Chapter 1734: Insect tide swamp

"I knew that humans are unreliable."
"The humans of the Morning Star Federation are also humans, and the Protoss are also humanoid races. They are unreliable."
Just as Randall and Toslik couldn't see the inside of the "Left Connected Galaxy", Yunyue and Yunhai couldn't see the battle on the edge of the "Left Connected Galaxy."
Yunyue, who hasn't complained for a long time, has brought resentment in her tone of voice in spiritual communication.
"Having to blame" is Yunyue's current mood.
In the small universe, Yunhai and her also have "alien beasts and aliens", and once had a painful battle experience.
In the first war between "alien civilization" and "different civilization", Yunyue deeply realized what the real quantity is.
At that time, the "alien civilization" simply could not achieve the tactics of the "alien sea". On the contrary, the "alien civilization" could already do it.
Yunyue was fine at the time, relying on her magical mimicry transformation ability, she successfully got rid of the encirclement of the "alien" army, and even broke through to the vital "spiritual brain" at that time.
Yun Hai and "Alien Beasts and Alien" were not so lucky at the time. Every single "Alien" could be killed easily with a gesture, but the endless "Aliens" could not be killed no matter what, completely removing Yun Hai and "Alien Beasts." Drag into the swamp of war, unable to extricate himself.
Obviously, "Zerg" is a stronger civilization than "Alien".
More "different species" can't even harm the sea of ​​clouds and the "different beasts and aliens", but in the endless tide of worms in the "Left Lian Galaxy", most of the bugs can injure the sea of ​​clouds and Yunyue.
Yun Hai and Yun Yue can ignore a bone spur ejection attack from a "hydralisk".
It's just that they are facing a bone spur frenzy that will never stop.
When the same bone armor parts suffered multiple bone spur ejection attacks, Yunhai and Yunyue discovered that those bone armor parts that were as hard as metal began to split, and even a trace of blood oozes out.
This is still secondary, similar injuries are spread all over the body, and will not have much impact on Yunyue and Yunhai.
The most headache for them is the energy attack, especially the energy ray attack of the "Allosaurus".
The defense of the "Alien Beast Ying Sui" is undoubtedly the strongest among all the creatures Yun Hai has ever encountered.
In the same way, Yunhai and He Yunyue undoubtedly merged with the ability gene of the "exotic beast Ying Sui".
And this ability gene has a fatal flaw, that is, the defense effect against energy attacks is very poor.
The "alien dragon"'s ability to ray attack is definitely much stronger than most warships of similar size that Yunhai has seen.
And the number of "Allosaurus" in the insect tide is only less than that of more "Zerglings" and "cockroaches".
"No, how can I fight if this continues."
There is almost no complete bone armor on the body surface. The energy ray attack on the cracks hit by the bone spurs can magnify the injury several times. Yunyue can't even find a gap where she can fit her at a glance. She communicates with Yunhai in her spirit. airway.
Her ability to transform space like Yunhai's teleportation is crippled here.
It is true that she and Yunhai can move from one space to another.
However, this is only for the "Void".
If there is no "place to stay" in the target area, there is no way for the two to use this ability.
The problem now is that Yunhai and Yunyue chose to teleport to the planet where Worm's Nest is located several times, but none of them succeeded.
The situation is already obvious. This time Yunhai and Yunyue are facing an insect tide that is far more dense than the insect tide of the last time the "Alien Civilization" attacked the "Zerg Clan".
"Come on, we have rushed at least half the distance."
"This kind of war is truly fierce and tragic, and there is no trickery at all."
Yunhai immediately responded in spirit.
Just after he sent this message, another group of "corrupters" surrounded the sea of ​​clouds.
In an instant, Yunhai felt like he had fallen into a swamp of liquid metal, and his speed dropped sharply.
Without hesitation, in the next second, countless magic pupil-like eyes opened on the surface of the body in the sea of ​​clouds.
Immediately afterwards, countless dark green energy rays shot out from the magic pupil.
Yun Hai's body began to rotate at the same time.
Even if it stems from the special abilities of the "corrupter", his rotation speed is not as fast as the sky.
However, this is enough.
The bugs that surround the sea of ​​clouds, no matter the speed slows down, the "thunder beast" that wants to stab the skull of the sea of ​​clouds, or the "jergers" that are as annoying as fleas in his eyes, even the "hydralisk" fired at close range Slowly swept across the void bone spurs, and everything was faced with the indiscriminate sweeping attacks of energy rays.
The huge "Thunder Beast" was first cut in half, and then cut into more fragments by energy rays swept from other angles.
In the crazy rotating sweep of energy rays, the bigger the bug, the worse it would die.
On the contrary, when Yunhai emptied this piece of bugs, including those "corruptors," some "jerglings" and "cockroaches" survived.
This shows that the intensity of the insect infestation has reached what point.
"Still can't jump out."
When Yunhai speeded up again and rushed forward in the worm tide, Yunyue's voice rang in his mind.
But just like Yunhai's experience, after Yunyue had just given out this spiritual exchange, she encountered the "corruptor's" trap again.
"Damn bug!"
Angry and angry, the feeling of being trapped in the swamp turned Yunyue's extreme unhappiness into anger, and she couldn't care about Yunhai's previous confession.
Violent energy fluctuations suddenly appeared on her body.
This powerful energy wave even bounced away a large number of "Zerglings", "Cockroaches" and "Hydralisks" attached to her body surface trying to tear the bones apart.
In just two or three seconds, Yunyue, who had endured tens of thousands of attacks, broke out completely.
With her body as the center, the space filled with endless bugs suddenly resembled a meteorite falling from outer space to the sea water on the surface of the planet.
It's just that the waves are tangible, and the raging waves raised by the void are invisible.
Although invisible, it is equally deadly.
The raging waves originating from the surging space are the deformation of space.
Space deformation means that creatures attached to space will also deform.
So, centering on Yunyue's body, a strange and terrifying scene appeared.
The bodies of countless insects suddenly seemed to be pulled, torn, and kneaded by a pair of giant hands. Their original body shapes changed dramatically in an instant.
Such a change, as long as it is a living thing, not much can withstand it.
At least, these ferocious bugs are not good...
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