Chapter 2088: We go home

Standing in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, the sea of ​​clouds stopped.
No matter who the voice comes from, he can't be fooled.
The reason why Yun Hai stopped his footsteps was because he had already noticed the abnormality.
In his mental senses, whether Zhihan or another alien, that is, his child's skull, there is something with obvious traces of technological creation.
About the size of a human fingernail, that thing is like a chip.
Just like more things created by the "Sarnaga tribe", that chip has biological characteristics.
Countless tiny tentacles protruded from the edge of the chip.
These tentacles have grown together with the irregularly shaped oval brain tissue.
And this is the trickiest and most troublesome.
If it is just a chip, even if it is attached to the abnormal brain tissue, Yunhai has a way to remove them in the shortest time.
In this situation, the chip and the brain tissue seem to grow together, and Yunhai is not sure to separate them safely.
It has hard bone armor, but the abnormal brain tissue is as soft as other creatures.
Other parts of the body are severely injured, even if only a small part of the body is left, most of the evolutionary aliens can recover with their amazing resilience.
But the brain organization is different. I don’t know how many people have seen the sea of ​​clouds that have experienced countless wars.
The body was intact, but the skull was pierced by energy rays, or the skull was hit hard. I have seen too many such alien corpses on the battlefield.
"What do you want?"
Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Yun Hai gave Yun Yue a calm look, and then asked faintly.
"First of all, I am not unsure of keeping you, but I am not sure of keeping you alive."
"When a creature is alive, it's completely different from dying."
"So, I want to be as cautious as possible."
The voice rang immediately.
"Okay, take out the chips in their brains, let them go, I will stay."
Yun Hai agreed without thinking.
"Hehe, you may have misunderstood."
"I have a strong interest in the alien creature, but that doesn't mean it is my only choice."
"You are more valuable than the two of them combined, but this does not mean that your value in my mind can exceed it."
"So, you can take them away safely. I believe that after you leave here, you can solve their problems."
"Then, as long as you keep it."
When the voice said this, the light screen hanging above the glass wall lit up.
In the light screen picture, it was Yunyue standing in front of the entrance of the base.
"It turned out to be her!"
"Sure enough, it's her!"
Although he already had a judgment in his heart, when he saw Yunyue appearing in the light screen, Yunhai was taken aback first, and then he understood.
Yunyue is an extremely special existence.
This point, even Ganuo has certainly confirmed it.
"Fusions" have too many possibilities because of their special physique.
It may not mean success. At least in Ganuo's "memory", being able to be as powerful as Yunyue and with independent consciousness, and successfully fused the "fusion" of several excellent biological genes, was during its heyday. "Sarnaga" are very rare.
It's not that it's rare, but it's rare.
There are only a few cases, those "fusions" have absolutely no way to compare with Yunyue.
Humans-they have "Sarnaga" genes.
Alien-a unique genetic predatory alien civilization.
ZergA primitive evolved Zerg civilization that is better than alien civilization.
And Yunyue successfully merged these three different civilizations and different creatures perfectly.
She is a human, she is also an alien, and she is the mother of the primitive spiny worm family.
For a "Sarnaga" dominated by biotechnology, what could be more tempting than Yunyue.
"I am waiting for you at the entrance of the base."
"If you have the ability to keep us, just come."
Yun Hai didn't mean to continue discussing this topic with the other party. After leaving this sentence indifferently, he suddenly made a move.
The sufficiently hard glass wall exploded into pieces as he walked over and touched his body.
Letting the shot glass shards hit him, Yun Hai stretched out his hands.
The invisible energy defense layer suddenly trembles violently when his hands are close to each other.
At the same time, at the three energy centers under the base, the staff who stayed behind looked at the sharply declining energy indicator beams, and couldn't help showing a shocked expression.
Alien shape is very important to "leader", so "Sarnaga" used ultra-standard materials when building this base.
Including the three underground energy centers, according to these people's understanding, the three energy centers continuously send energy to the "cell", which is sufficient to resist the bombardment of large warships. It is definitely not an alien that can break through.
However, at this moment, right under their noses, the alien with obvious mimicry ability only calmly touched his hands on the energy defense layer, but in an instant the energy center sounded an alarm.
"It is not attacking, but absorbing and absorbing frantically."
After a brief horror, a staff member quickly called up the analysis chart and shouted.
His shout was even more difficult for others to believe.
Even in the relatively densely populated large cities of the "Morning Star Federation," three small energy centers are enough to supply the energy needs of three such cities.
But now only a few seconds have passed. According to the indication on the map, the three energy centers have already been pumped out of most of the energy.
At this speed, as long as there are a few more seconds, the unknown alien can draw away all the energy.
These staff members can hardly believe that with so much energy, how can its small body hold it.
However, the fact is the fact. A few seconds later, the light beams representing the energy reserves of the three energy centers on the indicator map of the light screen have fallen to their initial positions.
In other words, the total amount of time before and after is more than ten seconds. After a mimicry, an alien that is about the size of a human will absorb all the energy reserves of the three energy centers.
I don’t know the horror of the "Sarnaga" people in the Underground Energy Center, or the disbelief of the "Sarnaga" people who saw this scene. Yunhai is using his own unique method to lift the energy defense barrier. Later, he walked to Zhi Han.
He held Zhihan's forelimb with his left hand, and Yunhai held another alien forelimb with his right hand. He smiled slightly: "Let's go, let's go home."
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