Chapter 1809: Star General Gray

Gray is a star general.
In "Star Alliance United Nations", "Star General" is not the highest military rank.
However, the "Zhou General" above the "Star Generals" is just a title. Those "Star Generals" who have made outstanding contributions to the "United Nations" may be added "Zhou Generals" when they retire. General" rank.
Therefore, as far as the servicemen are concerned, the "star general" can be said to be the highest.
The age is no longer young, and an age like Gray, if replaced by a civilian, may already be enjoying his old age.
Thanks to the advanced biotechnology of "United Nations", Gray's body is still strong enough. As long as there is no major problem with the "head", he feels that he can still sit in the position of "star general" for many years.
This time, Gray served as the commander of the "Second Fleet Group".
A captain may know the specific situation of each battleship in his fleet, and even know the abilities and advantages and disadvantages of more crew members.
However, when different numbers of fleets are united for group operations, the captain's ability is somewhat lacking.
And the "star generals" who are not too numerous are prepared for such a battle.
Sitting on the bridge, Gray turned on the desktop light screen and called up the deployment plan of the "Second Fleet Cluster" and looked at it carefully.
Not far behind him, temporarily installed on the workbench in the main control room, the three-dimensional defense map clearly presented.
The "Stars" as the mainstay, plus several other civilized "military think tank" members surround the workbench.
They talked from time to time, while touching the touch points on the portable light screen in their hands.
Forty fleets form a "fleet cluster", which adds up to tens of millions of warships, large and small, and it is naturally not an easy task to deploy defenses.
Especially for a commander with obsessive-compulsive disorder like Gray, his think tank must be as perfect as possible.
Not long after, the head of the think tank walked up to Gray and imported the modified deployment map onto the light screen of the desktop in front of him.
After a few glances, Gray shook his head dissatisfied.
"The meaning of defense is not absolute defense."
"We are only here to fight, don't just think about how to defend."
"Alien civilization will appear in the form of space transition, I think there should be no doubt about this."
"What we have to do is to cover the blow with dense artillery fire the moment they appear."
"If you move more fleets to the rear, the defensive formation formed may last longer."
"However, this will also cause some battleships to have problems with fire support because the distance is too long."
Gray frowned and said, and at the same time stretched out his fingers and drew two circles on the light screen, directly encircling the large fleet behind the triangular battlefield, and then dragging it to the front.
"In this way, form a three-dimensional battle formation."
"In this way, we can achieve stronger firepower output in an instant."
Withdrawing his hand, Gray said in an unquestionable tone.
It’s just that the head of the staff obviously has other ideas. He knows that the meaning of his existence is to put forward different opinions. He said without hesitation:
In this way, if we can’t suppress the alien army at the moment of the exchange of fire, then There may be some problems with the evacuation of the fleet."
Looking up at the head of the staff that he has always trusted, Gray smiled faintly and said: "Henry, you are wrong. Do you think I am here with the fleet cluster, do you have any plans to retreat?"
"Either succeed, we repelled the alien army."
"Either fail, we will be wiped out by them."
"Henry, we have no retreat. After the parliament has made a war decision, we have no retreat."
"A fleet cluster is forty fleets, and the total number of large and small warships together exceeds 60 million."
"There are four fleet clusters like this."
"If more than 200 million warships can't handle the alien civilization, do you think it makes sense for us to return to the Uto Galaxy?"
"The role of the planetary cannon is to eliminate key targets, such as the main ship of a fleet. It is not a weapon of large-scale destruction."
"When its target becomes an alien army that may exceed our largest imagination, how useful do you think the planetary cannon can be."
"Maybe a super black hole bomb is more powerful than the extremely expensive planetary cannon."
Speaking slowly, Gray took a sip of the refreshing hot drink from the bracket on the edge of the table.
"Understood, Star General, I'll change it right away."
It’s not that I have never thought of this. If I can’t infer these, Henry is not qualified to be the leader of a think tank under the "Star General". He just wants to prove that he got the result of his inference, and then he left with a military salute. Up.
Putting down the cup, Gray closed the defense map on the desktop light screen, and then began to send a communication connection request with the commanding army of the "Third Fleet Group" "Franks General".
The communication connection was instantly established, and a micro-projector at the corner of the desktop light screen projected light to form a three-dimensional image in front of Gray.
At the same time, a light curtain rose on the ground on the four sides of the fleet command table where Gray was sitting, separating him from the huge control room.
Seeing Franks biting the thick cigarette, Gray frowned.
"Don't show such an expression."
"Gray, people like you will never realize how fascinating cigarettes are made from the fine race."
With a puff of thick smoke, Franks said with a smile.
"I don't have time to hear you say these are useless, Franks."
"I want to know, is the Capital Circle really all right?"
Confirming that his conversation had been completely isolated by the light curtain, Gray spoke straight to the subject.
"Don't worry, I contacted Speaker Fern."
"You also know what he is like. Speaker Fern is not a person who will succumb. Speaker Yuli has no way to control him."
"I had a video call with Speaker Fern. The closure of the capital circle is also for safety reasons. Everything is normal there."
Franks grinned while biting his cigarette.
"That's it."
"I also believe Speaker Fern, as long as everything is normal in the capital circle, then there is no problem."
Gray let out a long breath.
"So, the parliament makes a decision, and we just have to implement it."
"Grey, are you ready to sacrifice for the United Nations?"
Franks let out a puff of smoke and asked with a smile.
"Don't worry, if you are not dead, how could I be willing to die."
With a laugh, Gray closed the communication connection.
Turning off the light curtain device, his gaze passed through the huge observation window of the main control room towards a dark interstellar medium region of the universe.
Although it was dark and quiet in front of him, Gray seemed to have seen the alien army emerging out of thin air, as well as the spectacular sight of gunfire.
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