Chapter 1752: Not the way

"Hold on."
On the deserted planet, Yunhai's tailbone stopped Yunyue's movements.
Yun Hai did not know what happened in the "Morning Star Federation".
He didn't even know what was going on with the "Expeditionary Army" that had rushed into the "Left-Link Galaxy".
He was extremely disappointed with the expressions of his allies, and he didn't bother to care about their lives and deaths.
"Gene collapse is fatal."
"Gano said very early that in addition to the most primitive Zergs, the Sarnagars have observed that in the process of their spawning and the evolution of primitive Zergs, they have evolved extremely complex genes. password."
"Gano knows very little about this, but it knows that it is the existence of this genetic code that makes it easier for Primordial Zerg to integrate genes from other organisms."
"In turn, other organisms try to fuse the genetic code of the original Zerg, instead of dying directly from the gene collapse, they will turn into a bug."
"So, I think we should be more cautious."
It prevented Yunyue from trying to swallow some of the "mother worm"'s flesh and blood and fuse its genes, Yunhai said solemnly.
The tentacles were retracted, and Yunyue turned to look at the sea of ​​clouds.
"What do you mean, the thorn worm mother emperor evolved from the most primitive zerg, so I can successfully fuse its genes."
"And now, we are facing the primitive Zerg female worms that were spawned and evolved by the Sarnagars, so I may not be able to merge successfully?"
Although she understood the meaning of Yunhai's words, she still asked with confirmation.
Nodded, Yun Hai stretched out his giant claws.
In the position of his hideous bone claw palm, a worm crawled out of his palm.
"It doesn't make sense."
"Have you forgotten that the worm will cause its gene to collapse immediately after the parasite, whether it is an abnormal embryo or a worm, it will die immediately."
"The face worm is not me, it is not the omnipotent fusion as Ganuo said."
"It can succeed the mother's genes, of course I can too."
"It can't, it doesn't necessarily mean that I can't either."
Yunyue felt that Yunhai was confused, and quickly reminded.
"I know."
"I mean, you can give it your own fusion-related genetic ability fragments, and then introduce the female worm's gene chain into its genetic structure."
"In this case, don't we know it?"
Yun Hai certainly doesn't make that kind of mistake, but he said so.
"Didn’t we have tried it? If my fusion gene ability fragment is given to other aliens, it will only take a short time. The fusion gene fragments will infect the entire alien gene structure. Eventually, the gene structure will completely collapse, and they will immediately become one. Spread the liquid."
Yunyue heard a little confused, and said puzzledly.
"So, you have to hurry up."
"In our previous experiments, the Alien will take about ten seconds."
"During these ten seconds, you have to complete the work of introducing the female worm's gene chain into the body of this worm."
"If we are lucky enough, we may be able to see the results before the worm's gene chain is infected and collapsed."
Yun Hai explained patiently.
"This is not a good idea."
"Boss, the result of gene chain collapse is the same. How do we distinguish its gene chain collapse, is it caused by my fusion gene fragment infecting the gene chain structure, or is it caused by the fusion of the mother's gene chain?"
Yunyue still did not agree with Yunhai's idea.
"Do you have a better way?"
Yun Hai asked irritably.
Yunyue was speechless.
She is not afraid of death. She knows how important the gene chain of a "Zerg mother" is to alien civilization, and she is not afraid of taking risks.
It's just that she knows that Yun Hai will not agree with her to take such a risk.
"Well, just do what you said."
After thinking about it, she can only nod her head and agree.
"Try this first, if it doesn't work, we'll go back."
"Gano will definitely find a more perfect solution."
"The same is true for the Federation. Except for a higher degree of civilization, they are not much different from human civilization on earth."
"As for the Protoss, if they can let go of their pride, they can be a powerful ally."
"With their current attitude, when the Zerg invades, how far the Protoss can escape, the Federation is vulnerable."
"Unreliable, neither of these two civilizations are reliable."
"We have to rely on ourselves after all."
Yun Hai said with emotion.
Yunyue nodded sharply, seriously agreeing with Yunhai's judgment.
"I'm going to start."
Then, as she spoke, her tentacles stretched out.
This time, Yun Hai did not stop her again.
When the seemingly soft tentacles touched the dying "mother bug" body that had been tortured repeatedly by her, the hair-like top suddenly tightened.
Then, the top of the tentacles was like a spike, and it pierced the soft lips of the "mother bug".
By Yun Yue's side, Yun Hai had already spread its sharp claws.
In the palm of his hand, although the tiny alien face-holding bug didn't know what the master was going to do, it spread out as much as possible according to Yunhai's spiritual order.
The tip of the slender tentacles, as they moved to the Alien Hug, repeatedly extended forward and became more pointed and thinner.
At the same time, at the end of this tentacle, Yunyue's bulge, very similar to Yunhai's lower jaw, trembled slightly.
The function of her organ is exactly the same as that of Yunhai's lower jaw.
A drop of blood and a piece of meat contain a complete gene chain structure of a living being.
However, neither Yunhai nor Yunyue can directly fuse the genes of other organisms through a drop of blood or a piece of meat.
They can only decompose and analyze these flesh and blood through special organs that they have evolved to obtain a complete genetic structure.
The next step is the analysis of gene capabilities and the duplication of a certain gene fragment.
Only after successfully completing these can they try to fuse themselves or inject genetic specimen fusion into other organisms.
In this process, the most troublesome aspect is the screening and screening of the ability gene fragments.
But this time, it was not a problem.
The "mother worm" gene fragment related to reproduction is not much different from the "mother emperor" of the Zerg Clan.
Evolution is a process of growth. It is inseparable from its ancestors. What is its essence will eventually remain.
Sure enough, it was the same as Yunhai expected.
Yunyue probed the tentacles in front of the alien face-holding bug, but only paused for dozens of seconds.
Then the tip of the tentacle, which was so thin that it could not be caught by the naked eye, "bited" the alien worm like a mosquito.
Next, whether Yunhai or Yunyue, the mental senses of the two of them completely locked the alien face-holding bug...
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