Chapter 1552: Oracle

The current state of Yunhai is like looking at a kaleidoscope.
In addition, the tens of millions of kaleidoscopes were shuffled and combined together, and then a permutation and combination were observed in five seconds, and the clues that might exist were found from the complicated, complicated, chaotic and regular pictures.
According to Garnuo, while maintaining the genetic perfection of the mother emperor, the Sarnagars also maintained nearly stringent perfection requirements for the added genetic fragments.
In itself, it is very difficult to complete this work. Almost most civilizations can only imagine it in their minds.
If it were changed to normal conditions, Yunhai might have sneered at Gaya's statement.
However, considering the strength of the Sarnagar clan and the metamorphosis of the "Creation Clan", Yunhai decided to believe Ganuo's statement.
After all, they are the Sarnagars. The civilizations that Yunhai has now experienced, ranging from the earth humans, the silver dragon empire humans, the alien spirit tree planting civilization to the intelligent microscopic civilization, there is also a Protoss tribe and Zerg tribe. These civilizations have grown and grown. In the process, the "Chuang Shi Clan" all participated.
Fortunately, it has evolved, and the formation and expansion of the "mental sea" has made Yunhai's processing of information much faster.
Otherwise, let alone processing a picture comparable to a huge star map in five seconds, just the continuous influx of huge amounts of information is enough to make his mind swell and dizzy, where can he stay sober, To deal with this information in a sane state.
Chaos and full, complicated and delicate.
After getting used to the pictures and messages, Yunhai suddenly felt that this was no longer disorderly information, but full of mysterious miracles.
He seemed to see that a Sarnaga tribe was sitting in front of the experimental platform, performing magically, different gene fragments collided, swallowed, and merged with each other.
In his magical performance, those gene fragments changed structure as he imagined or set.
He is like an excellent conductor. When he waved his baton on the stage, those gene fragments kept changing structure, as if playing a powerful symphony.
One pair, two pairs... one hundred pairs... three hundred pairs...
Ganuo is constantly trying various combinations, and Yunhai is constantly investigating.
When the latter couldn't remember how many copies he had watched, suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in his mind.
A little nervous, he exchanged information with Ganuo.
"What's wrong? What did you find?"
Garno suspended its work and asked questioningly.
"Go back to the third officer and resend it to me."
A large number of pictures in his memory have become a mess, but Yunhai believes that Ganuo must have storage and backup.
Sure enough, an image formed by a combination of gene fragments that he had seen before appeared in his mind.
"Pour one more back, not this one."
Just a cursory glance, Yun Hai denied it.
When another combination of gene fragments appeared in his mind, Yunhai turned the whole picture upside down. When he was sure that what had flashed in his mind before was not an illusion, when he was sure that he saw something, it seemed as if the blood was rushing at the same time. Into the head.
The whole picture has a circular structure, which is also the first consideration for Gano when combining these gene fragments-it must connect all the gene fragments together to be a combination.
In the combination diagram of gene fragments in a circular structure, in one corner of it, a dozen gene fragments connected together are no longer a simple graphic structure, but form a distorted character.
This distorted character, except Yunyue, who was forcibly ordered by Yunhai to stay beside the "cerebrate alien", may no longer be recognized by anyone in this starry sky.
This is also due to Yunhai's instant brain congestion, because that distorted character is not a Sarnagar script, but a distorted Chinese character, more precisely like a distorted Oracle Chinese character.
This word may not even be known to Yunyue.
If it hadn't been for the unpopular course of "Ancient Chinese Studies" who hadn't applied for it during Yunduo University, if Yunhai had passively studied, he would not have recognized it.
At first, Yunhai thought it was his own illusion, but when he observed it carefully for a while and determined that the location of the connection between the few gene fragments was indeed like an Oracle, he began to carefully look for the representative of the Oracle in his mind. significance.
The answer was quickly found. Yunhai, who has a good memory, carefully searched his mind several times, and finally determined that if he read it correctly or was not misled by preconceived cognition, then this oracle bone inscription translated into modern Chinese characters would be " "Bei".
Faintly excited, he translated the word "Bei" into the Sarnagar language and passed it to Ganuo, and then asked: "What is the special meaning of this word in Sarnagar?"
"This is a polysemous word, used in different words to represent different meanings."
"In a broad sense, it represents precious meaning, it also has a perfect explanation, and it also means secret and private."
Ganuo quickly responded to Yunhai.
"So what do you think is the special meaning of this word appearing in the structure diagram of the combination of gene fragments?"
For fear that this was just a coincidence, Yun Hai asked nervously.
There was no eagerness to answer. After about ten seconds, Ganuo responded.
"I don't think this is a character, or even an ancient text unique to an experimental civilization created by a mother civilization you have encountered."
"If you insist on thinking this way, I think this word here does not represent more explanations in a broad sense, but represents preciousness, or sub-body."
Yunhai was taken aback after hearing this, but in an instant he realized what a "child" is, and he couldn't help asking strangely: "You mean, the meaning of this word is the child born from the mother emperor? The baby king? Worm, the grown-up queen? Or mother worm or other worms."
Ganuo immediately responded: "In the early days of the mother civilization, this word represented the meaning of Nimo, but also has a precious meaning. So I think that here, it represents the meaning of the mother emperor's Nimo."
"Nimo", translated into the language understood by the people on earth, is "child", or "baby".
"I agree more with the term precious."
"It seems that combining these few gene fragments of this text is the answer I am looking for."
After thinking twice, Yunhai made a decision.
"You have to think about it."
"The fusion of gene fragments is full of danger, and it is still fatal."
"A small amount of failure can lead to chain failures, but I don't even say you know the result."
"More importantly, this is not about extracting the gene fragments you need from different aliens and attaching them to your gene chain, but the need to disrupt a part of the gene structure and regroup."
"So, do you still want to do this?"
He probably had guessed what Yunhai wanted to do, and Ganuo solemnly warned him first.
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