Chapter 2067: lucky

Time, back to tens of seconds ago.
Just as Oliver released the "stinger bee", the medical cabin was under the control of the brain, and at the same time began to prepare its removal measures.
In different positions in the medical cabin, tiny needles came out.
These are the energy weapons integrated in the medical cabin. Not only can they play a special role in treating some wounds, but they can also be used as energy weapons.
However, just when these needle-like objects were about to launch energy weapons, it seemed that they knew what the medical cabin wanted to do. Within Evan's protective clothing, several young creatures flew out.
These young creatures are naturally spider worms.
After flying quickly, when those needle-like objects tried to capture and lock their bodies, a dozen spider worms slammed into the main control board inside the medical cabin.
The violent impact did not smash the relatively weak spider worm.
However, immediately after, more than a dozen spider worms tore their bodies with sharp limbs and feet without hesitation.
Even ordinary spaceships of the "Sarnaga clan" have taken into consideration the corrosive nature of the more insects of the "Zerg" clan. They use high-end materials, but they cannot be corroded by alien blood.
However, the medical cabin does not have this consideration, so ordinary materials are used.
The main control board of the medical cabin, under the corrosion of the abnormal blood, bursts of blue smoke and was eroded through.
When the remaining few spider worms got into the eroded hole and self-mutilated again without hesitation, a burst of arc sparks appeared inside the main control board of the medical cabin, and then the lights went out, paralyzed. The medical cabin automatically opened the door.
Without pause, a few "sting bees" quickly flew into the medical cabin.
A "stinger bee" cocked its tail and ejected a burst of frost-like gas, then the medical cabin control panel that turned the arc spark into a flame was extinguished.
The other "stinger bees" flew several times in the medical cabin and then flew out.
At this time, the siren that had been ringing in the cockpit also disappeared.
"Fortunately... Fortunately..."
In the cockpit, Oliver repeatedly confirmed that the alarm crisis in the rear cabin had been resolved, and could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief.
Without hesitation, he entered the command to release the locked rear door, and then rushed in quickly.
"what's going on?"
But before he rushed to the medical cabin that was still in the smoke, Evan suddenly sat up, looked around in a daze and asked.
Seeing his expression and hearing his words, before the frustrated Oliver became angry, Evan remembered what had happened.
Regardless of what to say, Evan got up and got busy.
After completely clearing the hidden dangers of possible burning and explosion in the medical cabin, he cleaned it a little bit, and Evan returned to the cockpit.
"Go ahead, what's going on?"
Sitting in the driver's seat, Oliver asked in a deep voice without looking at Evan, who was ashamed.
Evan, who knew he was wrong, smirked and described what happened just now.
"It's okay to look for trouble, it's someone like you."
"Isn't the lesson the Zergs taught us profound enough?"
"Why in the leader's plan this time, we can only act as observers, but we can't interfere and contact more. Don't you understand the meaning of this order?"
"Curiosity will kill you."
"It doesn't matter, I will report this matter immediately."
Oliver became more annoyed as he spoke, and at the same time stretched out his hand to operate on the light screen.
"do not."
"You're going to do this, I'm done."
Evan was impatient at the sight, grabbed Oliver's hand, and then pleaded bitterly.
After all, it's just pretending, he and Evan are not only working partners, but also good friends in private. At least now the problem has not developed to the worst point, and Oliver does not want to ruin Evan because of this.
"Just this time, Evan, remember, I don't want to see it next time."
"Remember this lesson, because it almost became a blood lesson."
Turning his head to stare at Evan, Oliver said solemnly.
"Don't worry, there is no next time."
"Oliver, I promise you."
Evan said gratefully.
"Can you let me go now?"
Glancing at Evan's hand, Oliver said angrily.
Evan naturally accompanied the smiling face, loosened Oliver's tightly grasped arm, and walked to his vice seat.
"By the way, why did you faint just now? Are you sure it's okay?"
Oliver asked hurriedly, as if remembering something wrong.
"Nothing, maybe I was too nervous at the time."
An unnatural expression flashed across Evan's face with his back to Oliver, and he answered casually.
For his response, Oliver didn't mind either.
Of course, more importantly, he has confirmed that the "stinger bee" scanned Evan several times, but found nothing abnormal.
Seeing Oliver didn't ask any more, Evan showed a dazed expression.
He subconsciously reached out and put his hand on his chest, but then put it down again.
"That kind of energy ball has been stopped for a while, let's see what this kind of bug is."
Oliver said, and then started to operate on the console.
At the bottom of the spaceship, hundreds of "stinger bees" flew out.
Using the area where the energy exploded as the search point, hundreds of "stinger bees" quickly dispersed and began a careful search.
On a life planet where all kinds of creatures are thriving, it is almost impossible to find small bugs that are almost invisible to the naked eye, even if the "Sarnaga" is technologically advanced.
However, the very experienced Oliver did not deliberately search for those little bugs, but carefully screened all abnormal activities in the entire area.
"and many more."
Just when Oliver had checked a lot of areas and was about to control the "stinger bees" to change places, Evan suddenly spoke.
"Let the 12th Sting Bee go back to where it was just now, yes, under the big tree with red fruits."
"Behind, in the other direction of that tree."
"Yes, yes, did you see that fierce beast in the grass under the tree."
As he kept talking, Evan simply stretched out his hand and pointed at the stereoscopic projection screen transmitted by the sting bee.
Oliver then noticed that there was a fierce beast lying in the grass.
"It's resting. How could I have not noticed just now. Its vitality is very stable, and there is no sign of injury, let alone death."
Oliver shook his head disappointedly.
"In the pictures recorded by other sting bees, another mutant beast is moving not far from here."
"This area is the territory of this mutant fierce beast. With their stubborn territorial awareness, coupled with their keen senses, do you think it would sleep so deeply under normal circumstances?"
Staring at the three-dimensional projection screen, Evan frowned and said slowly.
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