Chapter 1269: Who gave you the courage

A messenger alien, sly, its slender body rushes against the huge tiger shark alien abdomen.
Like a black lightning, the hind limbs borrowed from the tiger shark's alien kiss, and the messenger alien that jumped out was already full of color. The tail blade pierced a bug with lightning speed. In the head.
When the latter was still convulsing, the tail blade pulled out with a string of blood beads.
The sharp claws held the forelimbs of the insects that had been split, and the entire left front claws were almost cut apart. At this moment, the messenger profile of the skull suddenly emerged. The inner nest teeth that popped out had already hit violently. Shattered the head of the worm in front of him.
The tail blade protruded from the abdomen, the inner nest tooth had just retracted, and the messenger's alien tail blade pierced out like lightning.
The sharp tail blade brushed past the insect whose head had burst open, and pierced into the head of another insect with precision.
All this was born in just one second.
The messenger's alien and sturdy performance ended with a bone spur crushing the corpse of the bug in front of it, and violently piercing its smooth skull.
This messenger was alien and killed a total of five insects.
There are countless messenger aliens like it on this battlefield.
If the Tiger Alien is placed on Earth, it is qualified to act as a Guard Alien.
But compared to the aliens born by more perverted hosts in this small universe, it has become a drone alien.
Slenderer than the guard alien, stronger than the messenger alien.
The violent tiger alien that rushed into the insect tide used its sharp claws, tail blades and inner nest teeth together to kill four insects in a row.
It's just that in the process, its injuries are getting worse.
Until a worm's sickle-like forelimb violently stabbed into its skull.
The drone aliens like it are everywhere.
The giant kiss trembled sharply. The huge "K star" blocked the star's light and heat radiation and was in the cold cosmic space. However, on the giant kiss protruding from under the smooth skull of the squid, the saliva was still flowing like a waterfall.
More "spiritual aliens" are like creatures of "different civilizations" that have died out.
This sea of ​​clouds was born from the "mutated squid" parasitic in the deep sea of ​​the earth. Now it has evolved and is comparable to an assault ship.
The thick tentacles, I don't know how many bugs have been strangled.
But it has penetrated into the insect tide, no matter how fast the tentacles are swung, it can't clean the insects that keep crawling on the body.
In the end, the tentacles waved more and more slowly.
Until the worms lying on it all flew away, until the last worm emerged from its horrible skull, and followed the sea of ​​clouds from the earth to the current squid alien, completely losing its life.
There are many other guard aliens like this on the battlefield.
The spiritual senses have been locked on the battlefield, and Yunhai can "see" everything clearly.
"Final warning!"
"There is no choice!"
"I've heard these too many times."
"Before, I was thinking and measuring."
"But today, at least this time, I don't want to think anymore."
"The real big universe outside, how powerful your Zergs are, I don't know."
"But I know that in this small universe, at least for now, you are not our opponents at all."
"Since you can't beat us, I don't know, who gave you the courage to discuss this with me?"
"Or is your brain just a pile of liquid?"
During the spiritual exchange, Yunhai responded to the queen of insects.
And the response of the queen was more direct and determined.
The eight female worms that had never moved behind the worm tide, plus one worm, including hundreds of worms, rushed up in an instant.
At the same time, the order of "Ningbrain Alien" was issued.
The alien beast alien, which had been suffocated long ago, slightly arched its body, turning into a fierce black lightning and smashing into the hell-like depths of the battlefield.
Yunyue was only a little bit slower than it, only when she jumped out when she was excited, she clearly felt a violent aura, wiped her body and suddenly jumped out, and instantly dropped her far away. In the back.
"Uh, he seems a little different today."
Looking at the familiar background of Yunhai who was still human, Yunyue felt that he was a little different from the past.
Only now, not the time to consider this.
The alienated Yunyue closely followed the shadow of the sea of ​​clouds, and flew forward in tandem with the crocodile gar alien queen, the blue star queen, and the key queen.
Behind them are the 500,000 "Giant Tree Alien" Alien and 5 million "Spirit Cannon Alien".
The "Spirit Brain Alien", which is smarter and more cautious than any alien, still leaves millions of "Spirit Cannon Alien" around it that can destroy the enemy at extreme distances.
Soldiers against soldiers, will against generals.
This kind of story that can only appear in the historical legends of the earth's human beings has been staged alive in this small universe war.
The number seems to be less than that of the Alien, but the queens of the insects go out and their momentum is even stronger.
It doesn't care who is in front, it doesn't care whether they are bugs or aliens, and it doesn't even give them a chance to dodge.
The backbone of the "Zerg Clan" with the Queen of Insects, their momentum is extremely arrogant.
I don't know how many insects and aliens in the fierce battle were violently crushed and shredded by them.
That way, it's like a heavy armored fighting vehicle crashing high in the traffic it owns.
Compared with them, ordinary insects and aliens are just like paper, either directly crushed or knocked into flight.
This is the performance of the worm queen. In comparison, the alien side is completely different.
Perhaps it is the order of the "spiritual brain alien", and the tacit cooperation of the alien as a whole is the key.
The "different beast and alien" flying in the forefront, while advancing side by side with the sea of ​​clouds, a strange scene appeared in front.
Whether standing in front is the alien flocking to the depths of the battlefield, or the alien fighting fiercely with bugs.
Before the sea of ​​clouds and alien beasts and aliens fly over, those aliens are like the sea that avoids water beads passing by, and the black alien torrent rolled up and rushed to both sides.
Of course, this is just an alien.
The bug that stunned his head didn't react instantly.
Yunhai ignored them, just got through the crevices of the worm tide as much as possible.
But the huge alien beast alien and alien queen directly rushed up arrogantly.
After another half a million "giant tree aliens" flew past, along with their tentacles strangling in high flight, an absolute vacuum channel appeared in the dense battlefield.
And this passage is at least washed out by millions of bugs with their corpses.
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