Chapter 1755: Find the earth

"you sure?"
Facing the excited sea of ​​clouds, Yunyue was still a little unbelievable.
Quite simply, Yunhai has never given up searching for the parent star "Earth" or "Milky Way".
There was no way in the "small universe". After leaving that place, he deliberately contacted the "intelligent micro-civilization" and asked the "master brain" to help him search for the existence of the "galaxy", but to no avail.
The universe is very large, but high-tech civilizations are especially like "smart micro-civilizations." Although they dare not say that they can draw a star map of the entire universe, the river systems and galaxies within a certain range are already clear by them. Recognized and built into the star map.
Without the existence of the "Milky Way", the "Master Brain" does not know what special significance the "Milky Way" has to the sea of ​​clouds, but it has helped Yunhai search the star map - and Yunhai has personally participated in this process.
When no clue was found, Yunhai did not rule out a possibility.
If the "mastermind" wants to restrict the sea of ​​clouds or alien civilization, it will inevitably find a way to seize his lifeblood.
Although it is not certain that the "Milky Way" has any special meaning to the Sea of ​​Clouds, if it deliberately conceals and excludes the existence of the "Milky Way" from the star chart, the Sea of ​​Clouds is naturally unknown.
No, this possibility was ruled out later, because Ganuo took over the "intelligent micro-civilization".
Similar to the most famous "Hubble Telescope" on earth, almost every civilization has the same function and better and more advanced distant vision equipment.
"Intelligent micro-civilization" is no exception. No matter whether Ganuo activates similar equipment for all-weather scanning and observation, or it retrieves the backup star map from the huge information database of the "main brain", it still does not find the "Milky Way". exist.
All this, Yunyue naturally knows.
It is precisely because of this that she can hardly believe how such a huge "galaxy" could have emerged like this.
"When on Earth, Yun Duo was very interested in astrophysics for a while."
"During that time, I did not accompany her to watch similar documentaries and expansions."
"The Yinpan River System is definitely the Milky Way. This can't be wrong."
Yunhai responded positively.
"Then why does the Milky Way appear here?"
"If it's here, how could Garno not be able to observe it?"
Yunyue became more and more confused.
"Gano can't observe it because the Milky Way and the river system where the alien civilization is located are too far apart, far beyond its observation range."
Yun Hai responded with a wry smile.
"Is it far?"
"Huh... what do you mean?"
Yunyue immediately thought of a possibility.
"The star field controlled by the Morning Star Federation, the space gate we have just passed through, is not made by the Morning Star Federation."
"This space gate is a relic-like existence."
"Obviously, we chose a circuitous route. Suddenly we don't know how many light-years we have crossed, how many river systems we have crossed, or even half of the universe, before we came to the Milky Way."
Having carefully searched for more information in the "Star Mapper" just now, Yunhai answered with tears and laughter.
"Then can we go back?"
Compared to the "Milky Way" or "Earth", Yunyue obviously cares more about alien civilizations, and asked hurriedly in surprise.
"This should not be a problem."
"In the silver halo area of ​​the Yinpan River System, there is also a space gate."
"This space gate is also a relic."
"Through this space gate, we can reach another river system-the Starwheel River System."
"The Starwheel River System is very far away from here. Even the Morning Star Federation cannot determine how many river systems are in between."
"It's just that the Starwheel River System is not far from the river system controlled by the Morning Star Federation, and there are only two river systems in between."
"There is also a space gate in the Star Wheel System. As long as we pass through that space gate, we can go back soon."
Yun Hai responded slowly while searching the corresponding information in the "Star Mapper" to make sure it was correct.
"How to do?"
"Should we go straight back? Or to find the solar system? To the earth?"
Yun Yue thought for a while and asked seriously.
"Look for the earth first."
"The Federation and the Protoss are dragging the Zerg, and there will be no problems with the alien civilization for the time being."
"Finally found the Milky Way, don't go back to the earth to see how it works."
Yun Hai responded without hesitation.
"Well, the Milky Way is so big, do you know where the earth is?"
Yun Yue asked rhetorically.
"This is the problem. The Morningstar Federation once sent a fleet to search the galaxy. In this not a comprehensive search process, they have discovered 16 civilizations."
"Among these sixteen civilizations, twelve civilizations are in the initial stage, almost all primitive civilizations."
"The remaining four civilizations have two alien civilizations, and one technological civilization. The remaining one, the Morning Star Federation, defines them as Dark Spirit civilizations."
"I have repeatedly confirmed that human civilization on earth is not among these sixteen civilizations."
Yun Hai spoke slowly, quite a headache.
That's right, both he and Yunyue now have the ability to leap in space and open a temporary "wormhole".
However, compared to a huge river system, if you want to find the blue planet among countless stars, it is as difficult as finding a buried gravel in the vast desert.
If Ganuo were here, this job would become very simple.
With the help of various instruments, science and technology civilization will inevitably find out where the earth is from hundreds of billions of stars as long as a certain amount of time is consumed.
In contrast, Yunhai’s biological intelligence is simply impossible to accomplish this difficult task.
"Then how to find it?"
Yunyue said, turning her head around in a daze.
"It's not impossible."
"Among the sixteen civilizations discovered by the Morningstar Federation, the only one is technological civilization which is roughly equivalent to the fourth-level civilization in our knowledge."
"This level of civilization is not high, but they are definitely much more advanced than earth civilization."
"Perhaps, they have already observed human civilization on Earth in the solar system, but they couldn't reach it because of the distance."
"The Morning Star Federation fully marked the location of this Yisi civilization on the star map. We only need to find them, or we can find clues to the earth."
After thinking about it, Yun Hai felt that this idea was more reliable.
"It seems that there is only this way."
Yunyue nodded in agreement.
The location of the "Space Gate" was determined, and the direction was determined. After finding a few reference objects, the location of the "Is Civilization" was determined, and then Yunhai and Yunyue flew down in that direction.
"By the way, you just mentioned a dark spirit civilization, what kind of civilization is that?"
When he was about to enter the space leap, Yunyue suddenly made a difference and couldn't help asking.
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