Chapter 1335: Logically

If you can choose, the first generation alien queen would not do it.
I have never felt that my life is precious, just considering the overall interests of the ethnic group, coupled with the constant induction of the alien ruler, the first generation alien queen even spared her life, but she also put the preservation of herself first.
Especially after the appearance of the intelligent micro-civilization and the Zerg Clan, whether the alien dominates the sea of ​​clouds, or the first-generation alien queen, they all know that the alien civilization is still too weak compared to them.
And if you want the alien civilization to develop as quickly as possible in the shortest time, the host is the key, and the empress is also the key.
Six alien queens lay eggs, and sixty, six hundred, or even 600,000 alien queens lay eggs. Naturally, they cannot be the same.
When the number of alien queens reaches a certain level, there is no point in diverting or not diverging, because they will inevitably be distributed in different star regions.
Just like the Zergs in the universe, which occupy a large area of ​​the star field, the mother king guards the mother nest star, and countless queens are distributed in the huge star field.
Such a heterogeneous civilization is a civilization that develops in a healthy and orderly manner.
Therefore, for Yunhai's decision to stay in the ruins during the war and the expedition, the first generation Alien Queen did not feel that there was anything wrong.
Even if it is also warlike in its bones, it also wants to fight as much as other aliens and fight fiercely.
The alien beast Ying Sui's invasion was completely unexpected-at least beyond the expectations of the alien ruler.
I originally thought it would be the same as the Alien Lord said, no matter how many intelligent micro-civilized warships or extremely powerful alien beasts should be, no matter what they do in the small universe, at least they will not enter the ruins.
It's just the fact that there is a deviation again.
The alien beast Ying Sui not only entered the ruins, but also invaded murderously.
I don't know that the intelligent micro-civilization is sternly warning and preventing the alien beast from responding to it. Of course, even if the first Alien Queen knew this, it would not be able to change its decision.
Alien, never put his destiny in the hands of other races.
Even if it is a powerful intelligent micro civilization.
There is no choice and no choice.
At a critical juncture, the first generation alien queen stretched out her claws to the ultra-concentrated aquamarine crystal core.
Everything that followed was completely beyond the expectations of the first Alien Queen.
The violent energy impact made it extremely painful, but at the same time, some abnormalities occurred.
Either die or evolve.
This is the initial judgment of the first Alien Emperor, and these two results, at least for the current one, have no choice.
The first-generation Alien Queen, who is more intelligent than ordinary Alien, only feels that when the violent energy starts to impact its body from the most basic genetic level, it seems that there is an invisible lock in its body, which shatters silently. Up.
The sense organs changed dramatically in an instant.
The two "alien generals" who were obviously in extreme tension not far away were swinging their tail bones irritably.
It has quietly retreated to a farther distance, but is still in the "waste" of the alien's absolute monitoring. The first-generation alien queen can even feel its ecstasy hidden in her heart apart from fear.
Farther away, the army of aliens waiting in full battle, the first alien queens can instantly capture every alien's movements and even their psychological activities.
Then, the huge alien beast Ying Yan, entered its senses.
If we say that the two most powerful "alien generals", in the first generation of alien queen's senses, they are two groups of fiery light.
Then the alien beast Ying Sui, in the senses of the first alien queen, is completely a star that cannot be seen from close range.
Fiery and powerful.
Rage and terror.
Satisfying all the outstanding characteristics of the evolution of heterogeneous civilizations, unlike the introverted and cautious "tree god", the alien beast Ying Sui is completely a biological model of the alien beast civilization naturally born and evolved in the universe.
Huge body, hard scale armor.
Unmatched strength, swift speed.
The feeling that the alien beast Ying Sui gave the first alien queen was a violent war machine.
It doesn't need any tricks, just violent collisions, claw swings, and tail flicks are enough to defeat its enemies.
Attention, did not spend too long on Alien Beast Ying Sui.
Feeling the other first-generation alien queens, the spiritual senses extend farther.
In the "half-star" area, a huge meteorite was captured by the broken half-star gravity and crashed onto the surface of the planet.
Further outward, when passing a gas giant planet on the edge of the ruins, the first generation alien queen caught the different collisions of meteorite fragments that erupted from time to time in the planet's "ring system".
Extending all the way beyond the ruins, in the cold interstellar medium area, the first generation alien queen "seen" a light cluster.
It is very clear what it is. If a light spot represents the light of the engine of an intelligent micro-civilized warship, the light group represents at least a fleet of micro-states.
Habitually considering the situation in the worst direction, the first generation Alien Queen did not waste any more time, but stretched out her claws to the "remnant" who grinned at her.
I don't know what happened to me, but the first Alien Queen knew I needed energy.
And what it needs is the energy of the non-cyan crystal nucleus.
The nearest "Remnant Void" had fallen blood mold, and the "Remnant Void" that was found to be wrong was quietly retreating. When the provoked "Remnant Void" expelled the fangs of the first-generation alien queen, it was already Can't think about the latter too much and swallowed it without thinking.
This devouring was not made by the first Alien Queen herself.
Its original plan was to use its blood basin to gulp, cruelly and normally to devour the "remnant".
But it did not expect that the violent energy in the body, as if possessed of consciousness, melted and absorbed it the moment the "Remnant Void" approached.
This is far from enough. Without thinking too much, the attention of the first-generation alien queen was naturally placed on the corpse of the "Void Beast".
It can be expected that the corpse of the "Void Beast" is huge, but it has never been seen.
At this time, when the corpse of the "Void Alien Beast" clearly appeared in its senses, the first generation Alien Queen knew that her previous estimates were all wrong.
The corpse of the "Void Beast" is comparable to the size of a planet's satellite.
Its corpse, in the senses of the first generation Alien Queen, was completely an energetic light group.
You know when you see it.
The first-generation Alien Queen, who had much sharper thinking and consciousness than before, found a way in an instant.
When the gravitational force of the "Alien Orb and Alien" easily stripped a large amount of flesh and energy from the corpse of the "Void Alien" under the action of the energy in its body, it finally succeeded in absorbing these flesh and blood energy and restrained it. After the collapsed body, when the violent energy in the body began to flow according to its will...
Without a trace of hesitation, the first-generation alien queen flashed her body logically, as if she had crossed the spatial distance in an instant, and appeared ghostly beside Ying Sui of the alien animal.
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