Chapter 2178: Use

"You can go back."
The destruction of the reconnaissance fleet included the valuable intelligence information they obtained during the brief battle with the "origin civilization". When all this was passed back, the "General" Yabu gave orders in a deep voice.
Regardless of grief, anger or dissatisfaction, I have become accustomed to the deaths of a few or more comrades-in-arms and tribesmen on the battlefield. The other "Sith people" buried their grief in their hearts and started busying themselves in accordance with the instructions of the "General".
The huge fleet, after turning around, did not give those "origin creatures" a chance to approach, and quickly disappeared into the dark universe.
After confirming that the fleet has moved away from space, the "Essence Body" no longer cares about them.
"Sisi civilization" is probably just a trivial passerby for it.
It's just that the "primitive body" doesn't know that this time the "Sisi civilization" passing by in its life means more.
Two spatial transitions, and then passed the "wormhole".
After several more space transitions led by Yabu led the fleet, he finally returned to the edge of the star field controlled by the "Sisi civilization".
Before the fleet completely entered the huge space dock to rely on and perform routine maintenance, Yabu, who had returned to the "Captain's Room," had already started his video conference.
Those participating in this video conference are naturally "owners".
After everyone was "online", Yabu began to speak slowly.
"Science and technology civilization does have a certain suppressive effect on the original civilization."
"Although the fleet we sent and the original civilization only had a short war, we have already obtained enough intelligence."
"The air-energy cannon of the Sisi civilization is the most lethal to the original creature."
"According to the previous analysis of the combat video, the only space-class giant ship air energy main artillery at the time killed at least hundreds of millions of original creatures."
"The same attack of the air energy main gun, if it is against us, the best result is only one tenth of the killing effect."
"In the post-event analysis, the military situation analysis experts of the Sisi civilization made it clear that the energy attack of the main air-energy gun has a certain radiation diffusion effect on the original creature."
"In other words, the air-energy main gun killed a large number of original creatures at the final point of smashing, and the energy radiation spread through the original organisms like a virus, killing more targets. "
"Now we can be sure that the attack of the air energy main gun is extremely terrifying to the original creature."
Yabu spoke in a hurry.
At the same time, he has shared the combat information video.
But this effect is not very good, because of the energy radiation, the sharpness of the combat video is extremely poor.
Without the help of specialized analysis software for filtering, it is estimated that few people can see any useful information from the distorted and turbulent picture.
"So, the Sisi civilization can be used?"
When Jacob's narrative stopped, someone asked suddenly.
I can’t see who it is, because the
Sith people
rarely show up, but after thinking about it, Yabu, who recognized the
, said,
We can understand that, but I still want to say that we can’t Have too much hope for Sisi civilization."
"What do you mean?"
Another "Sisi" asked.
"So far, we have only determined that the attack of the main air cannon will have a huge lethality on the original creature.
"The main air-energy guns require more energy support. Up to now, only the space-class giant ships and the cosmic-class motherships are equipped with such weapons in the Sisi civilization.
"Unless the Sisi civilization can develop weapons similar to the air-energy main gun attack in a shorter period of time and install them on all warships, it will be almost impossible to rely on the Sisi civilization to control the original civilization."
"As for the other energy weapons of the Sisi civilization, according to our just research, except for some missile-type energy weapons that have not been used due to distance, other weapons have no lethality against the original creature."
Yabu said slowly while thinking.
"So, Sisi civilization is useless?"
Another "Sisi" also spoke.
"You can't say that, it depends on how we understand."
"The Sith people have a high degree of technological civilization. They don’t necessarily have to create weapons like the main air-energy guns. If they can determine what caused the horrible damage to the original creatures, then they may be able to create some instrument."
"Maybe as long as this kind of instrument is put on the battlefield and turned on, the energy radiation produced will continuously kill the nasty original creatures."
"Of course, these are just my guesses. We still need to confirm what the facts are like."
Jacob spoke his thoughts.
"Further observation."
"Using the scientists of the Sisi civilization to fully study the combat video, create new weapons aimed at the original creature, or a simplified version of the air-energy main gun, or even similar energy bombs."
"I will pass the message back to the mother civilization and tell the lord and Lord Abathur everything."
During the video conference, a "Sisi" said in a deep voice.
His words also mean the end of this video conference.
"Parasites" themselves don't have much wisdom, but they are a kind of magical creature.
After parasitizing the target, they will learn and control the thinking and consciousness of the host.
In other words, how smart the host is, they are just as smart.
However, no matter how smart the host is, they are no longer individuals with independent thoughts and consciousness.
It is the "parasites" of the "Zerg" that dominate their bodies, and these "sith people" are just like the "puppets" they drive, just like "puppets".
Just like the "Sisi" who spoke at the end of the video conference, as a core member of the "Sisi Council of Civilization Rights", he has extraordinary wisdom.
Therefore, there is no doubt that he has become the leader of all puppets of the "Sisi civilization".
After the video conference ended, the leader walked to the rooftop of the office.
He looked up to the sky, and at the same time transmitted some information through special mental power.
Just outside the orbit of this planet, there are countless merchant ships.
On one of the merchant ships, after receiving this message, a seemingly humble mechanic showed a weird smile.
The merchant ship quickly loaded all the cargo and left the planet at the same time.
After a short space transition, the merchant ship passed through a "wormhole", and then passed through three different "wormholes" successively.
In this way, the merchant ship laden with supplies reached the edge of the star field controlled by the "Sisi civilization".
Just as the robots were distributing various materials to different transport ships and transporting them to different combat planets, the mechanic passed the information while driving the merchant ship over an exploding planet.
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