Chapter 1839: experience

The miniature transport ship is not close to the huge "boat of life".
In fact, just as soon as the outline of the "Ship of Life" could be seen, a special spacecraft stopped the miniature transport ship that the "Prophet" and Rex were riding in, and then led the way to a khaki in the distance. Planet.
"That should be their mothership, right?"
"Or the spacecraft Home?"
Looking at the Big Mac displayed on the radar chart of the transport ship, Rex couldn't help asking.
It was too big, far beyond Rex's expectations.
In his cognition, the mothership of the "Protoss" is already large enough.
Of course, the "Morning Star Federation" also has larger transport ships.
However, that kind of transport ship is only used to load cargo. If you want to turn it into a battleship, the technological level of the "Morning Star Federation" is not enough to ensure its stability.
Although the mothership of the "Protoss" is smaller than that of that kind of transport ship, it can serve as cargo transportation, manning, and high-intensity operations.
Therefore, the two are not comparable at all.
"Except for the mysterious mother star, the creation clan does not continuously expand, occupy or possess more star regions like other civilizations."
"In a sense, they are a wandering civilization."
"Where the spacecraft Home is driven, even if it is their home."
The "Prophet" responded blankly.
"How many people can there be in this spacecraft Home?"
Rex couldn't help asking again.
"With such a large spacecraft Home, I think it is the most basic thing to accommodate one or two billion people."
"Of course, considering their advanced biotechnology level, if there is no problem with food, it is not surprising that there are hundreds of millions of people."
The "Prophet" still had that dazed expression, and said slowly.
"Then how many spacecraft do they have like this homeland?"
"Or, is this home spacecraft, the last home of the Sarnagar?"
Rex thought for a while, but couldn't help but ask in a low voice.
The "Prophet" did not respond in time this time.
For a long time, he gave a wry smile and said: "Rex, I can see the future, but it is a fragmented future."
"Actually, we are not sure if it is the Spacecraft Home."
"After all, it is not the same shape as the Sarnagar spacecraft in the materials left by our ancestors."
"So, you don't know, many times I don't know."
Hearing what the "Prophet" said, Rex couldn't ask anything more.
Focusing on the behemoth that had disappeared behind the side of the transport ship, Rex looked at the special spacecraft leading the way through the observation window of the transport ship.
Every "Protoss" person is a fighter, and the difference is the strength and weakness of combat power.
As a low-level "templar warrior", although Rex didn't have much combat power, he was definitely not lacking at all.
He could clearly feel the exuberant breath of life in the spaceship flying in front of him in a hurry.
It can be seen that the engine, which is obviously a technological creation, includes a powerful turbulence of energy, including a few bright enough headlights at the stern.
However, the shape of the spacecraft is like a giant bird.
In other words, it was originally a giant bird.
The extended wings replaced the pair of iron claws of the landing bracket.
The rounded head, and the nose of the aircraft further forward became a sharp beak.
It is a spaceship because it has obvious technological creations.
At the same time, it is also a creature, because it not only has an obvious biological form, but more importantly, it also has the breath of life.
As if feeling Rex's hot gaze, the half-bird and half-mechanical spacecraft turned its head.
Seeing the fiery red eyes that looked like a pair of giant lanterns locked on him, Rex couldn't help having a cold fight, and then turned his eyes away.
Rex had a feeling that something he couldn't be sure of could definitely kill it in seconds.
"Biological Technology."
"Rex, I can't hear as much as I see."
"This is the biotechnology of the Sarnagars. Combining powerful biology and technology, no civilization can do better than them."
"If you think about it, if an alien beast is equipped with a phantom energy technology weapon, its powerful ability coupled with the lethality of the technology weapon, this is not a doubling of its combat power."
At this time, the "Prophet" said quietly.
"But, they are so powerful, haven't they been destroyed by the Zerg?"
Rex replied unconvincingly.
But this sentence is obviously unspeakable, Rex uses a special nether energy communication.
In the territory controlled by the "Sarnaga", unscrupulously discussing the fact that the "Zerg" destroyed them, at least Rex has no such confidence or courage.
Without answering his words, the "Prophet" did not respond.
Of course, Rex didn't expect any response. The "Zerg" is like a "black hole" that is inaccessible and unresearchable. Any problems involving it are extremely heavy.
In this way, it didn't take long for the silent Rex and the "Prophet" to be led to a planet.
The earthy surface of the planet has an extremely harsh atmosphere.
Visible storms, violent thunder and lightning, almost covered the entire planet's surface.
After passing through the magnificent atmosphere without any surprises, Rex saw more pictures that he could not imagine.
On the surface of the planet, some creatures as huge as mountain peaks can be seen.
They are moving slowly, but from time to time they eject energy cannonballs like plasma balls.
There were more than two or three hundred such creatures within Rex's visible range.
Those blue energy that were constantly ejected by them dragged a bright trajectory and shot straight into the atmosphere.
Then there was a dull explosion, and lightning creeping through the atmosphere.
To transform a living planet, the most important thing is its atmospheric environment.
The "protoss" had long been able to transform a living planet suitable for them to live in, but it was the first time that Rex saw that transforming the atmospheric environment could be done quickly by some creatures.
It's not that living things can't transform the planet's atmospheric environment, but that it will definitely be a very long cycle.
But in Rex's current expectation, the speed at which these moving Roshans can transform the atmospheric environment of a living planet is definitely much faster than that of the "Protoss" using technology.
Attracted by a violent green light, Rex quickly looked out of the window on the other side of the transport ship.
On the ground in the distance, a thick tentacle could be seen faintly poking out.
In this tentacle, green energy cannonballs are constantly ejected.
Obviously controlling the distance, when those green energy cannonballs exploded at different low altitudes, the green liquid spilled on the ground like a heavy rain.
When the transport ship finally landed in front of a base that was obviously closed to the environment, in Rex's incredible gaze, patches of plants had grown to the same height as him on the land sprinkled by the green rainstorm.
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