Chapter 1291: Passable

The clone of the "Void Beast" that succeeded is almost the same as the "Void Cub".
At least from the physical characteristics, the difference is not big.
Of course, the clone is much smaller.
This obviously has something to do with the amount of energy they absorb. At least these clones will not have nearly infinite high-energy food swallowed and grown like the two "empty animals" owned by Yunhai.
A large number of pipes are connected to the body of the clone.
After massive calculations, including the analysis of their genes, at least these people have initially grasped the key to the cultivation and growth of clones. Based on the original "gene cloning" technology, they perfectly completed the preliminary plan, or Said it was a task.
The three successful clones were completely cast in one mold.
Except for a slight difference in body size, they are exactly the same.
"This one has grown faster than we thought."
"Of course, I'm not talking about body shape, but the whole physical state."
"Its brain and all organs have been developed."
"After our monitoring and analysis, it has fully equipped the conditions to be parasitic by aliens, and it is already a qualified life form."
Pointing to the first clone that Yunhai saw, even if he receives countless communications every day, without exception, he must be absolutely respectful in front of the Alien Lord, but it involves his professional field, especially when it is already out. After the results, Yin Tan still failed to conceal his pride and pride.
Of course, Yunhai would not care about these.
Any cutting-edge talent in the field of scientific research is worthy of respect.
At least he and the billions of aliens were unable to cultivate a piece of meat from "Remnant Xu" into three complete clones.
"Send them up and continue to clone in batches."
"On the current base, circle another piece of land to the north, and build at least five bases of the current size."
"You only need to breed clones, and you don't need to worry about the rest."
Looking at Intan with approval, Yun Hai said in a calm tone.
Yin Tan nodded, and the assistant beside him also memorized Yunhai's commands on the portable brain.
The dark zenith slid open a shaft again.
At the same time, countless pipes in the culture vessel were detached from the clone.
When the robotic arm reached down and clamped the huge culture vessel, and began to quickly rise to the ground along the shaft, Yunhai Chong Yintan nodded, and then jumped out without waiting for the shaft to close.
Time is very short, but the construction of this base has no tricks.
In the huge shaft, four sets of rails are firmly embedded in the wall, and the robotic arm rises fast and smoothly in the rails. At least the sea of ​​clouds standing on the culture vessel can't even feel the slightest turbulence.
After a few seconds, the culture vessel was sent to the ground by the robotic arm.
Looking at the controller in the light screen at the top of the vertical pole on the ground, looking at him with a respectful look with a trace of inquiry, Yun Hai gestured towards him with an open gesture.
The long and powerful mechanical arm puts the huge culture vessel on the exit track.
The railcar, which was sunken in the middle and covered with a flexible rubber protective layer, began to accelerate slowly.
After driving away from the base, about fifteen seconds later, the rail car stopped on the edge of an artificial lake.
At least hundreds of evolutionary aliens have already surrounded here.
Around people in the sky, even in the water of the artificial lake, there are dark shadows swimming slowly.
The robotic arm extending from the rail car has firmly trapped the culture vessel.
At the same time that its other end suddenly opened, the rear end of the rail car quickly raised.
With a "wow", the nutrient solution and clones in the culture vessel slipped directly into the lake water.
This time, it seemed to wake up the clone that was still dormant.
It suddenly jumped out of the lake, and opened its mouth with a muffled roar.
In the next second, Yun Hai did not expect its reaction at all.
It seems to have inherited the "remnant" violence and impulse, or it is simply no brain.
The huge body smashed into the lake water, and the clone opened its mouth in the blood basin and directly bit a drone that had swam to its side.
The drone alien, which originally wanted to retreat, received the command from the master, and the tail blade pierced the clone's upper palate like black lightning across the lake.
Maybe there is no soul, not much wisdom.
But the clone's nervous system is intact. The blue blood sprayed from the wound of the upper palate has soaked a large area of ​​the lake. Amidst the dull and painful roar, its thick tail flicked towards the drone alien.
The nascent "Void Cub" may not be able to compete with a drone alien.
But just a man-made malnourished clone can threaten an evolved drone alien.
Compared with the clone, the slender and thin drone is alien, and the huge body of the clone is completely transformed into a black lightning.
When the clone's roar became more and more stern, even when the originally clear lake in a certain area turned into pale blue water, the drone alien that received the command from the master retreated far away.
In the huge body, dozens of wounds are oozing blood.
The clone may already know what fear is. When it raised its head and drilled out of the water to leave the lake that made it fearful, it saw more aliens hovering in the low altitude, and it turned around and dived into the water again, without showing up again.
Seeing all this, Yun Hai was a little disappointed.
If the full score is 100, no matter the violent "remnant" or the cunning "waste", even in the first birth period, Yunhai can give them 70 or 80 points.
However, Yunhai felt that giving it five points for the clone's performance depends on its "gene".
Of course, the scene before him had already been expected by Yunhai.
It's just that he had previously made the decision to expand more bases, also because he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart after all.
There is no shortage of the sea of ​​clouds for the aliens.
In fact, the first-generation queens who have entered the "pregnancy period" again can breed hundreds of millions of worms at any time.
Not to mention, when the diverging aliens leave, there is no better host to parasitize the face-holding bugs on the cloud.
"Kwon Dang has more drone aliens."
"Anyway, as long as there is a recessive gene of spatial ability in the genes of these clones, whether it is after birth or future evolution, the void aliens that parasitize them are always promising."
Thinking in his heart, Yunhai issued a spiritual order.
The spider hug face worm lurking in the water long ago couldn't wait for it, drew a waterline in the lake, and quickly rushed towards the clone.
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