Chapter 1868: Origin civilization (part 2)

"Lord" is not born to fight.
Even if they also have a certain combat effectiveness, their combat effectiveness is negligible compared to wisdom.
The clever "lords", when they determined the approximate number of the second batch of "origin creatures", they immediately determined something.
"Original creatures" are clones. This is what the "hero Abathur" said, so it can't be wrong.
In the course of the war, the "lord" had long established that the "primitive creature" did not have the ability to cross river systems, let alone the ability to create "wormholes".
In other words, they were born in the "origin river system".
The ability to make them appear in more areas of the "origin river system" in the shortest time is definitely the credit of the "origin body".
Obviously, the magical "Essential Body" has the ability to shuttle through space in an instant.
This is only one of them. The "lords" have also determined that the "source body" cannot endlessly create or create more copies.
Energy is still the key.
In this universe, there is no life that can survive without energy. The only difference lies in how it can obtain what energy.
No matter where the "primitive body" has been hiding, it is obvious that in the corresponding period of time, nearly one trillion copies are the limit it can achieve with enough energy.
The development of the situation did not exceed the expectations of the "lords".
When the "Zerg" invested trillions of insect swarms, they once again swept away all the enemies of the "origin river system".
However, after about the same time as the previous one, a large number of "origin creatures" appeared again.
In this way, this war lasted for hundreds of years.
It seems that every time the "Zerg" has won victory, but they can't find the key "source body", they are inevitably dragged into the swamp of this war, unable to extricate themselves.
Giving up and retreating are not in the "Zerg" dictionary.
As long as "Hero Abathur" did not give an order to retreat, no "lord" would dare to give up.
Other insects, born for battle, don't fear war and death at all.
The stalemate situation has continued.
Gradually, as the "Zerg" bloomed in more river systems, when they began to fight more civilizations in an all-round way, more "lords" were transferred to leave the "source river system".
Now there are only six "lords" in the entire "origin river system".
This amount just ensures that they can respond, communicate, and handle any special events in the "origin river system" based on the perfect "Nether Energy Communication Network".
Originally, in the eyes of these "lords", the war of the "origin river system" might have been going on like this on the whole.
If the key "source body" is not found, this war will never end.
The "lords" who are already a little tired of such wars, they even begin to hope that the "primitive body" will simply slip away.
Compared with commanding such a dull and endless war, they still prefer commanding wars where results can be seen and hopeful.
This may also be the difference between the "lord" and other insects. The higher the wisdom and the more complete the consciousness, the more things will naturally be considered.
The accident came as scheduled.
When the "lords" thought that there would never be hope for this war, an accident suddenly occurred.
A star distinguished by the special naming of the "Original River System" by the "Lord" mysteriously disappeared one day.
Before the recent "lord" tried to send the swarm to investigate the star system, more and more violent "primitive creatures" frenzy emerged than ever.
It is no longer the same as in the past, it has emerged one after another in different river system regions.
This time the "primitive creature" frenzy appeared directly from the area where the star disappeared.
The hundreds of millions of insect swarms that were explored before the first wave were destroyed before they even got close to that star system.
When the "lords" urgently mobilized more insects to support the past through the "temporary wormholes" opened by the "tunnel insects", they could no longer resist the "primitive creature" frenzy.
So many "origin creatures" did not panic the "lords".
What really scares them is that this time the area where the "origin creatures" appeared is very deadly, because they appeared near the "wormhole".
This "wormhole" is not a "temporary wormhole" made by "tunnel bugs", it is a real "wormhole" that is sufficiently stable.
More importantly, this "wormhole" connects another river system and another star field.
Although the other side of the "wormhole" is still far away from the "dark zone" of the "Zerg" base camp, the "primitive creature" occupying this "wormhole" is a huge loss for the "Zerg".
Trouble ensues, and the "Zerg" is preparing to skim the "Original River System" and begin a major invasion of the "Morning Star Federation". At this time, this critical "wormhole" is lost. This is not simply a matter of accountability.
However, what I was afraid of, just when those "leaders" tried to mobilize more insect swarms to guard the "wormhole", the endless rushing "origin creatures" overwhelmed the insect swarms with a destructive posture, and occupied the key. "Wormhole".
In this way, the scale of victory was completely tilted.
There is no such flexible mobility as the "Zerg", but the "origin creature" does not need it at all.
They don't need to spread out to search for insect swarms in different areas of the river system, they don't need it at all.
As long as the key "wormhole" is guarded, the worm swarm will continue to rush over in waves.
Therefore, in the star field near the "wormhole", the tragic war has not stopped for almost a moment.
In the "wormhole", the worms that have been supported come in continuously.
The army of "origin creatures" guarding outside the "wormhole" started a desperate fight with the insect swarm in this area.
In the periphery of the "origin creatures" army, swarms of insects will appear from time to time.
It is exactly the army of "origin creatures" that is under the attack from both sides, but it has not the slightest defeat.
The periphery is not obvious enough. Starting from the "wormhole" occupied by the army of "origin creatures", their encirclement has shrunk several times.
In other words, even if swarms of insects continue to rush in the "wormhole", the "origin army" still shrinks the encirclement circle with a certain advantage under the premise that it is under attack from both sides.
The reason for this situation is very simple. There is a black ribbon that connects the army of "primitive organisms" on the edge of the "wormhole" with the distant star system.
It is this star system where the star disappeared inexplicably, including the edge of the interstellar medium region, is full of boundless "origin organisms".
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