Chapter 208: Plan

In the vast ocean, just relying on simple instruments and positioning the direction through the stars, the sea of ​​clouds and aliens rushed forward on the sea for five days, and finally set foot on land.
Before going ashore, Yunhai knew that he had arrived in New York when he saw the Statue of Liberty from a distance.
Coastal city, now New York can be imagined.
Even compared to Sini, there are fewer survivors here.
Alien moved around the city for a while, only to find three survivors.
They are not so much humans as they are human cannibals or corpse cannibals.
Become completely like the devil, except for having a human body, their behavior, movements and instincts are no different from beasts.
Where they live in burrows, there are more human remains, including human flesh that has rotted and smelled and maggots enter and exit. These are the food they linger on.
For such people, Yun Hai is not even willing to communicate with them, and they are all killed by aliens, which can be regarded as ending the painful but tenacious lives of these people.
He did not stay in New York City. When he was out of the city and was considering how to get to the US base, Alien spotted Zhang Fulin and his group.
In the next scene, Yun Hai couldn't help but get angry.
From the memory of the captain of the aeroplane, the pronunciation of English may be substandard, but it sounds absolutely no obstacle.
Angry at the so-called "yellow monkey" of the Americans, Yun Hai is even more angry at Zhang Fulin's weakness.
The cost of living is too heavy.
Sometimes, even at the moment of dying, some people are still begging for the other's feelings or expecting a miracle to happen.
"A miracle has happened now, but only this time. Next time, do you think there will be a miracle?"
The attitude of these Americans towards Chinese. While Yun Hai was angry, he became more at ease, at least he would not die because of the people in front of him. Not to mention the worsening mood, at least I won't bother thinking about it.
The legs were roaring. The body was trembling, and Zhang Fulin's lips were also trembling.
Hearing Yunhai's words, his lips trembled, and the "click" of his teeth touched so hard that he couldn't utter a word.
"Now tell me, where are you going? Where is the base that the woman said earlier?"
Signaling Yunyue to go to the head of the sheriff to absorb the memory, Yunhai asked at the same time.
After taking a few deep breaths, Zhang Fulin answered his question with bumps.
Three days ago. The survivors in Sarin finally received a broadcast.
In Cherry Lake, more than 100 kilometers northwest of New York City, the military has established a temporary base and is gathering survivors to rush over.
When the number of survivors reaches a certain level, the military will send them to New Town, Nevada.
The new city can accommodate millions of people, and it is expanding endlessly.
There is a safe area under the absolute control of the military. No matter in the sky or the ground, no mutant creatures can threaten the safety of the new city.
The military also claimed that their power is limited and will not wait indefinitely.
They will only wait for half a month in Cherry Lake, and after half a month, they will leave and go elsewhere.
Zhang Fulin spoke slowly. At the same time, Yunyue transmitted the sheriff's memory to Yunhai through her mental power, confirming that the former did not lie.
Knowing this, Yun Hai's eyes lit up.
"go with?"
Yunyue looked at the sea of ​​clouds with a smile. The tentacles were retracted from the sheriff's head, and retracted to the scarlet toes.
"of course."
Yun Hai also smiled.
When I was dozing off, the pillow came.
It is obviously irrational to take the alien army with fanfare to the mysterious "Area 51" before the end of the world.
The paws have been extended to Asia, and the US, which has alien black technology, must have some control over the local situation.
If it is discovered by Mi Fang and a few high-energy bombs and nuclear bombs are thrown, the aliens may not be extinct, but their masters must fall.
But no longer. Alien still set off from the sea, and Yunhai only needs to go to the base with Yunyue with the survivors. Then they were transported to Nevada together by the military, and everything was done.
Just mix into the base. With Yunyue's ability to absorb memory, as long as he finds the upper level of the base, digs out the alien black technology and the whereabouts of the spacecraft, it is no longer a difficult task.
"Good for yourself."
After finding a way, I didn't want to delay any longer. After all, four days had passed since the time required by the military. Yunhai said to Zhang Fulin and left with Yunyue.
Staring blankly at the backs of the two Yunhai, Zhang Fulin wanted to catch up, but he saw the five sea eagles profiled sideways and "looked" at him, the courage that had just risen in his heart disappeared, and he dared not move in a cold war.
Looking around, there was blood everywhere and piles of dead bodies.
There was a strong smell of blood in the space, and Zhang Fulin knew that he couldn't stay here any longer.
I wanted to catch up, but I saw that the two of Yunhai didn't take their own meaning. They couldn't go to Cherry Lake on their own. Zhang Fulin thought about it, but finally picked up a semi-automatic rifle and packed some more. With magazines of food or something, he turned and ran back towards the town of Salin.
"Keep him, and you won't live long."
Seeing that the five sea eagle aliens that received the spiritual order did not fly, but ran along the jungle to the sea to convey the news, Yunyue looked at Yunhai strangely and asked.
"I didn't intend to save him. If he had the courage to resist at the time, maybe I would take him with him."
Yun Hai smiled faintly.
The implication is clear, Yun Hai and Yun Yue both understand that even if Zhang Fulin is given the firepower of a company, he will not live long.
Since then, the two never mentioned Zhang Fulin again.
To them, Zhang Fulin was just a passer-by in their lives. Perhaps from his experience, Yun Hai could see certain facts clearly, but to Yun Hai, he was nothing after all.
I never wanted to be a savior, even if I was seen as a bloodthirsty, murderous demon.
"From here to Cherry Lake, there are about eighty kilometers away. From Cherry Lake to Nevada, including entering the base, there are only you and me, and no aliens follow..."
Walking along the jungle-like road unhurriedly, a playful smile appeared on the corner of Yunyue's mouth.
"Don't shame me, you mean that there is no alien shape, am I now nothing?"
Yun Hai glared at her.
"I didn't say that."
Yunyue "pushed" with a laugh, and suddenly shot out without warning.
"Let's compare the speed first, let you see the difference between the super life form and you."
"Let you one kilometer first."
Yun Hai also became interested for a while, and said aloud.
When he said that he did it, it was confirmed within a few seconds that Yunyue had already jumped a kilometer away, and then Yunhai drew into a flash of lightning and quickly caught up.
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