Chapter 1507: Magic Cave (Part 1)

Vysonia III forward post.
The alien invaded star field is still far, far away.
However, the forward post that received the order entered a first-level alert state.
Fuer is a trivial mecha fighter of the "Star Alliance United Nations".
In fact, the position of mech fighters in the "Star League United Nations" is very embarrassing.
In the war on the surface of the planet, when the mechas are dispatched, it would be artillery and mosquitoes. Ordinary landing combat crews are enough to quell the rebellion of any race.
In space warfare, because of low energy defense strength, mecha energy endurance, and limited lethality, mecha fighters have little use in the stars.
At least, in the daily exercises of the "Star League United Nations", mech fighters are an embarrassing group.
To remove the mecha squad, it seems that they are really needed at some special time.
Keep them, it doesn't seem to be of much use.
Under such circumstances, in the large and small bases on the surface of the planet, the mecha fighters are the veteran soldiers. They don't need to do anything except training, but the treatment is much better than the soldiers.
In the fleet, the more tasks of mecha fighters are to carry out daily maintenance on the hull, which is completely out of the battle.
Precisely because of this, when the front post with very poor defensive force requested to be on first level alert and needed some support, Foer, who was boring and about to suffocate, took the initiative to apply to the base and brought his mech team. Arrived at the forward post of Visonia III.
"I dare to swear to the Star God, that Willie must have a problem."
"Two units of frozen meat, I saw it delivered to area 7 with my own eyes."
"No one is garrisoned in area seven."
"And two days later, he deployed four more units of frozen meat and shipped it over."
"The Star God is on top, what does Willie keep in the No. 7 area? Is it a woman of the entire brigade? Or a beast?"
In the interstellar medium area where the Vysonia III forward post is located, three silver-white mechas are flying in the void not far from the post.
Among the three mechas distributed in the shape of "Pin", one of them opened instant short-range communication and sent messages to the other two.
Such exchanges are quite secretive.
In Vysonia III forward post, or in its vicinity, any electronic information exchange will be captured by the post, and the mech fighters who come to support at this time question the senior commander and technical director of the post. This is absolutely Will cause disputes and even turbulence.
"I also think there are all the problems with Vysonia's No. 3 forward post. When we first came, we saw that March. He glanced at me and I felt like I was swept by a fierce beast."
"Boss, you also know that, in the words of the Jing clan, I am a naturally sensitive body and have a certain premonition for danger."
"So, I think Visonia's No. 3 forward post is not just that Willie has a problem like Tok said, even that March is not normal."
Another mech immediately responded.
"Daily routine tasks, don't be distracted."
The third mecha, the captain of the mecha squad, Faul, gave a light rebuke.
"But only here can we communicate this issue."
"When I return to the outpost, there are people everywhere, monitoring equipment everywhere, where there are opportunities."
Thor, who first brought up this topic, said unwillingly.
Sitting in the mecha cabin, wearing a special driving suit connected to various wires, Fur frowned slightly.
In fact, he felt the problem on the first day he arrived at the forward post of Visonia III.
March was too calm, or too cold.
In order to welcome the arrival of the mecha team, the post specially held a cocktail party.
Most of the people in the insecure outpost maintained absolute enthusiasm, including March and Willie they just mentioned.
However, the enthusiasm of these two people is like an ultra-low temperature flame emerging from the surface of the ice.
No matter how enthusiastic their words are, everyone can feel the coldness in their bones, or the indifference that is rejected thousands of miles away.
"After I go back, I will hold a defensive battle here based on a drill."
"At that time, you will be the attacker. You only need to attack the No. 7 area, and I will naturally defend."
"In such a drill, according to the law of the United Nations, March and Willie can only cooperate but cannot interfere, so if there is any problem with Area 7 or they, you can know at a glance."
After thinking about it for a long while, Fur made a decision.
"good idea."
Trafigura immediately agreed.
"Just do it."
The other mecha fighter did not object.
The next patrol was completely to deal with the matter, and Fuhr took two of his men around in a hurry, and then returned to the forward post.
"It's not necessary. If the aliens really invade here, we will be the castle built by the children on the beach in front of the huge waves. Not to mention a mecha squad, it's useless to change to a fleet."
"The significance of our existence here is to observe and report."
"If we can transmit this information at the moment the alien appears, even if the mission is completed."
After receiving Fur's report on the combat drill, March responded blankly.
"The meaning of your existence here is to observe and report."
"And the meaning of our Fire Mecha squad here is to fight."
"If you have any comments on my decision, you can report it up."
"The battle drill will begin immediately, and you must cooperate immediately."
Foer also said blankly.
"I still have reservations about this battle drill."
"If you insist on doing this, I hope you have enough courage to bear the consequences."
Having said that, March ended the communication.
With a cold snort, Fuer looked at the mecha team in front of him.
Thirty new "Lightning" mechas lined up in front of him, and the silver-white fuselage was shining with mercury-like streamers under the reflection of the high-powered lights on the top of the hangar.
"Toke, you lead the first team pretending to attack."
"Sith, you lead the second team to defend."
"And myself, I am the mobile observer of this battle drill."
Fur gave the order.
Thirty mechas lightly stomped their feet at the same time, and at the same time the heavy mechanical arms knocked on the chest.
Reached out and made a gesture to the hangar control staff not far away. The latter responded with a "understand" gesture and then opened the sliding door on the top of the hangar.
Thirty mechas bend their knees, just like out-of-the-box cannonballs one after another.
Tok led fourteen mechas into the distance. They were accustomed to this kind of combat drill, naturally they knew how to attack.
The Sith quickly dispersed with the other fourteen mechas, and more than four of them gathered together and flew to the No. 7 area intentionally or unintentionally.
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