Chapter 1712: Triangle area

Tong is exactly a person who has obtained a degree in genetic engineering. However, on the planet Mandela in the dark galaxy, in the black market of this planet, he has a very famous title-"God's Right Hand".
In fact, Tong Zheng's right hand is not flexible and has no special abilities.
However, he has a magical ability, which is to change a person's height, appearance, and even race through a specially formulated biological gene fluid.
In other words, Tong Zheng can turn a short man into a burly man, an old woman into a young girl, and even a human being into an ugly "Tusi" orc.
This ability is much more magical than ordinary plastic surgery.
In order to find out the formula of Tong Zheng's biological gene fluid, I don't know how many people have tried various methods.
However, regardless of their coercion and temptation, Tong Zheng just refused to disclose.
For this, Tong Zheng also paid a heavy price—his right hand, known as the "right hand of God", was trampled on or even cut off.
However, no matter how others tortured him, Tong Zheng never revealed his biological gene fluid formula.
Later, after completing a special task for a big man, Tong finally found his background and support.
Since then, Tong has started rapid development on the planet Mandela.
Even more, many people from outside the galaxy come here to seek help from the "right hand of God" on the black market of Mandela.
Tong Zheng’s good fortune is as of today.
Staying in his secret room, Tong Zheng is cultivating bacteria for a new batch of biological gene liquid.
No one knows that this kind of bacteria that appears to belong to the "probiotic" category is actually a poison.
After being caught and tortured so many times, Tong Zheng knows very well that he is not how strong he is to survive, but he understands that if he is recruited, those people will not say anything, his old customers will definitely He tore it to pieces.
This kind of bacteria that seems to stimulate muscles will not disappear, but will be lurking in the human body.
According to Tong Zheng's estimation, at most 50 years later, the muscle tissue of these people will ulcerate, and it will be irreversible.
Tong Zheng is not worried about this. He believes that with his own ability, this problem will be solved within 50 years.
Even if it can't be solved, he has already earned enough by then. If he changes his status on the black market and moves to another planet, he can still live the rest of his life comfortably.
The dull blasting sound interrupted Tong Zheng's yearning for the future life again.
When a team of Robocops rushed in, Tong Zheng was beaten out before he could tell the difference.
Unfortunately, Tong Zheng is not the only one.
On the planet Mandela, and on other life planets in the Black Tan Galaxy, all the people involved in biological gene technology on the black market in this star system have been arrested.
Even a biological genetic engineer hiding in the military's scientific research genes tried to hide in the military zone when the Robocop came to the door, and the Federal Military Police Department rushed in mercilessly.
The conflict between the federal military and the military and police departments was resolved by a message from the Parliament.
In the angry and helpless eyes of those soldiers, the Robocops took away the relatives of the military lieutenant under their heavy encirclement.
However, when the lieutenant was taken away by the black car of the "Military Supervision Institute" that followed, the anger and helplessness of those soldiers turned into panic.
On this day, the Black Tan Galaxy was in chaos.
However, the Institute of Biological Genetics, which is really related to this matter, is calm.
On the edge of the star field controlled by the Federation, there is a triangular area.
This area is not prosperous, even few people or spaceships come here.
However, only those who are at the top of the Federation know that this triangle is very important to the Federation.
Regardless of weapons research or biological genetic technology, nothing is absolutely safe.
If the former research is likely to cause large-scale pollution, then the latter research may kill life in a galaxy in an instant.
Some researches that are defined as ", regardless of weapons or biological genetic technology, will be carried out in the triangle area.
Ordinary people in the Federation do not know this, even the "Protoss" do not know.
Of course, the reason why the Federation blocked this information against the "Protoss" is also very simple.
During several successive invasion wars against the Zerg, the Federation saved many "Protoss" people from the battlefield.
Most of them were returned to the "Protoss" from the Federation.
And part of it, they quietly intercepted it.
In the triangle area, there are at least a dozen biological genetic research institutes on three planets, and their bases also have some complete or incomplete "protoss" experimental bodies.
I was afraid that the "Protoss" had learned of this news, so in addition to the connection of the military's exclusive special channel, the glory of the "Starlink Network" covering the entire Federation did not shine here.
Salmon and his "Super Weapon" project were carried out in this area.
In the triangular area, the "Angular Star System", on the only living planet in this star system, through the military's special channel, the information of the Federal Parliament on the alien investigation was quickly transmitted here.
The crisp prompt sounded, and James looked up at the light screen.
With an expressionless face, he twitched the corners of his mouth, looking like he was showing a weird smile.
Reaching out and opening the information prompt icon in the corner of the light screen, James' eyes narrowed when he saw the content of the information, especially the alien image that was not clear enough but enough detail.
He moved on the workbench like his hands convulsively, and in just a few seconds, James completed the modification of this information.
"I seemed to hear the information tone just now, what's the matter?"
The office door was pushed open, and a person walked in and asked.
"It's okay, there is a message from Darkstar that they are going to test a new type of germ weapon recently, so they have blocked it."
James responded lightly.
"Developing a more powerful super weapon is the right way. The scientists are crazy. The Protoss all assert that it is impossible to develop biological weapons to destroy the Zerg at the genetic level. They are confident. What is the use of these things."
The man said while shaking his head, and then walked out.
A weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, James walked over to close the door, and dropped the concealed lock.
When sitting in front of the workbench again, James was connected to the internal communication network. After connecting to the master's special encrypted and absolutely secure instant messaging software, his hands quickly operated on the workbench again.
An internal work report record was quickly generated, but it is not just a mere record.
If this text is arranged and filtered according to a specific rule, then it will show the information that really needs to be conveyed-the appearance of aliens.
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