Chapter 157: Surprise

Close to the sea, the aeroplane flew slowly.
The blue sea is calm and deep.
Unknown shadows swept across the horizon, and occasionally there were water jets on the sea, spraying dozens of meters high, which was spectacular.
Under the undulating sea level, huge shadows swam slowly, leisurely and frightening.
"Look there!"
Driving the aeroplane with ease, Yunyue pointed out the direction towards the sea of ​​clouds looking east and west.
On the distant sea, a large shadow moved quickly.
From time to time, one huge body suddenly jumped tens of meters high from the water, and then fell down with shocking momentum.
"Let's take a look."
Seeing that there are at least thousands of mutant marine creatures, they are most curious about group creatures, Yun Hai couldn't help saying.
"Just one, the body length is about 20 to 30 meters..."
Yunyue was speechless, and the fuselage turned sideways and flew over.
No matter how fast the mutant creatures are, at least for now, there is nothing faster than the aeroplane, and the same is true for the marine mutant creatures.
Soon, the aeroplane, which did not deliberately speed up, caught up with the large group of marine mutant creatures.
"Tiger Shark?"
Seeing their body shapes clearly, Yun Hai asked uncertainly.
Yunyue's expression is also uncertain.
With a body length of nearly 30 meters, the group of mutant marine creatures seem to be migrating collectively.
The body is thick and resembles a large bridge car, and their heads are nearly square, with prominent protrusions on their orbits.
The upper and lower lip folds are well developed. A mouthful of sharp teeth criss-crossed.
Each of the two dorsal fins has a hard spine. With these body characteristics, it seems that this group of marine creatures is indeed a narrow-striped tiger shark.
However, what makes him uncertain is. On the pectoral fin, dorsal fin, pelvic fin and caudal fin of these behemoths, sharp spines have grown.
"It should be a group of mutant tiger sharks."
When the aeroplanes circled back again and passed over them, the sea of ​​clouds came to a conclusion.
"In the middle of them are all juvenile tiger sharks, which seem to live in groups and are migrating. With this size, the fighting capacity can be imagined. I don't know what forced them to migrate."
Yunyue sighed.
"Let's go."
Seeing that she still wanted to go back again, Yun Hai stopped her. Pointed to the distant coastline.
There was no rush to return. After solving the airport and even the core area of ​​the "Wings of Freedom" base, Yunhai and Yunyue flew along the coastline.
Do not worry about energy issues, the new type of energy used by aerospace aircraft. The endurance is amazing, and it will not overheat the engine or cause metal fatigue.
Moreover, in order to cope with various emergencies, a large amount of spare energy is stored in the rear cabin of the aircraft, enough to support the aerospace aircraft to fly several times around the earth.
Yunhai actually had this idea too. He wanted to see what the earth has become nowadays.
But considering many practical problems, he still gave up this idea.
The first is speed, the flying speed is too fast. You can't see the details at all.
Flying too slowly, it would definitely take too long, Yunhai didn't want to delay time.
He must resolve the "wings of freedom" base as soon as possible. Smooth it thoroughly.
There are definitely people in the base who know that the last time the aerospace plane performed its mission was to China.
Once the U.S. learns about this, it is bound to launch an air attack on the China Survivor Base.
Among other things, just such aerospace planes came to board a few, with Yunyue's driving level. Losing the advantages of advanced fighters, it is estimated that a face-to-face will be shot down.
It is a sea of ​​clouds with a lot of alien shapes. Also have to avoid Qimang temporarily.
If Mi Di was cruel and cruel, he would drop a nuclear bomb directly, and if he escaped slowly, his army might be wiped out.
Blowing up the airport and destroying all the planes is just an appetizer before the war.
Yun Hai made up his mind, but it was to mobilize a large number of aliens in the shortest time and completely destroy the entire "wings of freedom" base.
"Do you think the alien has reached the sea? After all, it's only a few days."
Flying along the beach, Yunyue asked casually.
"I have a feeling that it should have arrived."
Yun Hai nodded.
Looking for aliens in the vast ocean is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.
However, the aerospace plane is very fast, and even if it passes by lightning within a certain distance, the sea of ​​clouds can clearly feel the existence of the alien.
To attack the "Wings of Freedom" base, you must pass through the vast sea, and the alien water army is the best choice.
As long as they have formed a certain number, as long as they do not encounter a large number of mutant marine creatures in the shallow sea, they are absolutely invincible.
After all, they can survive in the water, and there is still a fundamental difference between the creatures in the water that have always survived.
What's more, these alien water soldiers can swim faster and fight harder in the water.
When they landed, they were absolutely fierce.
The forces need to use them to attack the "wings of freedom" base.
Earlier in the New Era Base, he had sent twenty flying aliens on a wing-blade alien and went to the Yangtze River to find the aliens left by the alligator gar alien queen in the river.
Taking advantage of this return flight, he also wanted to hit his luck, to see if the blind cat could touch a dead mouse.
"Perhaps, after all, China's ecological environment is seriously damaged, and there are not many aquatic organisms in the Yangtze River Basin."
Yunyue shrugged, and suddenly smiled mysteriously.
"Would you like to visit the country of Japan?"
"If you have time, you must go."
Yun Hai responded without hesitation.
In the memory from the captain of the United States, the Wa country has completely changed at this time, but Yun Hai wants to see it with his own eyes.
The initial excitement of flying gradually faded with the passage of time.
Yunyue became a little boring gradually, she just wanted to turn on the music to kill time, the abnormality that appeared in her sight suddenly made her energetic.
This time, Yunhai felt more acute than her.
He didn't look at the small island appearing on the sea for the first time, but he looked at the radar on the plane.
Except for a short "drip" sound from time to time, indicating that there are creatures in the sea, on the aircraft's radar, on that small island, no abnormality was detected.
"Sure enough, even this kind of radar derived from alien black technology cannot detect the existence of aliens."
This surprise was even stronger than finally finding the alien in the shallow sea, Yun Hai showed a smile on his face.
This time he didn't need to remind him, Yunyue had already flew the plane towards the island.
The island, which was still calm the previous second, was instantly boiling.
Finally, the radar on the plane issued a sharp alarm sound, and at the same time massive red dots flashed on the screen.
"Strong activities will be detected. If the alien remains hidden and sneaking, it is estimated that it will not be detected by radar."
Yun Hai made a judgment in his heart, and then looked at the island, with a surprised expression on his face.
In the sea around the island, one after another huge aliens showed terrifying and hideous bodies.
The largest one is close to more than fifty high in length.
The smallest, about the size of a human body.
Shaking his head and wagging his tail, the aliens set off huge waves in the sea.
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