Chapter 1994: Looking for the smartest person (part 2)

"The battleship you piloted just left a star system. When you were preparing to make a space leap to the target galaxy, an unknown wormhole suddenly formed and a strange beast that had never appeared before came out. Then, you are in the first place. What will time do?"
"The unknown bug invaded your civilization. After a long war, your war with the bug has entered the most critical battle."
"When you failed to escape with the last battleship, you suddenly hit the bug's brood."
"In this case, you can destroy the most critical mother worm by crashing with the main ship, but the main ship is carrying the last surviving people of your civilization, including a large number of precious embryos. So what is your choice?"
"White light civilization is mechanical civilization, black light civilization is alien spore civilization, and purple light civilization is you."
"White light and black light civilizations are mortal enemies. They both want to unite with the purple light civilization you are in to destroy each other. You also know that no matter whether the white light or black light civilization wins, they will eventually regard the purple light civilization as an enemy."
"In this case, what choice would you make?"
"As shown in the picture below, this is a war in the universe. The red side is the enemy, and the white side is you. It is known that the red side has the wormhole ability. How do you think of this arrangement without the advantage of numbers? Only one attack can completely destroy the Red side’s base in the target star system."
"The following ten logical number problems, please complete them within the specified time and find their connections. They will be invalidated if they are timed out."
"The universe is huge, and the forms of life are bound to be diverse. Putting aside all the known civilizations and boldly imagine the same, what is the most perfect life form in the universe you can think of? The largest civilization?"
"It is said that music has no national boundaries. This sentence also applies to different civilizations. Please use your imagination. If your exploration fleet suddenly hears some wonderful music in an unknown star field, you will immediately do it. How did you react?"
"Your civilization has never encountered foreign enemies. After tens of thousands of years of easy life, your civilization has rotten to the bone. Now, you have a chance to kill your dictatorship leader."
"There is only one chance. You know that after you kill the dictatorship leader, your civilization will definitely fall into civil strife."
"But if you don't kill him, your civilization will still fall like this."
"Just as you were about to start, a spaceship from a different civilization appeared in the star field of your civilization."
"You only have one second to think about it. In this case, how would you choose?"
As always, Ellen was not in a hurry to answer the questions. He has a quick reading habit to scan the questions in the shortest time.
Sensitive Ellen, after reading those questions, immediately gained some knowledge.
First of all, these topics are all related to war.
Secondly, these questions are essay questions, which means that their answers are not unique.
After understanding these two points, seeing that a few minutes have passed since the answering time, Ellen didn't think too much, and then started to answer the first question.
Ellen has an intuition that this is an opportunity, a crucial opportunity for him.
If he seizes this opportunity, his life will become different.
At the same time, Ellen is also very clear that he is not the only one who saw this so-called "search for the smartest person" action.
Almost every household of "Star Alliance United Nations" has smart network equipment, which means that as long as the living people can see these questions, he must do his best to do better.
Answering all the questions in the shortest time and answering correctly is the only choice he can choose now.
The other most critical point is that logical number problem.
If the answer to more questions is not the only one, there is no possibility of opportunism on this question.
Ellen's logic and mathematics has always been excellent, which is recognized by everyone.
The facts are indeed exactly the same as Ellen expected. On the planet he is on, including all the life planets of the "Covenant United Nations", hundreds of billions of people are doing the same thing with him.
These hundreds of billions of people are not all, but people who feel they have the ability to challenge these topics.
If you want to count all the people who are answering the question at the same time, then this number may be several times or even ten times higher.
Soon, more people were in trouble.
After they answered the essay questions with their own opinions, the logical number question blocked them.
More people panicked. They tried to contact other people for answers, but what disappointed them was that they could connect to the Internet, but they couldn't search for similar topics through the Internet, and they couldn't contact anyone immediately.
Some smart people began to think of more ways. They asked their family and friends to find other people, and everyone gathered together to discuss and answer, trying to use more people's wisdom to solve problems.
However, no matter whether they found the key or not, after everyone discussed the approved answer, whether they tried to answer on the spot or each time, they were all surprised to find that their answering interface was locked.
Even restarting the system is useless, as long as they enter the answer link, the interface is still locked.
Some people cursed, thinking that because too many people answered at the same time, the system was paralyzed.
Some people probably understand the truth after seeing the cameras embedded in the network devices.
This answer is not "uninvigilated".
So many people are doing the same thing online at the same time, and they have to do synchronous monitoring. Such a task cannot be accomplished by the brains of the "Star Alliance United Nations".
In fact, even the basic communication network of the "Star Alliance United Nations" was destroyed after this battlefield ended.
A complete network can be built in such a short period of time, with trillions of people responding simultaneously, and real-time monitoring and surveillance. Apart from the "intelligent micro-civilization", no civilization in this star field can do it.
With a large number of probes scattered in this star field as a transit point, in order to cooperate with Matthew or Yunhai's action, the "intelligent micro-civilization" opened the network to all living planets and ordinary people in this star field.
It is impossible for Ganuo to come to participate in this operation, nor can it act as a "server" for this operation. However, there are still many large "servers" and "smart micro-civilizations" that can meet the requirements. What is difficult.
In this way, under the request of "Alien Domination", with the cooperation of "Intelligent Micro-Civilization", the action of "Finding the Smartest Man" led by "Star General" Matthew and "Wooden Man" Totomi The star field controlled by the "Star Alliance United Crowd" unfolded vigorously.
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