Chapter 2163: Continuous evolution

Up to now, Salmon's power and speed, including offensive and defensive capabilities have all made a qualitative leap.
But the only thing lacking is the most critical long-range attack ability, and as a man determined to succeed in the most perfect creature in the universe, Salmon knows that he must have a strong long-range attack ability.
Did not let him down, a mutant creature with long-range attack ability evolved on this planet.
Only a moment later, Salmon's excitement was replaced by hesitation.
The mutant creature that was very excited to play was not a "pull-up".
In other words, it is a mutated creature, but it is not a mutation of the "Sarnaga" people.
Only by "priming" can Salmon safely plunder genes to improve his ability. If he is replaced with other mutant creatures, there is bound to be a fatal danger of the collapse of the gene structure.
After all, he is just a weird blend.
He is not a true alien, nor a true "universal fusion", nor is he a genetic engineer of the "Zerg".
If there is no danger in directly absorbing genes from other living organisms, why bother to sacrifice tens of millions of people to create so many "primers."
He can get everything directly from the "super life forms" born from the "Morning Star Federation".
After hesitating for a moment, after a certain detector that had been connected gave another reminder that one minute had passed, Salmon almost made a decision.
Having landed lightly in a forest not far from the previous body, Salmon began his first split.
The ability to divide is also derived from a certain "primer" mutant creature on this planet.
It's just that Salmon, who has not used this ability, is not sure if there is any problem.
In truth, no one wants another self in this world.
It's okay if there is no soul consciousness. If the split body has the same soul consciousness as itself, Samon doesn't know what other creatures think, but he can't accept it.
What's more, his split is actually quite tasteless.
If he could divide as fast and indefinitely as some cells, then Salmon might be happier.
Because he doesn't need other creatures, he can create a new race in a short time.
But his split is different. His split requires a substance, and it takes a long time for this substance to condense and form in the body.
According to his current cognition, the speed of the split is very fast, it can be completed in ten seconds, but the next split will take a long time.
But at this moment, Salmon felt a bit tasteless, but his splitting ability was crucial.
Compared to when he first left the "Boat of Life", Salmon's body was completely different.
He is now about three meters tall.
Probably you can see that there is still some concept of "human form", or mutated person.
Standing on the ground, Salmon bowed down.
Just as his body was pressing on the ground, his body began to tremble.
A large amount of mucus poured out from his body surface.
As the shaking became more intense, a crack began to appear in the center of his body.
It was like a broken lotus root. When the sticky silk was pulled apart, Salmon's body split in two.
When the sticky threads were finally torn apart, Salmon changed from a humanoid monster to two monsters with only half bodies.
Immediately afterwards, they grew at the same speed of light. In just a few seconds, two monsters with only half their bodies turned into two humanoid monsters.
Glancing at each other, the "Split Body" stared at Salmon with a slightly blank compound eyes.
Can not help but become nervous, Salmon tried to give orders to the "split body" through mental connection.
It didn't disappoint him. No matter whether the "split body" had independent soul consciousness or only possessed biological instincts, at least after Salmon gave the order, "he" turned his body and quickly rushed to the target creature not far away.
Salmon followed closely, and in his mental senses, the "split body" relied on the rapid speed to rush to the target creature.
Allowing the target creature's energy light spot to "explode" a hole invisibly on him, the "split body" petal-like mouthparts opened, and the metal spikes slammed out and pierced the soft body of the target creature.
After completing this action, the front chest of the "split body" was "blasted" out of the target biological energy spot again.
But before he pulled away and left, more energy spots intensively bombarded the "Separator".
The target creature's angry counterattack is fatal, and Salmon hasn't even reacted yet, but the body of the "split body" has been "blasted" to pieces.
Not surprised and rejoiced, Salmon didn't rush out, just watched from a distance.
The corpses all over the ground, one piece to the east and one piece to the west.
After Salmon waited patiently for a while, none of the corpses melted into liquid.
According to established thinking, such a response means that the "split body" that has just absorbed the target organism has not suffered a gene breakdown.
One minute later, a sound from a probe on the planet's orbit, and Salmon rushed forward without hesitation.
With a lightning pass, Salmon was faster than the "split body" and chose a more appropriate angle.
Without a trace at all, when Salmon passed by the target creature, a spike bounced out of his slightly opened mouthparts, but he had already tore off a small piece of flesh and blood on the target creature.
Flying diagonally to high altitude, Salmon suddenly felt the danger coming, but before he could react, he felt a pain in his stomach.
Looking down and seeing the void left by a large piece of flesh and tissue disappeared in his abdomen, Salmon was not surprised but rejoiced.
The attack of the target organism is not an energy attack in the traditional sense, but a space attack method.
The area where the energy light hits, no matter it is any matter, seems to have been swallowed by a "black hole" that suddenly appeared and disappeared.
In other words, this target creature can create a miniature "black hole bomb", at least that's what Salmon understood.
The evolution of "super life forms" does not happen overnight.
The current ability of this target creature is only the initial existence.
As it evolves next and even more times, no matter whether there will be any new abilities or not, the attack power of this ability will definitely take a qualitative leap.
Thinking of this, Salmon was even more energetic, and then flew towards the area where the next "pull-up" was located.
With two "pull-ups" left, Salmon knew he needed to speed up the time.
Because after these two "pull-ups", he still needs to find the "Protoss", looking for an existence that allows him to evolve into a giant starry sky.
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