Chapter 1248: solicit opinions

In fact, compared to more fierce "worm generals", ordinary spiny worms, in some respects, can make the enemy more fearful.
Like aliens, whether it's a "magnetic blaster" or a "thornworm", they don't know fear, and they don't have complicated emotions.
Such enemies are pure and more terrifying.
As it is now, although I don’t know what the mother-emperor’s spokesperson "Insect General" is angry about, after feeling its strong hostility to "micro-intelligent civilization", the boundless wave of insects moves forward without thinking. Advance a long distance.
This distance is enough for them to shoot out a bone spur attack that is not inferior to most artillery at the moment when the "micro-intelligent civilization" battleship emits energy fluctuations and fires.
"Aliens appeared near your brood galaxy?"
The "micro-intelligence civilization" did not seem to see the surging of the worm tide, but a message came out in an instant.
"This kind of question, you think I would be kidding!"
The stabbing anger did not diminish.
In an instant, the "micro-intelligence civilization" thought that Ying Sui had not dealt with it cleanly, and let go of some abnormal shapes.
But it quickly denied this idea, because even if Ying Sui did not deal with it cleanly and escaped the alien, it was absolutely impossible to break through a long distance in such a short time and successfully passed through the "Zerg" The blockade line of the "Thorn family" approached their mother's nest galaxy.
Such a thing can't be done by replacing it with "micro-intelligence civilization" and Ying Sui, not to mention that the thorn has specifically mentioned that it is one.
"There is a problem, there must be a problem in this."
"It's just that I don't know yet, where is the problem."
"I will not lie and deceive you on such big issues."
"As for the problem and lack of information, I can't analyze it yet."
The "micro-intelligence civilization" was silent for a while before the message came out.
Thorny didn't say anything, the news just received was too shocking, because its brain simply couldn't make a correct judgment in a short time.
In its stupefying effort, the "micro-intelligent civilization" also made a certain response.
The dense fleet of ships facing the worm tide spread out silently.
In addition, consciously or unconsciously, tens of millions of warships were separated from the fleet and flew to different bases under construction outside the small universe barrier.
"When did bugs play such silly tricks as frightening."
With a blazing stream of light, his body flew up from the asteroid with extremely harsh environment. While rushing toward this side, the broadcast information that the alien beast should snorted was full of contempt.
It's all about sitting on the wall and preparing to watch the excitement, and that's how the alien beast Ying Sui is.
Of course, the opponents are also very clear.
In terms of transposition, they may not be as obvious as the alien beast, but the "mood" is definitely the same.
"How did it appear? What is the situation now?"
Seeing the worms, there was no more fierce response, but the "micro-intelligent civilization" did not relax its vigilance while sending out information.
Sting, or should be stubborn.
They all think that they are in conversation all the time, just like more often, but a child that will "die" in a short time.
But they don't know, because of their extreme curiosity about the small universe, the main brain of the "micro-intelligent civilization", which is the core leader of this powerful technological intelligence civilization, is now in a certain warship in front of them.
Of course, the "mastermind" has made perfect preparations.
The "k1" material extracted from the extremely rare and precious "k element" is currently the best material for "microscopic intelligent civilization" to radiate against "magnetic explosives".
Only with this kind of material, there are not many reserves of "micro-smart civilization".
Even the battleship where the "master brain" is located, the flagship battleship "Holy Light", only the core parts are made of this material.
And this time, there are tens of thousands of warship core brain hardware made of this material in the fleet.
In other words, after encountering an attack, even if a large number of "magnetic bombardments" detonate in the process, the "master brain" can still transfer itself to other warships in the form of wireless networks, and then use warships at different spatial distances. It is a transit point until it is safely out of the battlefield.
I don't know that what I communicate with is the "mastermind" comparable to the existence of the mother emperor.
After a brief silence, Thornya responded: "I don't know the specifics. It's just a message from the mother emperor that an alien suddenly appeared in the interstellar medium region of the mother nest galaxy. It evaded our interception and arrest. Finally, when it was blocked, it chose to commit suicide by hitting light, leaving no hair behind."
Hearing its response, the "mastermind" suddenly crashed.
From the limited information, if you want to get a more accurate answer in the shortest time, it is a "master brain" with powerful computing power.
"It has nothing to do with me. I was already doing it before you left. Before you fly out of the star system, I have killed all the aliens, and I promise to kill them absolutely, no matter the alien or that one. The maternal body that is about to evolve includes more parasites."
The alien beast "Ying Sui" may have a guilty conscience. After figuring out what happened, he shook his head and flew towards the asteroid, leaving the "mastermind" with a load of operation and a clueless thorn.
"It's fifteen sidereal days. I can't say that the alien communication surveillance network has now covered the entire small universe. That's almost six to seventy percent complete."
"For such a long time, if the Storm Armor Alien was only teleported to a certain space within the small universe, under normal circumstances, there should be news now."
"It seems that the light curtain is definitely an existence similar to a space gate, and on the other side of it, the ten have is the universe."
"Then, here comes the problem."
"Should we let a small number of aliens pass little by little like the Star Clan fleet entering the small universe, or should we gather together and pass in batches?"
"How many aliens pass at one time? How many times are we going to send in a batch?"
"The situation in the universe is obviously very complicated."
"Then our first batch of aliens, who should lead the team?"
"Myself? Alien animals? Or a few queens?"
"These issues are critical and important."
"Now I need everyone's opinions to decide this space crossing that is very important to our alien civilization."
Sitting on the bridge in the converted warship of the "Kye Clan", Yun Hai looked at the people in front of him and asked seriously.
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