Chapter 146: Rat tide

"This thing is definitely a product produced by the United States after obtaining the alien black technology. It is like Chen Gong's "Ark" to create a genetic evolution fluid, which eventually creates a human being. It is not the technology of the earth at this stage. "
Flying in the direction indicated by Yunhai, Yunyue said while controlling the aeroplane.
Yun Hai didn't speak, he squinted his eyes slightly, but he was carefully sorting out the memory fragments Yunyue had synchronized, striving to objectively and clearly understand the Philippines' Laomi military base.
The aerospace plane flew from the United States on the other side of the ocean to the Philippines, and the huge military base in the Philippines is only one aircraft.
In the memory of the captain and others, including their inference, the actual use of the aerospace aircraft from the original development stage is inseparable from the emergence of new energy.
As early as the early 1960s, the United States put forward the concept of aerospace aircraft, including the military also made some requirements for its performance, but at that time it was called "transatmospheric aircraft."
Since then, the United States has never stopped research on this kind of aircraft until April 2010, when the X-37b aerospace aircraft prototype "Orbital Test Vehicle 1" of the US Air Force staged its maiden voyage.
However, in order to truly popularize or apply aerospace flight to civil aviation and warfare, what restricts the development of aerospace aircraft is still the problems of structural materials, engines and energy.
Before the end of the world, this extremely large investment in scientific research projects progressed extremely slowly. This is Captain George, who is a military ace pilot. I also know some news.
The aerospace aircraft project, which was not completed in the peaceful era, was completed within ten days after the end of the world, no matter in the eyes of the captain or Yunhai. These are all incredible things.
Regardless of energy or materials, Yunhai would not believe that there is no alien black technology in the emergence of aerospace aircraft.
The appearance of alien eggs.
Rare but powerful parasites.
The magical "Ark".
Unknown black technology in the United States.
And these are only known or guessed by Yunhai. It is not clear whether other countries or forces have more magical things that do not belong to this planet.
"It's a pity that they don't know where the alien spacecraft is."
He squinted his eyes and sorted out his memories for a long while, and made sure that there was nothing left. Yun Hai sighed long.
He is very clear that all questions or key points. All on that alien spacecraft.
"They don't know. The Philippine military base executives might know that if they don't even know, then they will walk a circle across the ocean. Anyway, there is an aeroplane at its speed. It will not take long."
Yunyue said indifferently, feeling abnormal, and then controlled the aeroplane to slow down.
The gusty wind raging through the driving window had already swept away everything that could be rolled out. Yunhai and Yunyue had no different feelings, but Yunduo had put on his individual helmet early.
Through the goggles, I saw the scene on the ground along the driving window. Yun Duo couldn't help but exclaimed.
Intensive disease has been almost completely cured by the end-of-day compulsive treatment, at least when I saw sea cockroaches in the gz city before. Yun Duo is just a little numb in his heart, and there is not much discomfort.
However, at this time, the surging rat tide on the ground made her feel frightened.
Not afraid of cockroaches, snakes, spiders. Many girls are afraid of creatures, and clouds are not afraid.
Only the mouse. It is an exception.
When I was young, a child in the village had half of his nose bitten off by a mouse because of the carelessness of an adult. However, Yun Duo saw the miserable situation at the time and almost died of fear.
Since then, she has left a psychological shadow. Even if the hunters in the village caught the beasts when she was young, she was not afraid of them, but she shivered when she saw a mouse.
Not to mention, when she fled to Lingshan after the end of the world, she saw too many survivors more than once, bitten to death by rats, and eaten alive.
Others didn't know, Yun Hai naturally knew why she exclaimed, and reached out to hold her slightly cold hand.
On the ground, mutant fierce rats surged crazily.
In the last month, they have mutated completely different from before.
If they hadn't been watching their mutant growth all the time, no one would be able to connect these mutant fierce rats in front of them with the dirty and ugly rats before the last days.
The body length is about one meter.
The disgusting hair on the body has evolved into hard keratinized scales.
The head is no longer so long and narrow, especially the raised forehead, which looks extremely hard and powerful.
The forelegs were slightly broken and the hind limbs were sturdy. The tail that was comparable to the length of the body was dragged behind the body, with tiny barbs growing on it. As they ran, they swayed in the air to make a strange wind.
In the rat tide, there are also some particularly huge mutant fierce rats. Although the number is not large, they look like the ligers before the end of the world, which is daunting.
There are hundreds of thousands of mutant fierce rats all over the mountains and plains, along the highway and down the jungle, surging like tides.
In the jungle, occasionally some other mutant creatures were startled and jumped out.
Running fast, he fled hastily in the direction of the rat tide.
Those who run slower are directly overwhelmed by the rat tide.
When the rat tide surged, half of the bones were not left.
Similarly, their rushing roads are full of fatal dangers.
In the jungle, mutant plants are enjoying this rare feast of flesh and blood.
Like a group of demons dancing, the vines covered with sharp thorns frantically rolled up the mutant fierce rats.
Juli tightened, sucking sharply.
Even if the body surface is covered with hard scales, the mutant fierce rat cannot withstand the vine attacks.
These are still relatively common conventional attack methods. Zooming in on the details of the picture transmitted in real time on the front screen, Yun Duo's eyes widened and his face was shocked, but Yun Hai couldn't help taking a breath.
On the half-slope where the rat tide surged, a large area of ​​weird trees grew.
It is completely unclear what kind of plants have mutated. The bodies of the trees that are only more than ten meters tall are twisted, and the trees are covered with muscular bumps.
There are black leaves growing on the branches, the shape is like a fan.
The branches are covered with peculiar fruits, resembling a cone pine cone.
It looked like a strange-looking mutant plant, but when the mutant rat approached, the strange trees broke out without warning.
The cone exploded abruptly in the dull explosion.
The tiny seeds that were hard to distinguish by the naked eye, like fragments of a bomb explosion, shot in all directions like lightning.
In the screen that Yunhai manipulated and zoomed in, they clearly saw that when a few tiny seeds hit the mutant rat, even if they were against the organs such as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears, the seeds burrowed as if attracted by a magnet. Went in.
A terrifying scream sounded, and the running mutant mice rushed away painfully and violently. Just a few seconds later, their painful eyes, noses, mouths and ears began to show black branches. .
They couldn't run a few steps, and they fell down in pain. The seeds that had absorbed the nutrients of their flesh and blood completed the germination in just a few seconds, and they broke through their bodies with extreme dominance and cruelty and grew up.
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