Chapter 1623: the truth

"Zerg" has no manners.
They don't need this kind of emptiness.
However, when each insect faces the "master", it will use their unique body movements to show respect to the "master" from the heart.
"Abathur" is like this, facing the huge energy light group in front of it, it bent down as hard as possible, and at the same time retracted all its limbs and feet to its side.
"Just now a beam of energy came, how could I be able to sleep."
"You're fine and won't leave Alius, come on, Abathur, what do you want to do?"
That voice once again rang in "Abathur"'s mind.
Just like before, this voice has no emotion.
"Master, I am looking for you, it's the last time."
"Abathur" hesitated for a while, still gritted his teeth.
"If I can't solve my own problems, the Zerg will just hit the edge of the universe and occupy the entire universe, which is meaningless."
"Abathur, let alone our Zerg may not be able to hit the edge of the universe."
"It is even possible that in the next river system, there will be a civilization that can easily destroy us."
"The universe is huge, Abathur, the Zerg is not invincible."
"Isn't all this in front of you enough to explain the problem?"
Without any mood swings, the voice of "Domination" once again rang in "Abathur"'s mind.
"The reason why I have repeatedly asked for rapid expansion is to solve your problem."
"Master, just sent a small group of Zergs to slowly explore the outer space of the river, so the progress is too slow."
"We need to expand vigorously, we need to find more creatures."
"Abatser firmly believes that it will definitely solve your problem."
"Abathur firmly believes that as long as I find the creature or gene I need, I will definitely be able to solve your problem."
Rarely, "Abathur" used a strong tone in front of the "Master".
This time, it did not immediately receive a response from the "master".
Uneasy in his heart, "Abathur" suddenly reacted. No "worm" had ever said something like this in front of the "master".
The smartest "lord" of the "Zerg" can only listen attentively and obey absolutely when communicating with the "master".
No insect dared to use such a positive tone to deny its judgment in front of the "master".
Uneasy, but not afraid.
It's not because "Abathur" feels that he is an extremely special existence, and "Master" will not do anything to it.
It's because "Abathur" knows that "Master" will not punish it for this problem, it has this confidence.
"Abathur, do you know how the Sarnagar was destroyed?"
After a long time, the voice of "Master" rang in "Abathur"'s mind.
"They underestimated the potential of our Zerg clan. They thought they had absolute control over you, and they were finally destroyed by us."
"Abathur" said without hesitation.
"You are wrong, Abathur."
"The Sarnagars are not destroyed on me, but on themselves."
"You should know the dark templar warriors of the Protoss, they have sent you a wreck of a dark templar to Alius."
"The Sarnagars also have the existence of similar dark templars, but they call these people the fallen."
"The Sarnagars have been looking for a more perfect life form and a purer energy body, but some of them think they already have one of these factors."
"The energy light group in front of you, some Sarnagar people believe it is already the most powerful, ultimate and purest energy body in the universe."
"So, a part of the Sarnagar people first fuse with the genes of other organisms, and then try to fuse this energy."
"These people, the Sarnagars call them the fallen."
"Most of these fallen people have failed."
"But some fallen ones succeeded."
"It's just that, I don't know because of what reasons, the temperament of these successful fallen people has changed a lot."
"They became violent and cruel, which caused panic among other Sarnagars."
"So the fallen were found guilty."
"The Sarnagar, because of this matter there has been infighting."
"A part of the fallen people broke away from the Sarnagars, and they walked in the evolutionary direction they believed, while the remaining Sarnagars continued to study their biotechnology firmly until they found what they believed was the most perfect. Outside the living body, it will try to act like the fallen ones."
"In this way, the Sarnagar is split."
"Abathur, if the Fallen persuaded other Sarnagars at that time, or the Fallen took the dominant position, and in turn expelled or even executed a small number of people who were stubborn in biotechnology, do you think our primitive aliens still Can it develop?"
"So, it was not our primitive Zergs who destroyed the Sarnagars, but themselves."
The voice of "Domination" kept ringing in "Abathur"'s mind.
"Abathur", who had never known about this matter, heard "blood boiling".
"There is such a thing?"
"Master, you mean that the fallen ones of the Sarnagar clan have been able to merge with this energy very early? And have they succeeded?"
"Abathur" completely ignored his excited questioning, and once again questioned the "master" rudely.
"Yes, they were able to do it very early."
"It's just that, according to my later understanding, their success is not reproducible."
"That is to say, a thousand Sarnagar people choose the same biological gene fusion, and when they try to merge with this energy body after success, ten people may succeed, maybe only one person succeeds, or even one successful person will succeed. No."
"The same steps, all conditions are the same, but the results are different."
"So, this kind of successful integration is not replicable, and they can't even understand this random phenomenon."
"Master" did not care about "Abathur"'s excited question, but quickly responded to it.
"I still can't believe how they can do it."
"Abathur" believed that the "Master" would not deceive itself, but it still couldn't believe this fact.
It is very clear about the power of "dominance" and the horror of this energy.
In the view of "Abathur", "Master" is the most powerful and perfect life form in the universe, and even things that it could not do, how could the Sarnagar people do it back then?
"If they did not do this, I would say that they would not be trapped by this energy light group."
"Master" suddenly said again.
When "Master" said so, "Abathur" was stunned.
"Master" was trapped by the energy light group, "Abathur" knew.
However, it didn't know how the "master" was trapped by the energy light group.
In fact, "Abathur" never understood.
It looks like this energy light group is not simple, how can the "master" risk approaching it, or even try to merge it.
Now that the "master" says so, it vaguely understands it.
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