, the "Zerg Clan" is an ally, including the strange beast "Ying Sui" who used to like to wander around and punch in the east, has also become an ally.
Otherwise, just controlling and defending the "territory" that is nearly twice larger than the "Zerg Thorn Clan" is already a very difficult task.
The seven-sector star number 32 is at the edge of the star field controlled by the "micro-intelligent civilization".
The space base in this star system is about to be sealed.
The available resources in the 32nd star system and several nearby star systems have almost been collected, and the space base located in the center of the star system has almost completed its mission.
Of course, this is normal.
Obviously, things have changed.
A sidereal month ago, the base that was about to be sealed suddenly became lively.
A large amount of materials and energy that had been packaged and prepared to be taken away were unloaded and used.
Various types of robots densely packed in the transport ship were awakened by instructions and were busy in groups in the base.
The space base, which has long been dimmed, once again shines brightly because of the continuous high-speed operation of a large number of factories and equipment.
"Half of the 60 million space traction devices are nearly scrapped due to continuous frequency operation."
"The small universe is about to approach the seventh sector of the 32nd star. We need at least 20 million warships equipped with space towing devices to replace them before we can move on."
A message was transmitted to this base from the dark universe.
After receiving this message, the "No. 1 core sub-body" responsible for the operation of this base quickly responded: "We can only provide 10 million space traction devices to replace at most. The time is too short for us to satisfy your request."
"Ten million is far from enough. If the traction of the small universe is too slow, we cannot be sure that uncontrollable abnormalities will occur."
"There is no way, we can only provide ten million."
"Well, I will continue the bases of the 15th star system. They should also provide tens of millions of space towing devices."
"This is the only way. The transformation of the spacecraft can be completed in about one sidereal day. At that time we..."
The plain communication was going on, and suddenly a new message was inserted.
"Warning, warning."
"The Zergs in the eleven star system of Sector Five have changed."
"There are about five billion magnetic explosive insects and tens of billions of spiny insects, flying in your direction."
"In preliminary judgment, their goal is a small universe."
"If you still maintain your current degree and course, they will encounter you in half a stellar day."
The sudden appearance of this message silenced the different "core children" that were communicating.
After a short analysis, it was confirmed that the information came from a certain probe of their civilization all over the star field, and the two "core sub-body" made the same judgment and response in an instant.
More than ninety-nine percent of the time, the "Zerg Clan" came to the small universe.
The two "core sub-body" simultaneously sent this information out in an instant.
In the real big universe, because of the distance, the transmission of information is a very troublesome problem.
However, this star field has been in business for many years, no matter "Zergs" or "micro-intelligent civilization", they have established a complete communication network.
Just like the alien communication network of Yunhai in the small universe, the information of the two "core sub-body" was received by detectors located on the edge of this star system almost instantly after being transmitted.
There was hardly any stop, at this time it was more like a relay station detector, after the information was amplified and then passed out.
In this way, two pieces of the same information that originated from different "core sub-body"s were transmitted through a large number of "transit stations", and it only took a short time to reach the target area.
"Stop pulling on the small universe."
"When the towing spacecraft is reduced, pay attention to the abnormal conditions in the space, and must maintain absolute consistency in the degree, and no errors can occur."
"Small accidents can lead to the complete collapse of the small universe."
"What we care about is not only the small universe itself, but also some of the things in it."
"As for the Zerg Clan, don't worry."
"I have already judged this."
"Ten billion warships will arrive at your place after you receive this message."
"Don't worry that the Zergs will attack first, they just want to show their attitude."
"If they really want to go to war, it happens. I want to try the attack against the magnetic bombardment. We have studied for so long, whether it is effective."
The response from the "master brain" calmed the two "core sub-body".
In accordance with the orders of the "main brain", the "core sub-body" of the base began to mobilize all warships and activated the base's defense system.
And in the dark and cold interstellar medium region outside the star system, the translucent "sphere" that was dragged forward by countless spots of light began to slow down.
Farther away, in the space where the "sphere" or small universe has moved, in the space where the slight movement has gradually subsided, the whole body is covered with eyeworms, and at the same time it slows down.
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