Chapter 1843: Three hands ready

The argument did not last long.
If we put it in the past, it is normal for this argument to continue for several months.
It's just that the dozen or so senator presidents are very clear now that this is not the time to argue.
The contact between the "Protoss" and the "Sarnaga", followed by the migration of the "Protoss".
All signs indicate that something is going to happen in this star field.
And this star field is the star field of the "Morning Star Federation".
Here, trillions of federal people live.
No matter what happens, the "Morning Star Federation" bears the brunt.
It is not difficult to contact. Although Du Haoyu was impeached and stepped down, everyone here has his contact information.
Soon after the newly added communication connection was established, Du Haoyu appeared in a light screen.
There was no unexpected expression, and he didn't even say hello. Du Haoyu quietly listened to the retelling of Zach, the head of the "Federal Intelligence Service".
The other heads of the Senate also listened quietly, and they were not surprised by Du Haoyu's composure.
Behind a senator president stood many, many people, with more force support.
Du Haoyu has stepped down, but it is clear that he will not abandon him in a short time because he is not sure whether he will return to those people and forces.
"This is the situation."
"It's just that three batches of material lists have been put forward. Except for contacting us during the handover, the Sarnagars simply ignored us, whether it was meetings or remote communication connections."
"Now, the Protoss, which is clearly preparing to migrate, has also refused our communication connection request."
"Maybe something is going to happen in this star field, but until now, we are not sure what will happen."
After Zach finished his report, he added one more sentence.
"Where are our fleets now?"
Du Haoyu, who was already used to it, didn't care if others wanted to say something, so he asked directly.
"Forty percent of the federal fleet is scattered in different locations in the triangle area."
"Half of the remaining warships are guarded near the Celestial Star System, and the remaining half are near the Merco Galaxy."
This time it was "Zhou General" Randall. Although he was not a member of the council, he was absolutely qualified to participate in this meeting.
No one will forget that it is this old man who is close to the age of retirement, who successfully completed the Federation's sweep of the "Left Connected Galaxy" not long ago.
Although both the "Morning Star Federation" and the "Protoss" paid a heavy price that time, they succeeded in the end.
"I don't know in what capacity I attended this meeting, but since I'm here, I still have to say what I should say."
"Order the fleet near the Meto galaxy to assemble and immediately advance to the Meto galaxy."
"Didn't the Protoss ignore us? Let's be more direct."
"If the Protoss takes the initiative to attack us, don't hesitate to let the fleet force in."
"Our technological level is not as good as them, but our fleet is much higher than them."
"After deploying more people with special abilities to press over, I don't believe they can leave so easily."
Du Haoyu said loudly and loudly, his expression even more decisive than his voice.
"Crazy, Du Haoyu, you are crazy."
"When the Meto galaxy was allocated to the Protoss to inhabit, in a sense, it was equivalent to their territory. Our fleet approached without permission. We are already provoking them."
"Go to war with the Protoss? Du Haoyu, do you know what you are talking about?"
It's just that Du Haoyu hasn't finished speaking, but several senators have already interrupted his voice.
"Let him finish first."
"Spirit" Bulwell sang out loudly.
With his roar, everyone suddenly fell silent.
Everyone knows Burwell's temper. As a senator, he really dares to fist and fight in the parliament.
As one of the strongest "spirit races", Bulwell was actually his fist that impressed the Federation more.
The president of the Senate, who has fought several times in the parliament, is still one of the presidents of the "Morning Star Federation" with the highest public support.
"What I just said was only one."
"At the same time, we have to mobilize all the fleets in the triangle area and proceed to the triangle area at the same time."
"Although it is late now, we can't sit and wait for death."
"So, we must be the first to start and disrupt their steps."
Du Haoyu continued to say in a deep voice.
"Do you think they want to do something to the Federation?"
Victorna, the Senate President from the "Light Clan," frowned and asked.
"Is it not obvious enough?"
"The Protoss suddenly evacuated after contacting the Sarnagar."
"The Sarnagars have always ignored us. If they want to cooperate, will they have this attitude?"
"There is no reason in the dark universe. Freedom and rights are within the range of warships."
"If the parliament was willing to listen to me at that time, we would start a little earlier, and we wouldn't be so passive."
"Now, it's our last chance."
"If we don't do it again, maybe there will never be a chance to do it."
Du Haoyu responded indifferently.
"I agree with Senator Du Haoyu's judgment."
"When the Sarnagar appeared, I was still fighting against the Zerg in the Left Lian Galaxy."
"When I came back, you had already unified your attitude, and I didn't have the opportunity to put forward my own opinions."
"Now, it is indeed our last chance."
"Once the Sarnagars take the initiative to attack, believe me, it is definitely not something we can fight against."
"Our only chance is to attack them quickly and disrupt their plans before they take action."
"Perhaps in that case, we still have a chance."
Randall, who still called him the "President of the Senate", said solemnly after taking Du Haoyu's words.
Du Haoyu didn't seem to hear Randall's approval. He still kept his original expression and tone, and spoke again.
"In the Merco galaxy and the triangle area, we simultaneously declared war on the Protoss and the Sarnagar."
"Then, mobilize all the fleets of the fairy wheel star system to prepare them to leave."
As soon as he said this, more people were stunned.
Only Randall Zhou raised his eyebrows and showed a thoughtful expression.
"go away?"
Victorner was taken aback.
"The Sarnagar is a civilization with extremely advanced biotechnology. We have already learned this from the Protoss."
"If they want to do it to us, I guess it's probably biotechnology."
"Prior to this, I am not sure yet."
"This time the migration of the Protoss Clan precisely illustrates this point."
"The Sarnagars will definitely use biotechnology to attack us. In order not to accidentally injure the Protoss, they must evacuate early in the Meto galaxy, which is in the central area of ​​our control star field."
"The active attacks of the Merco galaxy and the triangle area are used to attract their attention."
"From now on, I suggest starting to prepare for evacuation."
"Everyone, there is not much time left for us."
Du Haoyu's expression has always been calm, and only when he said the last sentence did his expression change.
Only few people can tell whether the expression on his face is melancholy or regretful.
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