Chapter 1863: Peak power

The void space seemed to be torn apart into a fleeting gap.
The huge blade that "Super Templar" Adela slashed fiercely, with a destructive aura, slashed on the invisible energy shield.
Just as the same "super nuclear bomb" was suddenly detonated, at the point of contact between the giant blade and the energy shield, the space was violently trembling, and a terrifying energy storm suddenly swept away.
This terrifying energy storm shook the entire void even pulling it.
"Super Templar" Adela's body was swept back by the energy storm and threw it back, like a battleship speeding up to escape.
In the energy shield of emptiness, the "Pope" and eight other people are like a light boat in a violent wind and huge waves. Among the phantom senses of Adams, the "Super Marshal" in the distance, nine people even have some bodies. Distorted.
Of course, this is just an illusion, an illusion caused by the violent vibration of the void space.
If the bodies of the nine of them were truly distorted with the shock of the void, then they would definitely die-at least in Adams' view, if their bodies were subjected to a devastating blow, the death of mankind was absolutely inevitable.
The tremor of the body, the "pope" is the most obvious.
The thin body was floating straight, but his body was trembling slightly.
Just as "Super Templar" Adela slashed with a slash, the "Pope"'s body clearly experienced a severe tremor.
At this time, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth.
"Long live the Shenguang religion, long live the light tribe."
This scene naturally fell into the eyes of the eight people next to him, and a burly man who looked very strong and dressed in civilian clothes suddenly sent out a mental communication to everyone.
At the next moment, he rushed out of the energy shield of the "Pope" and rushed towards Adela, the "Super Templar" who was obviously preparing for the next attack.
"Long live humanity!"
The moment the strong man rushed out, another human also followed.
He is an old man, who looks older than the "Pope".
It's exactly the oldest "farmer" costume in the Federation, but the old man's movements are not slow at all.
He looked so gloomy a second before, and instantly turned into a fierce beast.
The rickety body was shot out, and the old man rushed straight to the "Super Marshal" Adams in the distance.
"Things that live and die."
Faced with the brawny man who charged straight up, the "Super Templar" smiled without anger.
In his eyes, humans are like ants.
This is the perception of the super-powerful. Although they will be killed in the end when caught in the worm tide, in their eyes, a certain person or a certain bug is an ant.
Just like the human in front of him, even if he looks strong like a fierce beast, in Adela's eyes, he is an ant, an ant that he can easily kill with just a gesture.
In fact, Adela did the same. Faced with the brawny man who rushed forward, he temporarily gave up hitting the energy shield again, and instead waved his arm casually.
Even if it was just a random wave, the wide, thick, clear and shining giant blade was still faster than lightning, and it slashed at the strong man.
The brawny man didn't hide, he just lit up.
Yes, it just lights up.
His eyes instantly turned into two stars, transmitting endless light and heat.
At the same time, in his mouth, nose and even ear holes, there were fiery red light bursting out.
When the giant blade in Adela's hand slashed to his neck, the skin on the strong man's body burst into terrifying cracks.
In those cracks, more fiery red light burst out.
Subconsciously, the situation is not good. Among Adela's nether energy senses, the breath of life exploded by the strong man at this instant is dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than just now.
Not only the breath of life, Adela clearly felt that a violent energy reaction suddenly appeared in this brawny man's body.
In that case, it was like that two substances that could produce violent energy reactions were suddenly produced in his body.
This violent energy reaction will only lead to one result, which is a more violent explosion.
Feeling bad, Adela didn't stop or retreat.
In fact, he was too late to retreat.
What's more, the proud and arrogant he would not take a step back even if he had room.
The nether energy shield enveloped the body, and Adela didn't seem to see any abnormalities, and still slashed with the knife.
The moment his blade touched the burly man's neck, the red light bursting out of the latter's body became more and more intense, but his whole body suddenly exploded violently.
Not beyond Adela's expectation, this strong man's ability is a humanoid self-propelled energy bomb.
It's just that he didn't expect that it was just a special human ability. The energy impact produced by his sudden explosion was stronger than the high-energy explosive bombs produced by the "Protoss".
The shock of terrifying energy smashed his nether energy shield in an instant.
Even if a fatal danger was sensed at the last moment, Adela couldn't avoid it.
As he retreated, his right arm holding the knife was directly turned into pieces of flesh and blood under the impact of terrifying energy.
Including the huge blade made of the most special material fused with the material of the thunder beast bone armor, it was exploded into fragments in the shock of terrifying energy.
At this moment, Adela didn't even feel the sharp pain.
He couldn't believe this fact, his whole brain was blank.
He couldn't believe that it was just a human being, just a face-to-face, even if this human being paid the price of his life, how could he hurt himself severely.
But the truth is the truth. When the piercing pain hits, Adela felt only shame.
In the left hand, the rapidly extending nether energy lightning condensed into a light blade.
Adela, who was completely irrational and irritated by the humiliation, rushed towards the other seven people with such obsession.
He even forgot Adams. He forgot that an old man pounced on Adams at that moment.
To put it vividly, the
law enforcement officer
is the
, and the
is the
In the "Morning Star Federation", more people distinguish between "Marshals" and "templars" in this way.
It's just that even if it is a "mage", a "super law enforcement officer" is definitely a kind of existence in the human cognition of "demonstration".
It is precisely because of this that, just now, Adela did not care about the old man who pounced on Adams.
In his opinion, Adams had at least a hundred ways to kill the old man in an instant.
This is as if he could kill the brawny man in a flash.
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