Chapter 190: Sini

Australia is a world-renowned coastal city and the largest city in Australia.
Even in the end times, looking down from the sky, the sea of ​​clouds can still imagine the prosperity of this big city in the past.
The towering Sinita.
The opera house is about to be flooded with greenery.
The beautiful harbour bridge.
These three iconic buildings still stand silently on the ground, looking at the clouds and winds of the world.
"Look over there."
Sitting on the back of the King Eagle Alien, Yun Hai sighed, looking at this city that has always been remembered by the clouds before the end of the world, and Yunyue's somewhat excited voice came in her ears.
"Calm down, the greening of Australia is not comparable to that of China, and it is not unusual for anything to appear."
As he spoke, Yun Hai looked in the direction Yunyue pointed, and couldn't help but feel happy.
It was a huge wharf, with a large number of ships relying on the shore and full of containers on the shore.
Just by the waterside of the dock, a group of creatures like mutant lizards are trying their best to drag a huge mutant marine creature ashore.
The size is about to catch up with a fishing boat, and I don't know what kind of fish mutated.
The blood on the red scales gushed out a large area of ​​sea water that was dyed red, and the mutant giant fish that was dying was obviously unable to struggle.
They were all about the length of a car. A dozen mutant lizards bit their prey and just dragged them ashore, they couldn't wait to rush on, chewing excitedly.
In the city behind the container, perhaps there was a smell of blood, and more lizards swarmed over.
"There are a lot of them, and the queen ants who rushed there later don't have to worry about the host problem on land."
Yun Hai said with a smile, and at the same time the spirit ordered the Eagle King Alien to lower the height.
I was still worried about how much food would be taken away by the same kind not far away, and felt the world suddenly darkened. The mutant lizards suddenly raised their heads, uttered their long tongues without fear, and made a sharp threatening sound.
Ignore their neighing. An eagle king alien shoots straight down.
A black thunderbolt slashed fiercely, the Eagle King alien, much larger than the mutant lizard. A dozen mutant lizards hit their heads and turned back.
With sharp claws, fangs, tail-blade giant wings, and only one eagle king alien, it stirred up a storm among a dozen mutant lizards.
The group of lizards rushing in the distance suddenly became angry when they saw this situation.
But in an instant, their anger turned into fear.
Close to the sea, a large group of black sea eagles are alien. Silently flapped his wings and flew over.
Don't be afraid of enemies no matter how powerful, it also depends on the number.
Just like them, they almost occupy the entire port of Sydney, relying on unity and quantity.
If there is only one eagle king alien, even if they pay a heavy price, they will tear the eagle king alien into pieces and swallow it in their stomachs.
However, seeing more sea eagle aliens pounced, this group of mutant lizards turned their heads and ran.
"Kill all, leave none."
Not far away is the world-famous opera house, and now it looks like the outer wall is covered by some wall-climbing creatures. The whole building is still intact, and Yunhai deliberately retains this scenic spot that Yundu has been thinking about, but there is no room for this group of mutant lizards.
Behind him. More sea eagle aliens joined the carnival feast of flesh and blood.
When the sharp claws go down, the head will burst into blood, and the tail blade will burst into the bowels.
The skin can even block ordinary bullets. The mutant lizard is full of wrinkled skin, but it cannot withstand the attack of the sea eagle alien.
Soon, the mutant lizard group that appeared before was torn into pieces by over a hundred sea eagle aliens.
Still they swallowed flesh and blood to replenish the energy consumed by the long-distance flight, Yunhai and Yunyue each rode an eagle king alien, and under the cover of the remaining two hundred sea eagle aliens, they flew at low altitude over the city of Sini.
Let go of the mental sense completely, and can't help but look at it. Yunhai carefully probed for all abnormalities.
It's just a general exploration, and the details don't need to be considered first. But he has to figure out what is in this city today.
Take the port just now as a starting point. There are still a large number of lizards in the area of ​​several thousand meters.
Going further north, Yunhai discovered the mutant rat that appears in almost every city.
The senses were also quite keen, and he noticed the undisguised sea eagle alien, the mutant fierce rats that emerged from the building and underground. He looked up for a few times, and then a swarm of swarms disappeared.
"These things are the most cunning. Those mutant lizards can still live here. It is estimated that they can go into the water at any time because of the coastal waters."
Yunyue looked funny.
Yun Hai nodded, but didn't pay attention to the unknown number of mutant mice.
In the sea, the queen ant is rushing over with thousands of aliens.
The underground problem has long been considered, and the aliens that came this time were not all aliens born of parasitic marine creatures.
Among them are more than 3,000 rat messengers, and they are the main force in sweeping the city underground.
There are drones and guard aliens created by mutant marine creatures on the surface.
There are twenty sea eagle aliens commanded by the eagle king aliens in the sky. When the first immigrants of the new era arrive, more than 2,700 sea eagle aliens escorted will also come.
There are more than 3,000 delicate and fierce fierce rat aliens underground, and any creatures that may pose a threat cannot withstand their pervasive search.
So no matter what is in this city, the three armies of sea, land and air will flatten everything without mercy.
Yunhai has this confidence that he can make the city of Sini, which was the first consideration in the agreement with Chen Gong, the first prosperous metropolis at the end of the earth.
Alien is the source of his confidence.
Alien black technology "iron curtain" equipment will be the key to supporting his confidence.
Not long after, Yunhai explored the entire Siny City once.
Except for the mutant lizards in the harbor, the crowds are mutant fierce rats.
Other mutant creatures are not as numerous as they are, and they are also very diverse.
Like mutated kangaroos, brown bears, tigers, leopards, wild wolves, etc., all wander in this huge city.
There is also the koala, which is very popular in Australia. Yunhai also carefully distinguished it for a while before recognizing it.
Of course, they are not cute anymore.
When Yunhai saw them, a group of koalas the size of unmuted adult goats was dragging the corpse of a giant python that had been bitten and wounded from the park forest, eating parts.
Also, it can be said that it was unexpected or expected.
There are still many survivors in the city of Sini.
No base has been established. According to what Yun Hai learned from the memory of the American captain, Australia, with a large number of biological species, has very few survivors, but the largest survivor base is not here.
The number is small, and the survivors of Sini are scattered in the huge city.
There are hundreds of people in many, and even one person in a few. Of course, whether this person is hunting out of a certain group, or is a lone ranger at all, Yun Hai is not known.
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