Chapter 1255: those people

When the last wave of transport fleets left the "k star", many people knew that there were more people left on this planet.
Some people chose to give up and leave.
Most of these people are elderly people.
In the face of apocalyptic disasters, these world-suffering old people choose to give up limited space to young people who are more energetic and children with unlimited futures.
Others, because there was no way to rush to the required assembly point, considering the overall situation, they were eventually abandoned on the "K star".
This is an unacceptable choice. With the technological capabilities of human civilization, it is simply impossible to completely transfer a densely populated life planet within a short period of time.
In remote towns, people gather together, crying mothers and bewildered children, old people drinking silently, and hysterical screamers.
Many places in the city are lit up with soaring flames.
Where explosions and flames appear, there must be thugs with excitement.
These people, either because they were abandoned and turned into thugs in anger, or because they were criminals, they even refused to leave in a spacecraft.
There are no soldiers, no military police, and no city guards.
The huge city has become a paradise for their carnival.
Driving the aircraft and playing deafening music, these people roared excitedly.
The high-explosive grenade found from the empty city guard station was constantly thrown down by them, and burst into fireballs.
Until under the strong stimulation of alcohol, these crazy people, who had no reason to speak of, crashed and exploded among the tall buildings one after another while driving their aircraft.
There was another violent explosion that caused the security room where the monitoring base station was located underground to shake.
The young female assistant teacher was startled by the thunderous explosion, and the tea in her hand smashed to pieces.
"It's okay, Oda, check again to make sure the communication connection stays open at all times."
The female assistant teacher responded and hurried away.
"Philip, adjust Segel's angle and turn zero and five indices toward angle a."
"Nemo, check the parameters of Segel again. We can only rely on this telescope now. The range of other detectors is limited and the clarity is not enough."
"Xiao Lei, I will leave the detector to you. After the insect tide and alien civilization advance, according to my inference, they will definitely destroy our detector, so you must ensure that in the shortest time, as much as possible The key picture is clearly captured."
"Barrie, monitor the safety of the base station, and I will leave it to you. There are still many mobs outside now, activate all semi-automatic weapons, if they enter the base station, don't show mercy and kill them all."
"Let’s cheer up, come on. Whether we can survive or not, at least the pictures of the fighting process of the Zerg and alien civilization we have recorded will play a key role in the survival and development of our human civilization."
The gray-headed Professor Cui Shi kept saying in a voice that couldn't hide his tiredness.
Dozens of staff members stood up from different instruments in the huge underground base station hall, and all responded with a simple "yes" to him.
These people are here specifically to stay.
Their task is to record the war scenes between the Zerg and the Alien through the "Segel radio array telescope".
Human civilization is not an opponent of the Zerg, nor is it qualified to be an alien enemy.
But this does not mean that humans can only give up.
Just like these people, they still have faith and hope, and believe that what they do will play a huge role in the continued survival and development of human civilization.
For this reason, they are willing to give up their lives.
"Guide, the last transport fleet has already contacted the alien vanguard."
"We saw through the detector number e698 that this alien with a number of about 50 million did not attack the transport fleet at close range."
"Also, they did not show any intention of attacking the proximity of our detectors."
Xiao 6 who is in charge of the detectors numbered in the "e" to "f" interval stood up and shouted excitedly.
Sure enough, when his voice spread, there was a burst of cheers in the hall that was particularly dignified.
Joy and excitement bloomed on their faces.
It is determined that those in power and those in power are not deceiving more people, and it is determined that the alien civilization still maintains a solid ally with humanity, how can they calm down.
This also includes the gray-headed Professor Cui Shi, the old tearful, and at the same time he is smiling happily.
His relatives, the son of a well-known physicist in the Empire, his daughter-in-law who served as an assistant instructor at the Imperial College branch, and his healthy and smart grandsons and granddaughters are all in the last transport fleet.
Of course, if they didn't try their best to persuade him to leave, they would have left.
"The alien ruler did not abandon our human civilization because of the bad behavior of some people."
"With their protection, even if the alien civilization is ultimately defeated, I believe that our human civilization can be passed on with their help."
"Long live alien civilization."
"The fire of human civilization will never go out."
Muttered first, and more people started cheering.
"Guide...Guide, our probe has already contacted the Zerg vanguard."
A nervous voice interrupted everyone's excitement.
Everyone watched the sound, and the staff member had already magnified the picture on the largest light screen.
The shadow in the picture, after the distance was quickly narrowed, the insects flying in the forefront had already exposed their hideous and terrifying bodies.
"Isn't this an alien?"
"Am I wrong? They are just a little bit different from Alien, which is too similar!"
"What's the matter? Why are bugs so like aliens?"
Seeing the appearance characteristics of the so-called "worm", especially as the distance gets closer, the picture becomes clearer, and almost everyone has a surprised expression.
"Immediately sort out this picture, send one copy out, and store one copy in the underground red box."
"In this way, even if the transmitted information is not received, it will appear when others come back to search here in the future."
Director Choi Shi decisively delivered the order.
"The worm rate started to accelerate."
"Alien civilization should have been aware of it, and they have also begun to increase."
"The number is wrong, the number of added bugs is about 100 million, but the alien has divided more than 20 million to welcome it."
Xiao Lei, who is in charge of the selection of different detectors, has a loud voice.
"Calculate the orbits and see where they will touch?"
Director Cui Shi immediately said loudly.
Not everyone is qualified to stay and join this mission. It can be said that the people in the hall are all elites.
A staff member calculated the result in an instant.
Suddenly his face became ugly, he stood up and tremblingly said: "K star, just in their orbits flying towards each other, their degree will eventually touch K star."
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