Chapter 2189: Why don't i go see

With a heavy blow to the tailbone, the energy arc on Salmon's body finally dissipated completely, and the head lost consciousness under the heavy blow, but the body was knocked down by the terrifying force and flew out while the head leaned back vigorously.
The tailbone that was originally throbbing unfolded, Yunhai encircled Salmon, who was almost half of his breath, and slowly flew in front of the "wormhole".
After defeating Salmon by an absolute advantage, Yun Hai was not at all happy.
The information that just appeared in his mind has clearly stated the problem.
Yun Hai knew that he had been fooled. It was Salmon who was not fake in front of him, but he was not the real Salmon.
Split or copy, Yun Hai didn't know, but he was sure that he was not catching Salmon, but just a copy of him.
The replica generally does not possess much consciousness and wisdom, and may even be a marionette-like puppet.
Yun Hai knew about this very early.
However, this copy of Salmon, he is different.
If Salmon didn't control him remotely, with his perfect performance, Yunhai felt that he was not wronged.
This is the fact. The universe will never revolve around a certain civilization or a certain individual. Even if Yun Hai is unwilling in his heart, he will never be too wronged.
Floating in front of the "wormhole", the sea of ​​clouds hesitated.
Only after a moment, he had already made a decision.
Turning his body away from the "wormhole", Yunhai opened a "wormhole" after flashing away from the "Left Connected Galaxy", and the tailbone encircled the dying "Salmon" and left.
"Why not catch up?"
In the "Angular Star System", on the life planet transformed by the "Sarnaga tribe", Yunyue asked Yunhai incrediblely.
"Why catch up?"
It took ten days to return to the sea of ​​clouds in the "Angular Star System", and the comatose "Salmon" was still surrounded by the tailbone, and Tong Jin asked rhetorically.
"That's Salmon, you don't want to know why he desperately passed through the wormhole at the expense of a rare copy?"
Yun Yue said without thinking.
"I chase him, not necessarily knowing what he wants to do, or what he is planning."
"I chased him just because he successfully integrated the genes of you, aliens, and more living organisms. I want to know how he did it."
"Of course, after I figure this out, I will take revenge. After all, he has imprisoned Zhihan and Yunjiang for so long."
"His copy is also him. I don't need him to know anything, because intelligent creatures can lie, but genes don't. What I need is his genes."
"My needs have been met."
"Under such circumstances, why should I risk chasing him through the wormhole?"
Yun Hai responded with a natural tone.
"You really don't want to know what he wants to do in the Zerg Star Territory?"
"Don't want to know at all?"
Yunyue is obviously still a little confused.
"I would like to know."
"But I am different from him. Now Salmon is just himself."
"For example, he doesn't have to think about the tribesmen of the angular star system, and he doesn't have to think about the life boat.
"But I am different. I must consider the 70 billion aliens here, as well as the safety of you and Yunjiang."
"I have a feeling that the Zerg might really invade this star field this time."
"And in this river system, although there are still many civilizations, there is no such powerful civilization as the Morning Star Federation."
"In other words, the Zerg will definitely not waste too much time in this river system. In this case, we will not have much time for alien civilization."
Yun Hai explained to Yun Yue carefully, but at the same time his attention shifted to Yun Jiang.
"You don't want to do something to him?"
Seeing Yun Jiang next to him from time to time tore a piece of flesh and blood from the corpse of a "super life form" beside him, but he didn't care about the "Salmon" circled behind him, Yun Hai couldn't help asking.
Aliens distinguish different biological entities, especially special biological entities, but have their own way.
In the atmospheric environment, the breath of different individuals is simply a bright beacon, so even in a dense crowd, they can instantly find the target they are looking for.
In the cosmic environment, they have their own special perception.
Just as there are no two identical life forms in the world, there are no two identical lights of life force among the same type of organism.
If this sentence is replaced by a mysterious, exaggerated one, it would be "I can smell your soul."
Of course, ordinary aliens may not be able to do this.
However, things like Yunhai, Yunyue, "Alien Animals and Alien" and all "Alien Queens" can probably do it.
In other words, Yunhai or Yunyue, no matter what their mimicry has become, a star behemoth or a human, or a bird or a tree, they can instantly determine their true identity, including some aliens.
He has the bloodline of the "Alien Domination", although Yun Hai knows that his "Domination" bloodline is not pure, he also wants to know whether Yunjiang has a higher starting point than other aliens from the genetic level.
"He is not him."
A piece of pink tendon tissue was torn off from the "Super Life Form". Yunjiang was not eager to swallow it, but chewed it carefully.
In front of it, there are more than a dozen "super life forms" corpses.
These corpses, without exception, had blood holes of varying numbers on the surface.
These blood holes are also open holes from the inside to the outside.
Obviously, they are all left behind after alien parasites.
And Yunyue, who spoiled Yunjiang, didn't devour these newly born aliens to make them grow and evolve faster, so she took it to Yunjiang as a tonic.
He swallowed one bite without a bite. While Yun Jiang responded to the sea of ​​clouds, he ignored the comatose "Salmon" whose tailbone was raised in front of it.
"It seems that it's really not him."
Yun Hai sighed, but the tailbone still did not loosen.
"Or I'll go take a look."
Unexpectedly, Yunyue, who had questioned him for a long while, had not unexpectedly stated his ultimate goal.
"First of all, I want to declare that I am not running for excitement and fun."
"You can see it now, Salmon is no ordinary person."
"He is willing to risk his life to go to the other side of the wormhole, obviously there must be something over there that has attracted him deeply."
"Plus the Zerg is over there, we must figure out the situation on the other side of the wormhole."
"Information is more important than anything else. If we just keep our heads developing, it is impossible to win the war with the Zerg."
In the spiritual communication, Yunyue's tone was absolutely awe-inspiring.
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