Chapter 1867: Origin Civilization (Part 1)

When the "Morning Star Federation" and the "Protoss" and "Sarnagar" were in full-scale war, in a river system that was very far away from this star field, a more intense and tragic war was also going on.
This war has been going on for hundreds of years.
To be precise, if it were not for this war, more worms would have flowed through the wormhole to the "Left Connected Star System" and to the "Morning Star Federation".
Over the course of hundreds of years, the number of insects invested by the "Zerg" in this river system is almost equal to about a hundred times the number of insects before the war.
There are too many powerful beings in the boundless universe, and the deeper a civilization understands the universe, the clearer this will be.
Just like the earth before the end, although some people firmly believe that there is more life in the vast universe, there are still some people who firmly believe that the earth and human beings are the core of the universe.
Of course, if the human civilization on earth has more powerful energy and the ability to jump into space, no one would think so.
Even the "Zerg" who wiped out countless civilizations believe that there must be more and more powerful lives in the universe.
In the simple thinking and consciousness of those worms, there are more powerful lives in the universe, which is why the "Zerg" exists.
They are bound to plunder more excellent genes of living beings and eventually evolve into the invincible overlord of the universe.
Therefore, the "Zerg" is not afraid of any powerful life forms.
For enemies that cannot be solved by ten billion bugs, use one hundred billion or one trillion.
If one trillion bugs are not enough, then use one hundred, one thousand or even ten thousand one trillion bugs to solve the problem.
In the eyes of "Zerg", quantity is not a problem at all.
If there is enough battlefield to consume, the worms that the "Zerg" with full firepower can produce every day are beyond the imagination of more civilizations.
This time, it was like this.
The star field named "Original River System" by "Heroic Abathur", this war that has lasted for hundreds of years is full of drama for "Zerg".
At first, when the "Zerg" discovered the existence of a civilization in this river system.
Without a trace of hesitation, the worm surge directly covered the past.
In about a hundred days, the "Zerg" wiped out this civilized creature scattered throughout the river system.
A large number of specimens were sent back to the "Heroic Abathur" by the "Behemoth" through the "wormhole" of the "Tunnel Worm". When the "lord" who commanded the war thought that the "Zerg" had completely occupied In this river system, the order of "Hero Abathur" was passed.
"All the biological specimens you sent back are exactly the same. These are all duplicates."
"The gene structure of these replicas is not complete and has no reference significance."
"There should be an original body, find them, no matter what price you pay, you must find it."
"Domination" does not ask about world affairs, "Hero Abathur" is the ruler of "Zerg".
The "lord" did not dare to question, so he launched the "Zerg" army and began to search for the so-called origin of the "hero Abathur" in the entire river system.
It doesn't even know what the "primitive body" is. It is much more difficult to find an uncertain existence in a vast river system than to trace a needle in the ocean.
The ruthless "lord" directly applied to the "hero Abathur" to mobilize hundreds of billions of insects, and then scattered them in different areas of the entire river system through different "tunnel insects", and began a difficult search.
In the first ten years, the "lord" has found nothing.
Only through feedback, it found some anomalies.
Different "Zerg squads" searched in different areas will always disappear suddenly inexplicably.
At first, the "lord" didn't care about it. After all, it was just a bug that commanded hundreds of billions, and it did not have the ability of "biological brain", so it was impossible to do everything in detail.
At first, the "lord" thought he had made a mistake. For example, the "Zerg squadron" that disappeared suddenly did not exist in the disappeared star field.
They don't disappear inexplicably, but they simply don't exist there.
However, as the number of similar errors increased, the "lord" knew that there must be a problem.
The "lord" began to focus on the area it initially thought was wrong, but it was disappointed to find that the "Zerg squad" that it thought was an error would disappear, and there was no connection between the areas where they were missing.
Before the "lord" could figure out what went wrong, the enemy suddenly appeared.
The endless "origin creatures" seemed to jump out of the void, dispelling the insect swarm in the shortest time, directly threatening the safety of the "lord".
Without hesitation, the "lord" who was not born for battle escaped through the "temporary wormhole" opened by the "tunnel bug".
When it reached a safe area, through the perfect "Nether Energy Communication Network" that had been established, the "lord" was shocked to discover that at least half of the insect swarm had lost contact with it.
And this number is expanding rapidly. When the "lord" checked the "Nether Energy Communication Network" for the second time, more than one-third of the insect swarms could not be contacted.
Without thinking, the "lord" made a request.
Thus, through "wormholes" and more "temporary wormholes", a steady stream of worms flooded into the "origin river system."
At the same time, there are more "lords".
Trillions of insects, led by different "lords", began to carry out a carpet sweep of this river system.
Those "origin creatures" that no one knew where they came from, they also rushed to the boundless swarms of insects who didn't know how to be afraid.
This war lasted for more than two hundred years.
Finally, after paying the price of annihilation, the "Zerg" finally wiped out all the "origin creatures".
This "annihilation of the entire army" was aimed at the insect swarm that was killed by more "lords" for the first time. In fact, during the war, the "Zerg" almost never stopped supporting the insect swarm.
Therefore, even if trillions of insect swarms are lost, after all the "origin creatures" are finally eliminated, the "Zerg" still has trillions of insect swarms in this "origin river system".
It seems to have won the war, but all "lords" know that this does not mean anything.
Because they did not find the "primitive body" needed by "hero Abathur" from beginning to end.
Fortunately, the facts did not disappoint them.
Just when these "lords" were at a loss, a large number of "primitive creatures" appeared again.
Because there are more "lords" and a more complete "Nether Energy Communication Network", after the emergence of "primitive creatures" this time, the "lords" have grasped enough information in the shortest time.
This time the number of "primitive organisms" appeared is similar to the last time, more or less, but the difference is definitely not big.
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