Chapter 1848: Further

Whether it is scientific research or biological evolution.
When in a bottleneck period, these are difficult to move.
However, after a sudden breakthrough in the key "technology", what remains is a matter of course.
Yunyue, who found the key to imitating "biological architecture" and mastered the core method, did not encounter any problems in the subsequent research and forgery of all "biological architecture" of the "Zergs".
"Gene Evolution Room".
"Gene extraction room."
"Gene duplication cyst".
"Gene dissemination bacteria room".
Without struggling with the irrelevant issue of naming, Yunyue quickly studied all the few "biological buildings" of the "Zerg Clan" and successfully imitated them.
The "Gene Evolution Room" should actually be called the "Cannonworm Evolution Room".
Its function is very single, and it will allow "larvae" to evolve into "cannon worms."
"Gene extraction room", this is a very important "biological building", and its role is very large.
The genetic structure of bugs is the same, no matter whether it is a "miner bug", a "thorn bug", or a "cannon bug" or even a female bug.
There is no difference in their overall gene structure, and the different abilities they possess are only reflected in partial gene fragments.
The function of the "gene extraction room" is to perform special analysis on these special ability gene fragments.
It is like a high-precision scientific and technological instrument that can repeatedly compare and modify these gene fragments.
No experiment can get perfect results at one time, and the "Gene Extraction Room" is just that.
It may have no results for decades, tens of thousands, or tens of thousands of years, but once it succeeds, it means that a certain kind of insect ability will be drastically changed, and even a new ability and more fierce combat power will be obtained. Of bugs.
This success has a special definition.
The "gene extraction room" may have successfully analyzed and modified a gene fragment in several experiments, but such success does not mean absolute success.
Let the "miner bug" have a natural sound, or let the bone spurs sprayed by the "thorn bug" become colorful, etc.
As long as the "miner bugs" and "thorn worms" did not experience gene breakdown during this process, it can be said to be a success.
Obviously, such success is meaningless.
A "magnetic blaster" and a "cannon worm" are the only two successful cases of the "Zerg Clan" mother emperor since she was born and swallowed by Yunyue.
Their appearance is attributed to the "gene extraction room".
Therefore, among the "biological buildings" that can be constructed, both Yunhai and Yunyue have the same cognition-the "gene extraction room" plays the most important role.
Next is the "gene replication cyst" and "gene dissemination bacteria room".
And these two "biological buildings" are now a bit embarrassing for their existence.
The mother emperor of the "Zerg Thorn Race" successfully constructed these two "biological buildings", but it has no way to make them work.
"Gene replication cyst" is like a "gene replication instrument" of scientific and technological civilization, or "gene drug production instrument".
Its function is to replicate a large number of "capacity gene cysts" in batches, and then through the "gene dissemination chamber", so that more insects have this ability.
However, it was swallowed by Yunyue before the mother emperor of the "Zerg Clan" developed a method to extract the gene of the "Cannon Worm" ability.
In other words, Yunhai and Yunyue are not sure whether "gene duplication cysts" and "gene dissemination chambers" are really useful.
However, after the first two kinds of "biological architecture" were tested, both of them were sure that they had succeeded.
In this way, with the joy of success, Yunhai and Yunyue once again entered the "small universe".
"How is it? Have you noticed anything?"
As soon as he entered the "small universe", Yunhai seemed to remember one thing and directly sent a message to the "intelligent micro-civilization" space base not far from the "space light bridge".
"Are you asking the Zerg mother?"
"Or the exploration of the planet of life?"
"Or the exploration of other life species in the small universe?"
"Or is it the latest status of SSS operations?"
Almost instantly, the space base responded.
The "child body" is not an intelligent life, if you change to Ganuo, you will definitely not ask.
"The latest status of the SSS operation."
Yunhai stopped not far from the space base and sent the message again.
The "SSS" operation is a search operation for the "earth".
"The SSS operation is in full swing."
"As of now, we have deployed tens of billions of detectors."
"Of these detectors, about half have acted as liaison base stations, so there are currently about five billion detectors doing careful investigation and search in different star regions."
"In this process, we have discovered more than a thousand planets of life, of which only 16 planets have developed civilization."
"Among the sixteen civilizations, eleven are primitive civilizations, and the other five have three alien civilizations and two technological civilizations."
"We all report the specific situation to the master in time."
"Do you need more detailed information?"
The "subbody" response is mechanical and staid.
What it just said, Yun Hai had already known from Ganuo.
Among the sixteen civilizations that have been discovered, five of them were discovered by him and Yunyue.
The remaining ones are also some low-level civilizations, and the most advanced ones are only slightly higher than the "earth civilization".
Just these, the core of "SSS Operation" is to find "human civilization on earth", but there is no progress on this.
At least, no progress has been made so far.
"no need."
Yunhai responded to the "child body" of the space base, and then flew towards the parent planet of the "former Silver Dragon Empire" together with Yunyue.
No time was wasted. When the two of them flickered outside the orbit of the planet, at least millions of warships in different directions locked them.
However, in an instant, those battleships determined the identity of the two Yunhai, and then the battleship's main weapon was aimed at the surface of the planet.
Not only the fleet, but also aliens.
Just a planet with a mass about twice the "Earth", but there are more than one billion warships guarding it from orbit.
Not only that, there are more than 500 million aliens on the periphery of the fleet.
And on the other three life planets in this star system, there are more than six alien queens and more than three billion aliens.
And Ganuo also created three super weapons in this star system. If there are signs of uncontrollability, the three super weapons will destroy the planet in an instant.
Even if it was just a female worm without consciousness, neither Ganuo nor Yunhai dared to have any contempt.
"Zerg" is like this, this is "Zerg"...
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