Chapter 2176: Phased victory

At the beginning of the war between "origin civilization" and "Zerg", the former was always in a passive state.
There is no other reason. When the "origin creature" thought that it had created enough "splits", even enough to flatten the "Zerg", it reluctantly discovered that the "Zerg" had more insects than it expected. Much more.
The tens of billions of "origin" quickly wiped out the worms in that star field.
But just when the "Essence Body" was about to go out to enjoy the hundreds of millions of bugs deliberately left on the battlefield, the abruptly blooming "wormholes" flooded with boundless insects.
The "Zerg" raid was almost a success.
The "origin civilization" of less than tens of billions of "origin creatures" quickly collapsed in the wave of worms.
The "Essential Body" that ran away in a hurry was lucky to have recovered a life, but was hit hard by the horrible energy frenzy attack.
This lesson is extremely profound for the "source body".
It escaped to another galaxy, once again hidden in the stars.
This time it lurked and lasted longer, even more than twice the previous time.
In this incubation, the "primitive body" evolved again.
And this evolution is the truly critical one.
"Essential Body" was surprised to find that it can freely transition between "virtualization" and "entity".
Of course, this "entity" does not mean that it has a body like an ordinary creature, but that it can diffuse energy to form an entity-like state.
Under such conditions, it can do things that it could not do before, such as absorbing the energy of the star, freely controlling the size of the "entity", and completely enveloping a star after it is "substantiated". Concealed and thorough energy absorption.
Compared with "entity", "blur" makes it more pleasantly surprised.
As an energy body, the "primitive body" itself is a virtual existence.
It has no flesh and bones, it is just a special kind of energy body, or a more perfect combination of energy.
However, it still exists. It is not like an empty space, invisible and intangible. It has its own special form.
However, it is different after the "blur", it can hide itself perfectly.
In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the "main brain" of "intelligent micro-civilization".
The "main brain" can send itself from one hardware carrier to another through the transmission of a set of information.
The "virtualized" "primitive body" can perfectly hide itself in various energy radiations in the universe, without being discovered by anything else, at least the "primitive body" itself thinks so.
After this evolution, the "primitive body" is not as impulsive as it was last time.
After confirming that there were not many bugs in the star field where it was located, it ran to another galaxy secretly.
Then, it carefully selected a star and completely wrapped the star with its "substantial" body.
After not knowing how long it took, the "primitive body" created the first batch of "primitive organisms" split.
This time, the number of "origin organisms" it produced was calculated in tens of billions.
The tens of billions of "origin organisms" were not dispatched, and the "origin bodies" continued to gather troops.
In an unknown period of time, after it has produced hundreds of billions of "primitive organisms", the "primitive body" finally dispatched them.
It has mastered the law. After half of the first batch of hundreds of billions of "primitive creatures" and "Zerg" wars were spent, tens of billions of newly born "primitive creatures" rushed into the battlefield.
In this way, from the long-lasting "stalemate" battle to the beginning of gaining the upper hand, the "primitive body" did it without consuming all the energy of a star.
In this way, the invincible and invincible "Zerg" in this universe finally met a real opponent.
Without a body, naturally there is no feeling.
Just created the "primitive body" of tens of billions of "primitive organisms" and began to frantically absorb the energy of the stars.
It can clearly feel that the energy contained in this star is rapidly declining.
At the current speed, the "primitive body" estimates that it can create at most two batches of "primitive organism" split bodies, and this star will run out of energy and become a "dead star."
Of course, the "source body" doesn't care about this.
It may be difficult to find a planet that contains a certain element in the universe, but there are countless stars that can meet its needs.
What's more, the "origin body" has been determined. Not only can it get the energy it needs from stars, it can also be replaced with other planets.
It's just that compared to other planets, the "primitive body" prefers stars that have a violent energy response every minute and every second.
The scale of victory began to tilt toward the "origin civilization."
When the "primitive body" finally ran out of the first star and began to envelope the second star, the "primitive civilization" had already hit a "wormhole" in which the "Zerg" invaded this river system.
Although the "Essential Civilization" and the "Zerg" have invested massive amounts of troops near this "wormhole", the "Essential Body" believes that it will surely achieve this stage of victory.
And at this moment, the fleet of "Sisi Civilization" appeared.
I didn't care about these warships. From the perspective of "Origin", apart from "Zerg", other known civilizations are weak chickens, even if it doesn't know the word "weak chicken".
In other words, in the known star field, apart from the "Zerg", the "Essence Body" does not see any other civilizations at all.
This is not arrogance or arrogance, but such self-confidence of the "source body".
Technological civilization, it has encountered a few.
Although the technological level of those technological civilizations is average, in front of it, those civilizations are weak and vulnerable.
It was estimated that the other party had detected abnormal energy fluctuations before flying over. The "Essence Body" hesitated for a moment, or gave up the plan to "eat".
Tens of thousands of warships are tens of millions of intelligent creatures.
If it leaves the stars to devour those delicious souls, it will delay the birth of tens of billions of "primitive creatures".
At a critical time, these tens of billions of "origin organisms" may be the key to its phased victory.
Although the souls of other intelligent creatures are delicious, the lesser bugs are better than the number.
Completely gave up the plan of "feeding", "Essence Body" gave orders in its special way.
The "origin creatures" that were already about to move in the interstellar medium region on the edge of the star system rushed out in an instant, rushing toward the fleet that was approaching quickly.
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