Chapter 2160: We don't have more time

"The of the universe" was not spoken by Salmon's confidant Vega casually.
In fact, there has always been a legend within the "Sarnaga".
If one day, they can find the most perfect creature in the universe, through advanced "gene recombination" technology, when their genes are perfectly integrated with the genes of this creature, then the new creatures born will be truly powerful in this universe Creatures.
For such creatures, the "Sarnaga tribe" has a title of more than a dozen syllables.
If translated into a more civilized cognition concept, this title would be "God of the Universe".
This may be just like the "utopia" that humans on earth have always imagined. In the eyes of more "Sarnaga" people, the "God of the Universe" is actually just an ideal that is difficult to achieve.
However, at this moment, Salmon standing in front of Vega clearly mentioned the word.
"Mature and special fusion?"
Compared to the ethereal "God of the Universe", Vega was obviously more shocked by the "special fusion" Salmon mentioned.
"The Morningstar Federation has a special fusion biological organization, and they have had contact with this mature special fusion."
"Getting this biological tissue from the Morningstar Federation, I have extracted this special fusion gene, plus some things from the alien body."
"Now, they will help me complete the perfect genetic recombination."
Speaking of this, Salmon stepped towards Vega, who had stopped because of shock.
Salmon didn't know why he would tell Vega this.
"Perhaps, everything that has been planned and planned all the time will need to be witnessed and shared by someone when it is finally perfected and implemented."
Of course, this is just a momentary thought in his mind, and Salmon doesn't need these.
As he approached Vega, the "Golden Guard", who had been hidden by his side, shot.
The mimicry became the sharp-edged "Golden Guard" right hand, which pierced Vega's head straight.
This was not over yet, the sharp blade swelled violently into a ball in an instant, but it smashed Vega's brain tissue in an instant.
With a "plop", Vega's head fell straight down after "Jin Wei" retracted his right hand.
Salmon took a steady step and continued to move forward.
Through a special passage, he went from one "hive" to another "hive".
Along the way, he never encountered a tribe.
Originally these days were also vacations deliberately arranged by Salmon. Now there are only a handful of people on the huge "boat of life".
Soon, Salmon arrived at his destination.
The door of the laboratory slid silently when Salmon approached.
More than a dozen robots are busy daily in it.
A "Sarnaga" researcher was flipping through the workbench.
Seeing Salmon coming in, the researcher immediately stood up.
When he saw that Salmon took off his black hooded cloth robe and showed his sturdy body and walked to the experimental platform not far away, the researcher was shocked and joyfully asked: "Leader, are you going to start?"
For this researcher, Salmon is still very confident.
The manipulation of the "biological control crystal" is one aspect. The most important thing is that Salmon is sure that he has already brainwashed him.
Without speaking, Salmon just nodded at the researcher.
When he reached the experimental platform, Salmon, who was about to become half a biologist, entered instructions on the control panel. After controlling the experimental platform to rise, he immediately leaned forward.
Several ropes ejected directly fixed Salmon tightly.
Immediately after that, the experimental table, which was more like an operating table, fell flat and was enveloped by a transparent shield.
"Leader, are you sure you don't need to go through further experiments, are you going to start it yourself?"
Standing in front of the control panel in front of the experiment platform, the researcher stared at Salmon and asked nervously.
"Go ahead, we don't have more time."
Salmon didn't talk nonsense with him, but gave the order simply.
The researcher didn't say anything, but stretched out a trembling hand and pressed it on the control panel.
On the encapsulated experimental platform, on both sides of Salmon's body, two mechanical arms came out.
Each of the two mechanical arms clamped a blue barking injection, and then the sharp needles pierced both sides of Salmon's neck.
His brows didn't frown, even if the needle that didn't penetrate into his neck was about to match the length of his fingers, Salmon didn't seem to feel anything.
However, when the blue puff of injection in the needle was infused into his body, Salmon's body straightened suddenly.
There was a painful expression on the expressionless face. Salmon's consciousness could bear the extreme pain, but his body still made a real response in the extreme pain.
The body began to tremble violently and trembling violently, a strange roar came from deep in Salmon's throat, and the whole person began to struggle violently on the experimental platform.
On the rough skin surface, cracks began to appear.
These cracks crawled all over his body in an instant, and at the same time, Sammon's trembling fiercely seemed to be splitting apart.
At this moment, the researcher who had simulated tens of thousands of times and had several actual battles clicked on the control panel at the right time.
In the corner of the encapsulated test bench, the silently protruding pipe ejected dark green gas.
These gases are like living creatures, and they don't even need to breathe in Salmon before entering his body.
In an instant, Salmon's body that seemed to be split into irregular pieces suddenly calmed down.
From a "grey race" to a "dark green race" quickly, Salmon's body shrank strangely.
At the same time, the disappearing cracks on his skin spread again.
It's just that this time it is no longer the splitting trend as before, these cracks just made a large number of muscles on the surface of his body ulcerate and quickly turned into liquid.
After a few seconds, the viscous liquid almost covered Salmon's body.
Then everything calmed down.
"Did you make it?"
The researcher looked at the indicator light on the control panel indicating that there were still life forms on the experimental platform, but he muttered tightly, uncertainly.
Without giving him more time to wonder, the viscous liquid suddenly moved.
These viscous liquids look like eggshells, and the new life bred in them seems to be breaking out of the shell.
Similarly, without giving the researcher more time to imagine, a tiny monster suddenly emerged from the viscous liquid.
As the monster shook its body violently, a large amount of liquid was thrown onto the shield.
The researcher hadn't even seen what it was, the shield shattered in response to the seemingly light impact of the monster, and then the tiny shadow rushed in front of the researcher.
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