Chapter 1523: Fusion

Among the genes of the Zerg female emperor created by the Sarnagar tribe, there appeared an oracle-bone script of the earth’s Chinese civilization.
This may seem incredible, but considering that the humans on earth were created by the Sarnagars, all this is not so absurd.
After all, creating civilization and guiding the development of civilization is what the Sarnagar people like most.
Who knows whether they have guided the formation and development of various cultures, characters, and languages ​​on the earth.
With this prerequisite, Yunhai determined the target gene fragment.
It's just that he knows very well that his own genetic fusion, just like Ganuo's warning, the success rate is too low.
If the alien and the original Zerg are the same root, then the fusion is almost 100% successful.
However, he has already determined that Alien Civilization has nothing to do with Primal Zerg.
"So, what do you suggest?"
"Use other aliens to experiment first? If I say that the success rate of fusing other biological gene fragments by myself is 50%, then I try to fuse gene fragments into other aliens, and the success rate is only about 10%."
"In other words, using other aliens to do gene fusion may fail, but I may not fail to try it myself."
Thinking about it, Yunhai sent a message to Ganuo.
"Lost memory is really a terrible thing."
Ganuo suddenly said with emotion.
"What do you mean?"
Yun Hai's heart moved, and hurriedly asked.
"Have you really forgotten what fusion is?"
"Fusion? What fusion?"
"On each home-level spacecraft of the mother civilization, there are more than 10,000 gene fusion experiments every day. In order to improve work efficiency and increase the success rate, after screening countless creatures, the mother civilization successfully created an almost universal Special creatures, it is a fusion."
"Well, I probably understand what you mean, but now the mother civilization has been destroyed, where can I find a fusion?"
"Don't look for it, you always have a fusion, but you don't know it."
"I have a fusion? Who?"
At this point in the conversation, Yun Hai, who was faintly excited, flashed a body in his mind, but was instantly disappointed.
What he thought of was the first Alien Queen. With its special performance all the time, coupled with the fact that it appeared on the earth at the same time as the Alien Mother, Yun Hai believed that if there is a so-called fusion around him, he must be the first Alien Queen.
But in an instant, Yunhai felt unlikely.
Quite simply, Garnuo has never been in contact with the first Alien Queen.
In other words, the fusion it said must still exist beside Yunhai.
After reacting to this, who the fusion body is, the answer is already ready.
Some excited Yunhai flashed Yunyue's face in his mind, but he didn't wait for him to confirm with Ganuo, who had already given the answer in the information exchange.
Unique body shape.
Unique appearance.
The beautiful human face, the alienated body, and the lower limbs full of tentacles.
Except for Yunyue, among the tens of billions of aliens, there is no second one.
"She is a fusion?"
Yun Hai asked in surprise and surprise.
"Yes, at least her prototype is a omnipotent fusion."
"Although she can't do everything, she can almost perfectly integrate with all known creatures."
"When the tribe of the mother civilization extracts a certain gene fragment from a living thing, after making the modification, first will use the fusion for experiment."
"After it successfully fused the gene fragments, the tribes of the mother civilization will only determine whether the gene fragments are successful after observation and various experiments."
"So, the necessary fusion for all biologists in the mother civilization is the most basic."
"The spaceship that landed with you at that time also had a fusion, but you didn't know what it was."
Ganuo's answer made Yun Hai want to punch his head severely.
It is still preconceived and misleading. When he first came into contact with Yunyue on earth, he regarded Yunyue as a "parasite."
Now it sounds like she is not a parasite at all, but a fusion that is almost omnipotent.
It merged with human beings and became "Yunyue".
It merged the alien form, and was sadly restricted by its genes, and the mental power that could not resist Yunhai became a part of the alien form.
The only two fusions, it succeeded.
Now, listening to Ganuo's words, Yun Hai finally understood.
Yunyue is not a "parasite" at all, it is not even a human or alien, but a magical fusion.
It is itself, not any other creature.
It's just a perfect fusion, which makes it look specious, very weird.
"Yunyue, come to me, there is a very important thing that needs your cooperation."
Yun Hai sent out a spiritual exchange to Yun Yue without hesitation, and immediately received an excited response from her that she couldn't wait.
In just a few seconds, Yunyue, guided by Yunhai's spiritual power, swam over.
"It's a cow fork."
"How many giant trees and aliens have been lost, and the alien beasts and aliens have been seriously injured. How can this guy look alive?"
As soon as he swam to Yun Hai, his attention was attracted by the fierce battle group in the distance, Yun Yue said with some excitement.
"Calling you here is not to let you intervene in this battle."
"I asked you to come, because there are more important things."
Yun Hai said to her solemnly.
Looking back, Yunyue, who had become accustomed to showing the fusion of humans and aliens, blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in doubt.
During the spiritual exchange, Ganuo told Yunyue about the fusion, and Yunhai finally added: "This genetic fusion is very important, and there may also be a fatal danger. If you refuse, I will think of other ways."
This sentence is not polite, Yunhai really thinks so.
The successful integration of Yunyue does not necessarily mean that he can also succeed.
However, after her successful integration, according to Ganuo, the success rate of Yunhai integration will increase several times.
It’s just that Yunyue has never been regarded as an ordinary alien. From the earliest days of the earth, she has experienced ups and downs with Yunyue. Yunyue’s current position in Yunhai’s mind is completely indistinguishable from his sister Yunduo. Maybe even more important.
"Promise, why don't I agree, stupid b doesn't agree."
"But you tell me first, will I have the ability to control genes as long as I succeed in the fusion?"
Yun Yue almost jumped up excitedly, and asked excitedly.
"If it succeeds, that's it."
"One more thing, maybe you can still control the trillions of Zerg Thorn tribe army. Although I don't know how the mother emperor finally confessed to them, the first existence with its ability may replace it and become a new alien. The Mother Emperor of the Insect Clan."
Yun Hai thought for a while and responded seriously.
"Then what are you waiting for, let's start!"
Yunyue rushed over and almost ran into the sea of ​​clouds. She already knew what he needed to do. She flew directly under the giant kiss of the sea of ​​clouds, and she was about to stick the bulge of his chin.
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