Chapter 2159: God of the universe

In the dark cosmic starry sky, along with waves of rippling waves, hideous cyborg creatures emerged.
Their size is very strange, but it is like a metal fort, but no matter their gleaming giant eyes, or the swimming giant tail, it proves that they are some kind of creature.
As soon as they appeared, some kind of intense energy radiation burst out of these strange cyborgs.
If this energy radiation is like hot volcanic lava, then the "plasma shield" outside the "Protoss" battleship is thin ice.
When this energy radiation instantly swayed onto the battleship, the energy shields of all battleships of the "Protoss" collapsed instantly.
Energy radiation is only a means, not an attack.
Obviously, everything was calculated to the extreme. At the moment when the "plasma shield" outside the "Protoss" warship disappeared, the hideous cyborgs simultaneously launched their formal attacks.
Spikes about one meter in length shot out from their belly.
Because they were not far away from each other, these metal spikes had already hit the battleship of the "Protoss" at the same time they appeared.
The choice of attack point is obviously calculated, and the area where the spikes attack is relatively the thinnest area of ​​the warship.
Without any accident, these metal spikes containing terrorist power directly penetrated the shell of the battleship.
In the next second, some invisible gas ejected from the hole reserved on the spike.
These gases spread inside the encapsulated warship, but faster than on the surface of the planet.
Especially after the influx of the ventilation ducts running through the entire warship, there was no time for the "protoss" to respond, and the gas spread to every corner of the warship.
For some people, these gases are evolutionary agents.
Especially the "Sarnaga" people, in their eyes, these gases can make some low-level creatures become very powerful in the shortest time.
For people who passively accept these gases, these gases are viruses, absolutely deadly viruses.
"Ho ho..."
A strange sound was squeezed out of his throat, and a "Protoss" man who was inspecting the equipment desperately grasped his neck with both hands, and the purple-black liquid kept leaking from his facial features.
The "Protoss" warrior who was jumping across a parallel passage suddenly fell in mid-air, and accidentally hit the top of the transport vehicle below, and his body was penetrated by the communication pointer.
However, such fatal injuries did not stop his mutation.
It seemed that there was a pair of invisible hands holding his body, and the warrior who was still spraying the blood spring cracked a lot of wounds, and the tiny tentacles danced like snakes out of broken eggs.
Originally sitting in his training room, a "super marshal" who does not ask about the world but only seeks for greater power, even if he has entered a dormant state and does not even need to breathe, but the gas still actively invades through the pores In his body.
As a result, the body of the "Super Marshal" suddenly turned into a fiery thunderball.
The violent energy that was out of control violently impacted in the simple but exquisite training room, and the painful roar spread out more like a sonic attack.
Pushing a car of energy batteries and preparing to replace energy for more training rooms, the "Protoss" people just took a breath of virus gas, and the whole person collapsed in the violent shaking, and then turned into one. Spread the transparent liquid, as well as the clothing that covers the liquid and other foreign objects.
The same scene is being staged among tens of thousands of warships.
Almost all of the millions of "protoss" people were infected within a few seconds.
Among them, some began to suffer painful mutation, while some died instantly.
There are very few people who are lucky enough to be immune to this gaseous virus infection.
Regardless of luck or misfortune, obviously everything that is irreversible has already begun.
"According to the predetermined plan, you control the life boat and leave."
"Just hide it in the place we chose earlier. If the plan is successful, I will truly rebuild the Sarnagar civilization after eliminating the Zerg."
"If the plan fails, it is still our original plan. You screen some genetic embryos to create some tribes, and everything in the future is left to them."
In the "Ship of Life", it was determined that the action against the "Protoss" had been carried out smoothly, and Salmon left the core control room and sent a message to the brain while walking.
"Sacrificing tens of millions of people's lives to create a of the universe who still doesn't know if it can succeed, do you really think this might succeed?"
At this time, a voice rang in the channel.
Seeing his own pro-credit and hatred look at him, and slowly walked over, Salmon stopped.
"Traditional methods, we can never succeed."
"Facts have proved that we have no way to create genetic weapons that can destroy the Zerg race."
"If we cannot do this, we will never be able to defeat the Zerg Clan."
"Even if there is another leap in our technological level, even if we build more warships and cyborgs, we will eventually be destroyed by the worm."
"This method does not work, we have to change our way of thinking."
"Since the Zerg cannot be defeated, why can't we be a part of them."
"Soon, I will become the strongest existence in the history of the Sarnagars. Whether you are willing to call me the fallen or you are willing to call me the legendary of the universe, this will prevent and cannot change the established facts. ."
"If I succeed, I will patiently wait for the opportunity."
"Once I have a chance to get close to the master of the Zerg Clan, then I will be more than 90% sure to swallow it and become it."
"By then, I will be the master of the Zerg clan."
"If I can control Abathur, the genetic engineer hero of the Zerg clan, I am confident that more clan members can perfectly integrate the worms of those hero-level units."
"Vega, by then we will be the Zergs, and the Zergs will also be us."
"In this universe, even if we are not the most perfect creatures, we will become one of the most perfect creatures."
"I say this, can you understand?"
While talking, Salmon looked at the approaching Vega, his expression was like a general who was strategizing and about to win a big victory.
"You are crazy!"
"Originally, you never thought about rebuilding the mother civilization. You just want to use people like us to create mutant creatures that are more suitable for your integration."
"It's ridiculous, do you think that you can become the of the universe in this way?"
Vega began to growl angrily.
"Gene recombination technology will allow me to achieve my goal."
Salmon was not angry, but said with a smile.
"Gene recombination technology, that requires a special fusion to complete, you don't have this thing."
Vega yelled even more angrily.
"You are wrong, it is precisely because I own this thing that I decided to start this plan."
Salmon smiled brighter.
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