Chapter 1664: What an order is this

Accuse, protest.
Prevarication, wrangling.
Exactly as Yunhai expected, the "Protoss" has been negotiating with the "Morning Star Federation" for a while.
The "Star Spirit Race" might not have expected that the Federation suddenly broke its face through the "Void Alien Beast".
Their attitude has become tougher than ever.
Even on a certain level of the battlefield, the Federation even put on an attacking stance and confronted their fleet.
In the past, the "Star Spirit Race" had never thought that such a scene would appear.
Meto star, Chamber.
Numerous high-level "protoss" leaders are violently debating and discussing.
They are either angry or solemn.
Xianlun constant star, morning star.
In the Federal Parliament building, the speakers and members of the assembly have similar expressions and conditions.
It doesn't matter what outcome will be discussed in the end, or what agreement is reached in the final negotiations between the two civilizations.
In fact, both civilizations know that the "Space Gate" cannot be opened at all.
No matter what the "Morning Star Federation" demands, it will not be angry anymore, and it will not be possible to fire on the "Protoss".
And even if the "Protoss" usually behaved arrogantly or even unscrupulously, they would definitely not dare to open fire rashly on such a knot.
It's just that, except for a few people from the "Star Spirit Race" who thought about it but didn't mention it, more people didn't expect that two "Void Beasts" would actually do it.
It's nothing more than doing it. The most confident "Morning Star Federation" wants to break their heads and don't understand that they are already standing up for the "Void Beast", and they actually turned their hands on them.
General Randall was dumbfounded.
If the "Void Beast" suddenly appeared in the fleet of the "Protoss", the "Void Glow Ship" that it had been pressing down as a weapon would slam into another ship of the same warship with lightning speed. When he could still understand this scene, he saw the seemingly badly wounded "Void Beast" appeared in the "Battlestar" cluster, and instantly exploded six "Battlestar", he was completely stunned.
However, General Randall is no ordinary person.
Ordinary people can't become the "universal general" of the federation.
He who reacted in an instant, angrily gave orders.
"Attack it now!"
Just after giving the order, he immediately added another sentence.
"Pay attention to the target, don't accidentally injure the Protoss warship."
"In addition, the main focus is to retreat the Void Beasts, and try not to severely damage them."
It's okay for him not to give orders. It is impossible not to counterattack the Federal Fleet, "Battlestar" and "Space Base", those responsible for controlling firepower platforms are dumbfounded.
What kind of order is this?
With the powerful defenses of these two "Void Beasts", the two "templars" were unable to kill them with the almost god-like "Netherstorm" powers, and conventional weapons could not use them at all.
Space weapons can obviously injure them, but the generals told them to retreat the "Void Beasts" but couldn't severely damage them. Not to mention the staff who control the firepower output, the "military staff" around them didn't know how to command .
Even the "Military Staff" standing behind Randall couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help but open his mouth.
It's just that Randall interrupted him before he finished speaking.
"I know what you want to say."
"I also know that more than 90% of the Speakers and Members of the Federation only want to use these two void creatures for other purposes."
"But what I want to say is that they were wrong."
"The role of these two void creatures is not just that simple."
"I believe in their strength. They are absolutely qualified to be our allies."
General Randall did not deliberately lower his voice this time, and more people in the main control hall heard his voice.
Some people are relieved.
Some people lowered their heads and showed disapproval expressions.
General Randall, his decision was obviously just his own.
Even, his decision has stood on the opposite side of the parliament.
Moreover, his decision may even catch everyone here.
However, no one dared to question Randall's decision.
Even in the council, there were not many people who dared to point to General Randall and tell him "you are wrong."
Therefore, these people can only look at the continuously exploding energy fireball through the observation window of the "Space Base", blooming beautifully in the dark starry sky.
"Void monster, I am General Randall."
"Please stop your attack, the Federation has no malicious intent against you."
"What happened today is just a misunderstanding."
"Now, the situation can still be controlled. If you continue to attack, the situation will no longer be under my control."
"Void monsters, I hope you can remember your original intentions. Zerg is your goal."
"We have a common goal, so before we reach everyone's bottom line as much as possible, wouldn't it be better for us to stop and talk about it?"
Randall was very calm on the surface, every explosion in the starry sky seemed to explode in his heart, heartbroken, he turned on the communicator, and continuously sent these words in the form of "space broadcast". Get out.
At the same time, in the federal encrypted communication channel, his other command has also been passed out.
The fleet that had surrounded the entire battlefield quickly gathered towards the "space base" where Randall was located.
Obviously, Randall expressed his attitude to the "Void Beast" through this.
"If you want to vent your anger, the "Battlestar" cluster will give you vent."
"However, this is the limit that the Federation can endure."
"If you still want to continue, I'm sorry. The space base and the Federal Fleet have formed a defensive formation. If you rush over, we will resolutely counterattack without mercy."
These words do not need to be deliberately said.
For the moment, General Randall believed that the two "Void Beasts" would definitely understand the posture he put up.
"General, the council calls."
Just after the fleet came together and put up a defensive formation, a staff member on the communication platform stood up and said nervously.
Randall raised his thick eyebrows. He originally planned to refuse to pick him up. After taking a look at the familiar communication zone number on the light screen, he gave up his plan.
Walking over, General Randall did not turn on the broadcast mode, but picked up the receiver on the platform and put it into his ear.
There was no change in expression, Randall didn't say anything at first, just listened quietly.
"President of the Senate, your decision may be counterproductive."
"Since I have made such a decision, I will bear the consequences."
"Do you have to test it? The President of the Senate, I assure you that they definitely have the strength to be our allies, and they will definitely play an irreplaceable role when we face the Zerg in the future."
"Well, since this is the common decision of all the presidents of the Senate, then I can only obey it."
"Goodbye, President of the Senate."
After a few words, General Randall ended the communication.
He raised his head and looked at the intensifying war in the starry sky in the distance, and gave a new command without expression: "Notify the Battlestar cluster, except that they cannot attack the Protoss fleet, they no longer have any restrictions and are free. attack."
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