Chapter 1640: Opinions vary

Over-distance communication connection, no matter how advanced technology is, there will always be lag.
In other words, what these people in the conference room saw or heard has happened for some time.
This time depends on the length of the distance.
Knowing this, Du Haoyu immediately stood up and made a gesture after seeing and hearing those.
The staff responsible for the communication connection immediately temporarily transferred the communication connection signal source.
After making sure that the next conversation here would not be seen or heard by the other party, Du Haoyu spoke.
"We made a mistake in this matter."
"The power of the Void Beast seems to be beyond our imagination."
"They are stronger than we originally expected, and maybe much stronger."
"We can't shirk the blame for this matter."
"It's just that now is not the time to be held accountable."
"Next, what we have to consider is how to communicate with it."
"Everyone heard what it said just now."
"Although it doesn't say much, it is enough to reveal more news."
"Now, everyone expresses their opinions, how should we communicate with it, or even contact it."
After saying this, Du Haoyu sat down.
He habitually picked up a soft pen and began to write on the light screen table in front of him.
"It can control the contact station and talk to us directly through the brain. Obviously it has the ability of a biological brain."
"If this is true, then at the beginning of the talks, we would have fallen behind."
"I think, by controlling the contact station, through this remote communication connection, it has enough to understand our Federation."
"Since this is the case, we might as well open up the conversation and don't have to cover up."
A certain member of the Diet first stood up and expressed his opinion.
"You can't say that. Whether those two void creatures are enemies or friends, none of us can be sure."
"Also, don't think that the alien beasts are very simple or stupid. It is impossible for such alien beasts to achieve much."
"Maybe their target is us at all? The Zerg is just a cover they pulled out to deliberately confuse our sight."
"Furthermore, through a contact station, it can only understand the general state of the Federation."
"Some more confidential information, some more critical intelligence, these are not something a small contact station can have."
"I suggest that in the following communication, we should not only be careful, but also be more cautious."
Another congressman stood up, his long head almost squatting in the center of his broad shoulders, speaking in jerky Federal Common Language.
"I want to ask, can we be sure now? Are they sure they are the offspring of the void alien beast that our ancestors encountered long ago?"
At this time, on the chairperson's seat, Ziet from the "spiritual race" stood up and looked at the staff seat in the corner of the conference room.
A dozen staff members sat in front of a slippery screen desktop.
After hearing the speaker's question, one of these staff raised his head and looked at the seat of the senator.
Du Haoyu, who still lowered his head and didn't know what he was writing, nodded slightly as if he could feel that person's gaze.
"According to the existing intelligence analysis, this is the fact."
"A long time ago, the ancestors of the Spirit Race reached a river system in a random spatial transition."
"It was a strange river system, at least it was like that back then."
"The ancestors of the spirit race discovered a civilization there, a human civilization."
"At first, the Spirit Race wanted to come into contact with the civilization that claimed to be the Sky Star Race with kindness."
"It's just that they don't think so after learning what that civilization did."
"That is a violent civilization. Although they belong to the same human civilization as we are, they are all violent factors in their bones."
"Every civilization they find will be ruthlessly destroyed by them."
"That time, it was no exception."
"When our fleet pulled closer to the star field they controlled, we didn't deliberately hide ourselves, the Star Clan attacked mercilessly as soon as we discovered it."
"The first to attack us was an alien animal race."
"It's just that that alien beast race has just evolved the ability to fly in the universe."
"The battleship of the Star Clan is behind those alien beasts."
"As long as they show signs of fear of fighting or wanting to escape, the Star Clan warships will kill them without hesitation."
"The Spirit Race is a race that loves life and peace. I think everyone knows this."
"But loving life and peace does not mean that the spirit race is a cowardly race."
"When the battleship of the Sky Star Clan mixed with alien beasts began to vent the flames of war to our fleet fiercely, we made a firm response."
"Their fleet was quickly wiped out by us."
"In the following, after learning about the crimes they committed in that star field, the ancestors of the spirit race launched a full attack on them."
"At that time, the ancestors of the spirit race also entered a mysterious relic they occupied. It was a very large alien space, which was the second universe or small universe recognized by some civilizations."
"This should not be difficult to understand, because our Morning Star Federation already has the second universe technology, and we have created hundreds of small universe worlds."
"It's just that the small universe we created sounds very different from that small universe."
"That small universe is so big that it almost has a planet comparable to a small river system."
"That small universe is very small at the same time, and there is almost no interstellar medium region in its world."
"And what we, up to now, can create
"In that small universe, the Spirit Race discovered a strange beast that was imprisoned by the Sky Star Clan, and this strange beast is the Void Beast."
"The Void Beast at that time was already in a semi-four-dimensional form."
"Only later, for some reason, the ancestors of the spirit race left there."
"This is already six epochs. What caused the departure of the ancestors of the spirit race at that time, we have no idea."
"But we can be sure that in the star field that our spiritual ancestors have visited, there is indeed a void alien beast in a small universe."
"And these two Void Beasts, according to our inference, are more than 90% likely to be the descendants of that Void Beast."
The tone was not rushed or slow, and it took a long time before the staff member finished talking.
"Intelligence information is like this. The probability of more than 90% has been closer to the confirmed facts."
"Before everyone draws a conclusion, I want everyone to recognize the fact that the power of these two void creatures is definitely more terrifying than we thought."
"Before everyone makes a final conclusion, I hope you can consider this carefully."
Du Haoyu, who bowed his head for a long while, dropped the soft pen, looked up at the crowd and said very solemnly.
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