Chapter 2143: Yunjiang's problem

Zhihan's secondary evolution has become more powerful than ever before. There is no need to doubt this at all.
It's not just her, Yunjiang is the same.
Perhaps because of the descent, Yunjiang's evolution is even more remarkable.
It has not evolved, just like a fierce beast, perhaps heavily armed soldiers may also injure and kill it.
But the second evolution of Yunjiang has undergone qualitative changes.
The second evolution gave it directly the speed of light and the power of terror.
Its evolution is not only reflected in its mobility and attack, but its defensiveness has also been greatly improved.
Although more energy weapons can hurt and kill it, but in close hand-to-hand combat, Yunjiang is comparable to the alien that has evolved many times.
Yun Hai was very pleased with this result, and Zhi Han was also very happy.
But soon, they found that they were pleased and happy too soon.
Perhaps because he has been imprisoned since his birth, Yunjiang is very repellent.
For Zhihan, it was very obedient, and Yunhai even suspected that it was just like other aliens who obeyed itself. Even if Zhihan let it die, Yunjiang would not hesitate.
But this is its only obedience, except for Zhi Han, Yunjiang rejects everything.
In front of the sea of ​​clouds, it remained silent, even if Zhihan made it clear that it could communicate freely with any creature.
No matter what Yunhai said to it, Yunjiang remained absolutely silent.
It's the same with Yunye, even his father doesn't recognize it. Yunye, a strange "cousin", has no meaning to Yunjiang.
In front of Yunjiang, Yunhai showed great patience.
This was also caused by his guilt towards Zhihan and Yunjiang, so no matter what Yunjiang's attitude towards it, Yunhai didn't care about it, and tried his best to make up for what he had missed.
Having never spent time with Yunyue, Yunjiang has learned her rebellious temperament to the fullest, even being blue is better than blue.
It even rejected Yun Hai's suggestion to implant more energy genes into its body. After confirming that its strange father would not restrict its freedom, it began its own wandering in the "Alien Alliance" to control the star domain.
On the first day, it got into trouble.
Facing the "base", "spaceships" and some buildings made by Ganuo, who was born in the "Sarnaga clan", with the mother civilization, Yunjiang became crazy.
Before Yunhai and Zhihan came to stop it, it had already destroyed the three docks, four deep-processing manufacturing plants and countless warships that were about to be completed in the "Intelligent Micro-Civilization One Base".
Moreover, it also successfully detonated an "energy center", and forcibly tore a messy gap on the ring-shaped "No. 1 Base".
The sea of ​​clouds, who rushed past, did not stop it by action.
Compared with using actions to stop Yunjiang, if it can make it less resistant to itself, even if Yunjiang demolishes the entire "No. 1 Base", Yun Hai will not feel distressed-although he knows the "No. 1 Base" very well. It is also very important to Ganuo.
The guilty Yunhai can be spoiled like this, but Zhihan can't.
In Zhihan's view, Yunjiang is the "alien master" in the future, although she prefers that Yunhai can live like the eternal universe.
As the successor of the Alien Future, Zhihan asked Yunjiang more.
She can spoil Yunjiang, but she will never spoil it.
No accident, Zhihan stopped Yunjiang's wanton destruction.
In the face of her reprimands and reprimands, Yun Jiang did not resist, but just calmed down in an instant.
The facts did not exceed Yunhai's expectations. The destruction of "Base One" was only the beginning of the rebellious Yunjiang.
When Yunye took Yunjiang to the "Ecosphere No. 1" to relax, there was no sign that Yunjiang suddenly became frenzied and rushed into the city's air traffic arteries into a violent attack.
A flying vehicle and a suspended vehicle were all broken into pieces by it.
Yun Ye, who was about to be mad, could not stop it at all, until Zhi Han, who had received the news from Ganuo, rushed over, and then stopped Yun Jiang.
According to statistics after the incident, more than 2,000 people were injured in the manic destruction of Yunjiang, and 107 people died, including members of several "super think tanks."
This incident made Zhihan very angry.
She is different from Yunyue. Although Zhihan has become an alien, and her current human state is just a mimesis, her soul and consciousness are the same as Yunhai, after all, she is still human.
What Yun Jiang did this time was almost the same as that of her noble children who hated pain before, not to mention the fact that she had cost so many lives, which Zhi Han could not accept.
It is definitely not possible to fight. With Yunjiang's current defensive power, let alone Zhihan's fight against it, Yun Hai wouldn't let her do it even if it was possible.
Not to mention the ban. Yunjiang has been "banned" since he was born. This has brought an indelible trauma to his psychology. Not to mention Yunhai's unwillingness, Zhihan will definitely not do it.
This is also not okay, that is not okay, but this is not difficult for Zhihan.
She said nothing, did nothing, just sat there and kept wiping tears.
Seeing Ewha raining her, Yun Hai naturally felt distressed, but Yun Jiang didn't care.
Until Zhihan figured out that Yunjiang had no idea what the tears meant, she almost fainted.
"It is difficult to determine the cause of what it looks like now."
"If it were just an ordinary alien, I believe it would not behave like this."
"But it is an alien, and it is also a human being. Although it does not show the human part, its soul and consciousness are different from other aliens."
"The long-term detention and confinement have been almost completely alone for a long time, making it mentally abnormal."
"Perhaps insecurity, or fear of empty space, these are the possibilities to make it crazy."
"This is only one, but there is another possibility."
"The biological gene control chip, its continuous stimulation over that period of time, may have caused irreversible damage to its brain tissue."
"So, it can't control its emotions, and it will become manic from time to time."
"If it was the first reason, it would be better."
"Psychological trauma can be treated, but if it is replaced by irreversible damage to the brain, the trouble will be big."
Looking at Yunjiang, who was killing wantonly on the surface of the planet, and watching the unresistible beasts being easily torn to pieces by Yunjiang, Yun Hai couldn't help but sounded in Yun Hai's mind.
"Which is more likely?"
Yunhai held Zhihan's hand, blocked her plan to stop Yunjiang, and at the same time sent a message.
Not to mention that the target of Yunjiang's raging and killing is only some fierce beasts cultivated by Ganuo, even if it is replaced by humans, "Star Spirits" and other intelligent creatures, Yun Hai will not frown.
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