Chapter 1362: Living in the moment

"Just because of these problems?"
It is rare to see the sea of ​​clouds like this. Yunyue flew down and landed in the sea of ​​flames. As Yunhai's body undulates in the hot waves, she asked in a spiritual exchange.
Yunhai didn't respond, only his smooth skull was exposed. The frost-like air flow from the trembling nostrils rushed out a large amount of material in the flame, rushing out of two clear tracks.
A few fire worms that were blown up, they did not have much consciousness, their bodies convulsed and fell into the sea, and then they swam into the depths.
There are almost no natural enemies, and the longer the contact at any time, both Yunhai and Yunyue have seen the special features of fire worms.
Extremely terrifying division and reproduction speed, as long as there are sufficient resources, almost no creatures can exterminate them.
The only possibility to exterminate them is themselves.
They don't have the ability to navigate in the universe. After the resources of the parent star are consumed, the fire worms will stop dividing and reproducing.
When the intelligent micro-civilization discovered them, it completely turned into a dead planet, and only hundreds of fire worms remained.
Perhaps because of the habit of the former owner of the Sarnagar, the intelligent micro-civilization, which is extremely cautious about creating life, collected some fire worms.
No natural enemies, not much consciousness, which means fearlessness.
Even a few fire worms swam beside the alien body of the sea of ​​clouds in the sea of ​​flames.
A tentacle leaned out silently, and instantly entangled a fire worm.
While it violently twisted its body to struggle, the top of its tentacles rose slightly, and then pierced into its head like lightning.
"Earlier, when you were still practicing psionic energy, the combination of virtual psychic energy and gravitational sphere became more and more adept. I even feel that you can penetrate a planet under your full control."
"At that time, I still felt that you were in a good mood, why was it suddenly wrong?"
Yunyue comfortably enjoyed the food containing fiery energy, turned over in the flames, followed the beating of the waves and climbed onto the smooth skull of Yunhai and lay down, and then asked again.
"Because of the mastermind's information, I didn't receive it for a long time."
He responded casually, after hesitating, Yunhai said again: "In addition, I suddenly felt a very bad feeling. Not long after the mastermind's information arrived, I felt that something happened, something very bad. ."
"whats the matter?"
The heat enveloped her body, but the place where her body was in contact with Yunhai's skull was cold again. The alternation of cold and heat did not make Yunyue uncomfortable, but made her very comfortable.
"It's fine if I know, I can't explain it clearly."
"It seems that something very important to me disappeared suddenly."
If it were humanized, Yunhai must have frowned now. The alienated he could not complete this action. He could only spray out tangible gas once again, setting off a large swath of molten material.
"Something important to you? It can only be an accident in the small universe, but now so far away, even if something happens, it's too late for you to go back now."
Hearing his voice very solemn, Yun Yue turned over, stretched out her tentacles, reached in through the trembling kiss of the sea of ​​clouds, and stroked his giant metal teeth.
"I know."
"It's just a bad feeling. On the surface, everything seems to be under control, but in reality, we can't control anything."
Yunhai sighed, and replied with a spiritual exchange.
"Come on, boss."
"No matter how strong the civilization is, no matter how strong the personality is, who can control what."
"Sarnaga is strong enough? Zerg, Zerg, Alien, and even humans, intelligent micro-civilization, these are almost created by them."
"Such a powerful existence, when they think they are in control of everything, the result?"
"So, just live in the moment."
"Just treat all of this as an adventure, a thrilling and magnificent adventure."
"What we want is the process, whatever the result will be in the future."
The tentacles withdrew from the giant kiss of the sea of ​​clouds, Yunyue said while using her tentacles to try to plug Yunhai's nostrils.
"Why haven't I felt that you still have the potential to be a philosopher."
The distress in her heart suddenly eased after Yunyue's few words, Yunhai said with a smile.
"To use the sayings on the earth, I am wise and foolish."
"If Da Zhi is foolish, don't you understand? I know many things and many truths, but I don't want to say it."
It was definitely a guy who pushed his nose to his face, Yunyue said arrogantly, but slipped down his skull, and probed to get into his huge kiss.
"Da Zhi Ruoyu doesn't seem to explain it that way..."
The sound of Yunhai's smile came in her mind. While Yunyue listened, most of her body had reached her in the giant kiss, and suddenly she felt a strong wind rushing toward her face.
It wasn't that she was caught off guard, but she couldn't stop her at all. Yunyue was thrown out by that violent air current, throwing out thousands of meters and then crashing into the surging flame waves.
Yun Yue, who turned over and rushed into the air, couldn't be said to be angry but also a little unhappy, was about to say something.
However, when she saw Yunyue's body slammed in the sea of ​​flames, she disappeared. Her mental senses determined his fast forward direction. Yunyue, who thought of something, was immediately overjoyed and quickly followed from the surface of the sea of ​​flames. Go up.
It just moved forward in the raging waves for a few seconds, with flames soaring to the sky, the alienized sea of ​​clouds sprinkled the sky with molten lava, and then accelerated away in the shortest time.
With the instant acceleration, Yunyue was not inferior to Yunhai.
It was just that she was half a beat slower from the very beginning, and only a few seconds after Yunhai reached the target area, she arrived.
The target area was still on this star, and when Yunyue arrived, a strange scene was unfolding.
It is not the area of ​​stellar sunspots. Yunyue clearly remembers that this area is very active and the temperature is extremely high when looking at it from the front.
Only now, the temperature of this area of ​​stars is obviously much lower than that of other places, and it is precisely because of this that it looks "dark".
The huge "sunspot" area is like a whirlpool.
In the sunken center of it, the seemingly inconspicuous and darker things are floating and sinking.
Inconspicuous, they are relatively large "spots" areas, in fact they are not small.
If the "Giant Tree Alien" were small, Yunyue might feel like she was a dust at all.
It is uncertain whether this "spot" area was formed by the influence of the "giant tree alien", but Yunyue, standing next to the sea of ​​clouds, can clearly feel the "spot" accompanied by a surge of surging energy fluctuations. The area is still expanding rapidly.
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