Chapter 1718: Our war

The world does not revolve around one person.
The universe naturally does not revolve around a civilization.
Different star regions and different civilizations are doing different things on this day.
These things may affect the life and death of a civilization, and may mean the prosperity and decline of a civilization.
It's just that, on this day, the different things happening in these different civilizations seem chaotic, but there is an invisible thread that involves and runs through everything.
"Star Alliance United Nations" is about to come into contact with "intelligent micro-civilization" or aliens and Zergs.
The "lord" hidden in the border of the "Star Alliance United Nations" and its ambitious plans.
The "intelligent micro-civilization" controlled by Ganuo is developing rapidly.
An alien that is about to evolve into a queen.
These things that happened on this day are closely related to each other.
Yun Hai didn't know all this.
"Sure enough, the Protoss is not a hospitable race, or in other words, they are not used to contact with creatures of other civilizations, let alone know how to etiquette."
Sitting on the huge mothership of the "Protoss", Yun Hai muttered in his heart.
He has not forgotten his role, maintaining the indifferent sea of ​​clouds in the past, naturally will not chatter.
Opposite him, Toslik, the commander of the "Protoss" in charge of this clean-up operation, was obviously not very sociable, but just sat in that embarrassment.
That's right, Yunhai boarded the mothership of the "Protoss".
He felt that he knew enough about the Federation.
Although it's hard to talk about transparency, at least what you need to know is already known.
However, he knew much less about the "Star Spirit Race".
Except for Ganuo's previous simple description of this civilization, his understanding is only limited to the Federation's understanding of the "protoss".
Indeed, he did it by devouring the brain of the Templar.
It's just that "templar warriors" are such rare characters, they know very little about the fleet and the technology itself.
Believing in their own powerful power, they also uphold the concept of single-mindedness.
Unless it is essential, they rarely use technology.
The experience of those super-powerfuls living in seclusion or alone in the desolate universe is precisely for this purpose.
They do not reject the power of technology, but when they can choose, they still believe in their own power.
"How did you come into contact with the Zerg?"
"I mean, how did your two civilizations meet in the stars?"
After being silent for a long time, Yun Hai decided to break the awkward silence, so he opened his mouth to ask.
Obviously he was relieved, and Tosrik responded without thinking.
"Zerg, they are different from the more civilizations we know about."
"Actually, they are very similar to your Void Beasts in some respects."
"More civilizations, the meaning of their existence is possession and plunder, but this is the definition of resources."
"However, every expansion and plunder of the Zerg is not aimed at resources, but genes."
"Evolution is the only goal for the existence of the Zerg."
"Almost they can get enough resources from any planet. The expansion is to find more creatures and better genes."
"So, after the Zerg was born, they never stopped expanding."
"This is how our first contact with the Zerg happened."
"At first, we just encountered a handful of bugs."
"The number is more than three million, and most of them are springworms."
"At that time, we destroyed them easily."
"Although it is easy to destroy them, we have not let down our guard."
"In our understanding at that time, this handful of bugs should obviously be an advance team sent by the civilization to which they belong, just like the exploration spacecraft sent by our civilization."
"We didn't guess wrong, but we were still too slow."
"We haven't waited for the Chamber to decide how many exploratory ships or fleets to send and follow the path of the bugs to track down, more bugs appeared."
Speaking of this, among the eyes under Tosric's mask, the gleaming eyes dimmed.
"This time, nearly 100 million bugs appeared."
"Compared with the monotonous lineup last time, the second batch of bugs can be called the real Zerg."
"Our border defense line is almost instantly flattened by them."
"It can be said that the transmission prism technology saved the Protoss."
"If it hadn't been used to mobilize more warships in the shortest time to meet the worms, the Zerg's second attack would not destroy the Protoss, but it would definitely bring us greater losses."
"The appearance of the second wave of worms completely opened the prelude to the war between us and the zerg."
"The interval between the appearance of the first wave of bugs and the second wave of bugs, according to the time unit of the Federation, is about five days."
"After the second wave of insects invaded, different numbers of insects appeared in groups almost every day."
"They are fearless and not afraid of death, constantly attacking our line of defense."
"There is no choice. While passively defending, we drew out a third of the fleet, formed an expeditionary fleet and started following the direction where the insects appeared, trying to find their brood."
"The expedition fleet is very lucky. It didn't take them long to find the Zerg brood."
"Similarly, they are also unfortunate because they found more than one Zerg brood."
"Millions of warships, only one-fifth of them escaped."
"And since then, we have started an arduous war with the Zerg."
"This battle has been fought for three full years."
"In the past three years, we never thought we could defeat the Zerg."
"Our only thought is to delay the Zerg for three years so that our migration plan can be successfully completed."
"In this way, in three years, our people have sacrificed three-fifths."
"In three years, countless super and high-ranking experts among us have fallen."
"It can even be said that in the star field we used to control, the corpses of warship fragments are everywhere."
"In the end, we evacuated the home star with humiliation."
"This is the war between our Protoss and Zerg."
"From the beginning to the end, in the war with the Zerg, we never had any advantage."
Speaking of this, Tosrik hesitated for a while, with a heavier tone.
"Although we don't want to believe it, in fact, except for the last incursion that distracted the Zerg's attention at all costs, it came into contact with the real Zerg main force. The ones who had been fighting with us before then were not the Zerg main force at all."
Maybe there are not so many flowers intestines in humans, Tosrik still said this sentence.
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