Chapter 1419: Melee

One hundred million warships, against ten billion bugs.
With "absolute precision" warships, each warship needs to kill a hundred insects without repeating attacks.
If you can maintain a sufficient distance, if you can avoid the electromagnetic storm attack of the "magnetic blaster", it will not be difficult for a warship with various long-range attack capabilities to kill a hundred insects.
It's easy to talk on paper, but it's really not difficult in an intelligent modeling battle exercise.
It's just that the actual combat is full of various variables, coupled with the qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes, at least in Yunhai's view, if there is no accident, hundreds of millions of warships may kill most of the insects, but they will definitely be destroyed.
The evolution of the facts is more serious than he thought.
The hundreds of millions of warships still failed to escape the trap set by the Zerg Clan for them, and were paralyzed by the electromagnetic storm.
It's just that the next scene completely exceeded Yun Hai's expectations.
Before the fleet was paralyzed, the sudden energy fluctuations were not meaningless.
At that moment, they had completed their plan.
Then, after the worms entered the trap of intelligent micro-civilization, everything happened logically.
In the future, there is no doubt about the development of the war.
The worm tide that was destroyed by the inexplicable explosion, when they reacted, the number of tens of billions of worms was less than one billion.
Before the defeated insects were assembled and launched another charge, the warships that had "woke up" from the paralyzed state were completely wiped out with just a few rounds of long-range shooting.
At this point, the intelligent micro-civilization encountered insect infestation twice before and after, and completely wiped out the opponent without harming one ship.
"It's no wonder that they dare to wage war against the Zerglings, who have reached a trillion in number. On the frontal battlefield, more than 10 billion battle results have not even damaged a warship."
"Melee combat is the key, and long-range is the real kingly way."
"Such a result is simply a myth."
If someone had told Yunyue about the results of such a battle before, she might have sprayed the other side's face. Now seeing this scene with her own eyes, she would be shocked, horrified, envious and jealous.
"You have researched the small universe technology?"
Compared with the results of the battle, Yunhai is more concerned about the scientific research and development level of intelligent micro-civilization. When the battleship cluster began to move forward again, he slowly followed up and could not help but send out a message.
"Cut out a piece of space from the real big universe to form a small universe. This is not something we can do only with the basic level of space technology."
"Alien Master, what you saw just now is just pseudo-universe technology."
"We can cut out a small piece of space in the large universe, and use the power of space technology to form an independent space attached to the large universe."
"But this independent space can only exist for a while, and the increase in entropy will cause the small universe to explode and disappear instantly.
"So this kind of technology is not really a small universe technology. Compared with the small universe you have been in, it is like the difference between a luminous bug and a star."
A certain sub-body of a certain warship quickly responded to Yunhai.
"This is already amazing, how long have you been in contact with the small universe."
"The potential of intelligent civilization is really terrifying."
Yun Hai said with emotion.
Afterwards, he hesitated for a while, or sent a message: "I want to know, how did you put the nuclear bomb into that independent space? Before you encountered the electromagnetic storm, I felt a special energy fluctuation, but I didn’t see how you sent the independent space with the nuclear bomb into the worm tide?"
"This secret involved, originally we could not disclose it to other civilizations."
"But the main brain anticipates that you may raise this question, and it allows us to reveal it to you."
"It's actually not difficult. You can think of space as a river."
"Before you felt energy fluctuations, we were cutting the universe."
"When that independent space was formed, the nuclear fusion bombs launched from the battleship were already wrapped in the independent space."
"What we have to do is to launch this independent space below the surface of the river like an energy cannonball."
"Then it is beyond our control, but we have calculated the distance before, and the uncontrolled independent space will naturally explode in the worm tide, causing a fatal blow to the worm tide."
A certain sub-body is obviously good at chatting, regardless of whether it is true or not, at least Yunhai feels from its narrative that he is valued by the mastermind, and its sincerity.
"Well, let's call this attack method a space bomb attack."
"Space bomb attack, is this brand new attack method your most powerful attack?"
With the help of the donkey, Yunhai raised another question.
"I can only answer you, the space bomb attack is our most secret attack."
This time the child did not respond to him in time, but sent the message after a few seconds.
This is the end of the story, and there is no need to ask any more.
A certain subbody is already very clear. The "space bomb" attack is invisible and difficult to detect, but it is not yet the strongest attack method for intelligent micro-civilization.
"Do all your warships have space bomb attack capabilities?"
No longer entangled in that topic, Yun Hai changed his question again.
"Sixty percent of the warships have been converted, and the remaining warships are expected to be completed within three star months."
The subbody responded to Yunhai very quickly.
At this moment, before Yun Hai wanted to ask something, no matter his mental senses or vision, there was an abnormality again.
Fighting and walking all the way, the fleet and aliens have not yet reached the central region of this star system.
The current area is about three-tenths of the star system.
In the direction of the fleet cluster, a fierce battle is unfolding.
The endless void is full of dead insect corpses, explosions, and shredded warship wrecks and fragments.
Countless warships are fighting fiercely with countless insects.
Obviously, the magnetic explosives in this group of bugs have exploded.
And the fleet cluster, who didn't know how it got caught in the worm wave, was already surrounded and divided.
The Zerg Clan and the intelligent micro-civilization are fighting in this void.
The "gravity bomb" that kept exploding, like the hideous black eyes of a giant beast, swallowed everything mercilessly.
The energy cannonball blasted in the void with its tail flames, each explosion brought a bit of poignancy to the tragic battlefield.
High-energy laser rays and particle beams attack by energy rays, like lightsabers, opening and closing and crisscrossing on the dark cosmic curtain.
Compared to these seemingly ordinary attacks, the black lightning looming in the worm tide is the sharpest attack.
In the void where every black lightning flies, the insects are cut into two halves like paper paste.
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