Chapter 1288: The future of human civilization

"Up to now, you have been skeptical of the little universe."
"Don't rush to defend and deny, this is a fact."
"It should be explained, Zhihan or Totomi, have already explained to you."
"So today, I don't want to complicate those words any more."
"You only need to know some facts."
In the huge conference room of the Imperial Academy of Science and Technology, almost all the senior leaders of the human alliance being reorganized were sitting upright, looking at the front respectfully.
On the tall podium, Yun Hai's expression was very indifferent.
High above, he glanced around below, and then continued to speak: "First, the matter of Netherworld has passed, and those who should pay the price have already paid the price, and I don't want to worry about it anymore. "
"In the future, if something similar happens again, you will pay a thousand times or ten thousand times more severely than now."
"Because it is very simple, whether you admit it or not, the human civilization wants to survive here depends on the attitude of our alien civilization."
"Second, alien civilization does not need subsidiary civilization, nor do we need human slave labor."
"Because for alien civilization, apart from being a host or food, otherwise we can't have too many intersections."
"Third, and the most important point I want to say today."
"I suggest that you gather the best elites from now on to collect and sort out more information, materials, etc. that are conducive to the inheritance and development of civilization."
"These things, I think you are much better than me."
"Then, start to form a large transport fleet."
"You don't need too many battleships. I suggest that you keep only one battleship, build as many planetary transport ships as possible, and prepare enough food and necessary consumables."
"It seems that I was also a human being, and I have already agreed to Zhihan's request."
"In the future, when leaving this small universe, I will try my best to help you leave this small universe without affecting the safety of alien civilization."
"That's all I want to say today. Starting from today, I will not attend such a meeting again."
"If you have anything in the future, you can contact Totomi or Zhihan."
"But I suggest that you don't come to me again if there is nothing particularly important or important."
Having said this, Yun Hai simply walked off the high platform, and quickly left along the small door open next to it.
When he left, he suddenly exploded in the quiet conference room just now.
The words that were dominated by the aliens, those humans who were not lightly stimulating, directly fired at Totomi and Zhihan who also attended the meeting.
"Master Totomy, this is not right. Didn't you say that the alien civilization will answer the proposal of the subsidiary civilization?"
"Miss Zhihan, I beg you to give the Alien Master a few more words, whether we humans admit that we cannot survive without Alien civilization."
"Miss Zhihan, can't we really survive here?"
"Master Totomy, this is different from the original plan. Why is this?"
Extremely awe of Alien Domination, but these people are not afraid of Totomi and Zhihan. The situation is completely different from the plan, and they are completely at a loss.
Fortunately, not everyone has lost their minds.
A middle-aged man stood up, frowning, he adjusted the PA equipment in front of him to the maximum, and then he said, "Everyone, be quiet, all be quiet."
The huge voice echoed in the meeting, even a little harsh.
Or startled, or dissatisfied.
But more people calmed down.
"Miss Zhihan, is Alien Civilization planning to leave here?"
The middle-aged man looked at Zhi Han from a distance and asked.
After hesitating, Zhi Han still nodded.
Seeing her response like this, most of the humans in the audience swept over their faces, and a small number of people began to become uneasy.
The Moge clan no longer exists.
The "Kye tribe" and "alien civilization", coupled with the subsequent ravages of insects, have completely wiped out this civilization that is not inferior to humans.
There may be some crocodile people in certain places on certain life planets.
But their demise is only a matter of time.
Human civilization has taken up all the geographical advantages. Because of the existence of alien civilization, the "Kye" and the insects did not launch an attack on the star field where they are located.
Except for the disintegration of the empire, human civilization has not suffered much.
The "Kye tribe" was wiped out by alien civilization.
The insects were also killed by the alien civilization.
The alien tree tribe was also extinct by alien civilization long ago.
Now this star field, apart from alien civilization, can be said to be human civilization.
If this time, alien civilization suddenly left.
That means that human civilization has absolute control over this star field.
Taking advantage of this rare peace, if they have enough time to analyze the technology of the "Kye" civilization, coupled with the breakthroughs in key technologies in various fields of human civilization since this time, they can look forward to human civilization There will definitely be a qualitative leap in technological level in the shortest possible time.
This, this is just the thinking of some people.
And some people thought of more.
The Alien Lord will not lie like this to a human civilization that can be easily destroyed with a hand.
If what he said is true, judging from other civilizations that have been appearing in this period of time, this small universe is definitely not peaceful.
Alien civilization has left, if another "Kye" civilization, or insects, or even other alien civilizations emerge.
When facing them, how can human beings survive without the protection of alien civilization.
"Let's put it this way, it is beyond my expectation that the Alien Lord can attend this meeting."
"No matter how our human civilization appeared in this small universe, the current situation shows that this small universe is beyond the control of our human civilization."
"So, I suggest that everyone seriously consider the proposal of Alien Domination."
"Because there is only one chance."
"Anyone, don't be lucky."
"If we don't seize this opportunity, we may never have a chance in the future."
Totomy stood up and said seriously.
Seeing the expressions of those people, some began to think, but some were still a little disapproving, Zhi Han sighed in his heart.
She stood up and said nothing, but moved to the door under everyone's gaze.
"Quan...Princess of the whole people, is there a future for mankind?"
The middle-aged man who was the first to stop the noise and noise suddenly asked loudly.
"Whether mankind has a future depends on you."
"And I just want to ask you one question, do you think you have enough wisdom and vision to determine the future destiny of mankind?"
Without looking back, Zhi Han left the meeting room.
"For the inheritance of human civilization, it is time to do something."
Totomi didn't look at Zhi Han, his gaze rolled over some people in the conference room who were still disapproving or looking forward to.
It's just that no one noticed the strong killing intent in his eyes.
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