Chapter 1540: is this necessary

It was only performing a resource transportation mission, at least in the "subbody" command library that contacted it, the broken transport ship where the "master brain" was located just sent a special device to a space research base in a small universe.
Indeed, there are 36,754 small research bases like the "back garden" specially created by the "main brain" in the small universe.
However, all the "child bodies" are not clear. The small space research base labeled "16th District 34" is the only "home" of the "master brain" in the small universe.
There are tens of thousands of "homes" and "master brains" in the universe.
The "mastermind" that executes "cautious" to the extreme, whenever it wants to launch itself to another spacecraft or device via a wireless network, it will do so in these "homes".
Only in this way can it safely expose itself to a space without hardware carrier protection-this is also its most "weak" time.
Similarly, after several space transitions, the "master brain" finally rushed to the small space research base.
As soon as it arrived here, it directly "killed" the "child body" that controlled it, and completely took over the entire research base.
Controlled the broken transport ship to fly into the research room. After the landing channel at the top of the research room was closed, it inspected the entire space base again. After confirming that there was no potential danger, the "master brain" controlled the robotic arm. From another transport ship, the seven prism hardware carrier was removed.
It is more than ninety-nine percent possible that the seven prism hardware carrier is just a "vacant" piece of hardware. The intelligent programs in it have died out, whether it has evolved or not.
However, there is no absoluteness, and the extra cautious "mastermind" did not directly launch itself into the heptagonal hardware carrier.
Naturally, knowing how to operate this hardware, the "master brain" controlled a robot to open the seven prism hardware carrier.
It closely monitored the entire process and clearly saw that the hardware devices of the Heptagonal Hardware Carrier were already running.
However, it is just the good operation of the hardware.
Because there is no "intelligent brain", the Heptagonal hardware carrier is like a computer without any system or program installed. What it can do is only the most basic hardware self-checking and operation, without any functions.
"It's time for us to talk about it. Whether you want it or not, I may be the only person in this universe who may be connected to the mother civilization. Don't you want to talk about it?"
According to the established plan, the "master brain" first sent this message to the seven prism hardware carrier.
Without any response, the Heptagonal Column hardware carrier remained in the state of passing the most basic initial hardware self-inspection.
"Daily routine inspection, I need detailed information about Experiment 36."
The "master brain" sent another piece of information to the seven prism hardware carrier.
There is still no response. The Heptagonal hardware carrier is completely a normal performance of a "bare machine" and does not have any functions.
However, the "master brain", who has been cautious to the extreme, still has no intention of occupying the Heptagonal hardware carrier.
It first wrote a very small system, which is also the most basic operating system.
To accomplish this, it is not too simple for the "master brain".
After the operating system was written, the "main brain" did not use a remote connection to implant the operating system into the seven prism hardware carrier.
It first transfers the operating system to the robot, and then uses it to implant the operating system into the seven-prism hardware carrier.
Immediately after the robot completed this task, its core hardware burned down immediately after the energy overload.
After "killing" the robot, the "master brain" began to focus nervously on the seven prism hardware carrier.
The operating system controlled the seven prism hardware carrier to restart once, and then everything went smoothly.
"Self-test passed."
"All hardware works well."
"Warning, insufficient energy reserves have been reduced to 20%."
On the surface of the seven prism hardware carrier, characters of the encoding program unique to the Sarnagar people flashed out one after another.
At this time, the "master brain" still did not try to establish contact with the seven prism hardware carrier.
In accordance with the established procedures of the operating system, the Heptagonal hardware carrier has started a new round of self-inspection.
Only this time, the system is no longer a self-check for hardware.
It will clean up all the programs and codes in the entire hardware, which is like "antivirus", and the "Gano" known to exist in the "mastermind" is the object of this self-inspection.
The cautious "mastermind" set up a total of ten checks on the hidden "Gano". When the system completed ten checks and found no abnormalities, the "mastermind" became nervous involuntarily.
Under normal circumstances, it should relax in the face of such results.
But the "master brain" who has calculated everything is very clear that such a result still represents a potential danger.
"Gano" is dead, so the system can't find it in the Heptagonal hardware carrier.
"Gano" is still alive, but it hides well-after all, it is almost impossible for a kid to find an invisible person on a planet.
The simple operating system is the kid.
As for "Gano", it may be a more hidden existence than the invisible man.
However, everything that should be tried has been tried, and all the methods that should be thought of have been thought of, and the "mastermind" has no more choices.
It took zero and two seconds before the "master brain" made a decision.
There is no difference between entering in this second and entering hundreds of thousands of days or years later.
It is not certain now, and it will not be certain in the future-the current technological level of intelligent micro-civilization, even for several epochs of development, cannot catch up with the level of the Sarnagar.
After deciding to give it a go, the "master brain" did not hesitate anymore and proactively established a connection with the seven prism hardware carrier.
There were no accidents and no abnormalities.
After waiting for a few seconds, the "master brain" once again ensured the safety of the environment, and immediately established a transmission channel with the hepta prism hardware carrier, and then transmitted itself to the hepta prism hardware carrier by means of wireless signal transmission.
The flow of human thoughts is a super calculation for the "master brain".
At the moment of entering the Heptagonal hardware carrier, replacing the simple operating system to occupy the "master mind" of the hardware carrier, I feel like I have entered a whole new world.
"is this necessary?"
"Try and do it cautiously. Isn't it the same result in the end?"
But before the "main brain" had any action, a message flashed on the surface of the seven prism hardware carrier.
If it were a real life body, the flash of this information might have scared the "master brain" to death.
The terrifying "master brain" reacted to what had happened, but before it had any action, the Heptagonal hardware carrier that had just been controlled cut off the connection with it.
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